#!/bin/sh PREFIX= : ${LIBDIR=$PREFIX/lib} . "$LIBDIR/libalpine.sh" conf="$ROOT/etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf" usage() { cat <<-EOF usage: setup-mta [-h] [SMTPSERVER] Setup SMTP server for outgoing email options: -h Show this help If SMTPSERVER is not prompted user will be prompted EOF exit $1 } cfgval() { awk -F= "/^$1/ {print \$2}" $conf 2>/dev/null } setcfg() { local key="$1" local value="$2" mkdir -p "${conf%/*}" sed -i "s/^\\(\\#\\)*$key=.*/$key=$value/" "$conf" 2>/dev/null if ! grep -q "^$key=" "$conf" 2>/dev/null; then echo "$key=$value" >> "$conf" fi } while getopts "h" opt; do case $opt in h) usage 0;; '?') usage "1" >&2;; esac done shift $(( $OPTIND - 1 )) mailhub="$1" if [ -f "$conf" ] ; then mailhub=$(cfgval mailhub) fi domain=$(hostname -d $hostname 2>/dev/null) if [ -z "$mailhub" ] ;then if [ -n "$domain" ] ; then mailhub="smtp.$domain" else mailhub=smtp fi fi res= while [ $# -eq 0 ] && [ "$res" != "221" ]; do ask "Outgoing mail server? (e.g 'smtp.isp.com')" "$mailhub" mailhub="$resp" if ! ask_yesno "Test connection? (y/n)" y; then break fi res=$(printf "quit\r\n\n" | nc $mailhub 25 | awk '/^221/ {print $1}') [ "x$res" = "x221" ] && echo "Connection to $mailhub is ok." done apk add ssmtp setcfg mailhub $mailhub setcfg FromLineOverride YES