#!/bin/sh PREFIX= PROGRAM=$(basename $0) : ${ROOT:=/} [ "${ROOT}" = "${ROOT%/}" ] && ROOT="${ROOT}/" [ "${ROOT}" = "${ROOT#/}" ] && ROOT="${PWD}/${ROOT}" # echo if in verbose mode vecho() { if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "$@" fi } # echo unless quiet mode qecho() { if [ -z "$QUIET" ]; then echo "$@" fi } # echo to stderr eecho() { echo "$@" >&2 } # echo to stderr and exit with error die() { eecho "$@" exit 1 } init_tmpdir() { local omask="$(umask)" local __tmpd="/tmp/$PROGRAM-${$}-$(date +%s)-$RANDOM" umask 077 || die "umask" mkdir -p "$__tmpd" || exit 1 trap "rc=\$?; rm -fr \"$__tmpd\"; exit \$rc" 0 umask $omask eval "$1=\"$__tmpd\"" } default_read() { local n read n [ -z "$n" ] && n="$2" eval "$1=\"$n\"" } cfg_add() { $MOCK lbu_add "$@" } # return true if given value is Y, y, Yes, yes YES etc yesno() { case $1 in [Yy]|[Yy][Ee][Ss]) return 0;; esac return 1 } # Detect if we are running Xen is_xen() { test -d /proc/xen } # Detect if we are running Xen Dom0 is_xen_dom0() { is_xen && \ grep -q "control_d" /proc/xen/capabilities 2>/dev/null } # list of available network interfaces that aren't part of any bridge or bond available_ifaces() { local iflist= ifpath= iface= i= if ! [ -d "$ROOT"/sys/class/net ]; then ip link | awk -F: '$1 ~ /^[0-9]+$/ {printf "%s",$2}' return fi sorted_ifindexes=$( for i in "$ROOT"/sys/class/net/*/ifindex; do [ -e "$i" ] || continue printf "%s\t%s\n" "$(cat $i)" $i; done | sort -n | awk '{print $2}') for i in $sorted_ifindexes; do ifpath=${i%/*} iface=${ifpath##*/} # skip interfaces that are part of a bond or bridge if [ -d "$ifpath"/master/bonding ] || [ -d "$ifpath"/brport ]; then continue fi iflist="${iflist}${iflist:+ }$iface" done echo $iflist } # from OpenBSD installer # Ask for a password, saving the input in $resp. # Display $1 as the prompt. # *Don't* allow the '!' options that ask does. # *Don't* echo input. # *Don't* interpret "\" as escape character. askpass() { printf %s "$1 " set -o noglob $MOCK stty -echo read -r resp $MOCK stty echo set +o noglob echo } # Ask for a password twice, saving the input in $_password askpassword() { local _oifs="$IFS" IFS= while :; do askpass "Password for $1 account? (will not echo)" _password=$resp askpass "Password for $1 account? (again)" # N.B.: Need quotes around $resp and $_password to preserve leading # or trailing spaces. [ "$resp" = "$_password" ] && break echo "Passwords do not match, try again." done IFS=$_oifs } # test the first argument against the remaining ones, return success on a match isin() { local _a="$1" _b shift for _b; do [ "$_a" = "$_b" ] && return 0 done return 1 } # remove all occurrences of first argument from list formed by # the remaining arguments rmel() { local _a="$1" _b shift for _b; do [ "$_a" != "$_b" ] && printf %s "$_b " done } # Issue a read into the global variable $resp. _ask() { local _redo=0 read resp case "$resp" in !) echo "Type 'exit' to return to setup." sh _redo=1 ;; !*) eval "${resp#?}" _redo=1 ;; esac return $_redo } # Ask for user input. # # $1 = the question to ask the user # $2 = the default answer # # Save the user input (or the default) in $resp. # # Allow the user to escape to shells ('!') or execute commands # ('!foo') before entering the input. ask() { local _question="$1" _default="$2" while :; do printf %s "$_question " [ -z "$_default" ] || printf "[%s] " "$_default" _ask && : ${resp:=$_default} && break done } # Ask for user input until a non-empty reply is entered. # # $1 = the question to ask the user # $2 = the default answer # # Save the user input (or the default) in $resp. ask_until() { resp= while [ -z "$resp" ] ; do ask "$1" "$2" done } # Ask for user for y/n until y, yes, n or no is responded # # $1 = the question to ask the user # $2 = the default answer # # Returns true/sucess if y/yes was responded. false othewise ask_yesno() { while true; do ask "$1" "$2" case "$resp" in y|yes|n|no) break;; esac done yesno "$resp" } # Ask for the user to select one value from a list, or 'done'. # # $1 = name of the list items (disk, cd, etc.) # $2 = question to ask # $3 = list of valid choices # $4 = default choice, if it is not specified use the first item in $3 # # N.B.! $3 and $4 will be "expanded" using eval, so be sure to escape them # if they contain spooky stuff # # At exit $resp holds selected item, or 'done' ask_which() { local _name="$1" _query="$2" _list="$3" _def="$4" _dynlist _dyndef while :; do # Put both lines in ask prompt, rather than use a # separate 'echo' to ensure the entire question is # re-ask'ed after a '!' or '!foo' shell escape. eval "_dynlist=\"$_list\"" eval "_dyndef=\"$_def\"" # Clean away whitespace and determine the default set -o noglob set -- $_dyndef; _dyndef="$1" set -- $_dynlist; _dynlist="$*" set +o noglob [ $# -lt 1 ] && resp=done && return : ${_dyndef:=$1} echo "Available ${_name}s are: $_dynlist." printf "Which one %s? (or 'done') " "$_query" [ -n "$_dyndef" ] && printf "[%s] " "$_dyndef" _ask || continue [ -z "$resp" ] && resp="$_dyndef" # Quote $resp to prevent user from confusing isin() by # entering something like 'a a'. isin "$resp" $_dynlist done && break echo "'$resp' is not a valid choice." done } find_modloop_media() { devnum=$(mountpoint -d /.modloop) || return test -n "$devnum" || return modloop_file=$(cat /sys/dev/block/$devnum/loop/backing_file) || return test -n "$modloop_file" || return # assume that device name and mount point don't contain spaces modloop_media=$(df "$modloop_file" | awk 'NR==2{print $6}') || return test -n "$modloop_media" || return echo "$modloop_media" } # Extract fully qualified domain name from current hostname. If none is # currently set, use the provided fallback. get_fqdn() { local _dn _dn=$(hostname -f 2>/dev/null) _dn=${_dn#$(hostname -s 2>/dev/null)} _dn=${_dn#.} echo "${_dn:=$1}" }