payment_method_is_overridden( 'check_status' ) ) { $this->setup_cron(); } } /** * Runs when the payment add-on is initialized. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @uses GFFeedAddOn::init() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::confirmation() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::maybe_validate() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::entry_post_save() * * @return void */ public function init() { parent::init(); add_filter( 'gform_confirmation', array( $this, 'confirmation' ), 20, 4 ); add_filter( 'gform_validation', array( $this, 'maybe_validate' ), 20 ); add_filter( 'gform_entry_post_save', array( $this, 'entry_post_save' ), 10, 2 ); if ( $this->_requires_credit_card ) { add_filter( 'gform_register_init_scripts', array( $this, 'register_creditcard_token_script' ), 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'gform_field_content', array( $this, 'add_creditcard_token_input' ), 10, 5 ); add_filter( 'gform_form_args', array( $this, 'force_ajax_for_creditcard_tokens' ), 10, 1 ); } add_filter( 'gform_is_delayed_pre_process_feed', array( $this, 'maybe_delay_feed_processing' ), 20, 4 ); } /** * Runs only when the payment add-on is initialized in the admin. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @uses GFFeedAddOn::init_admin() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::$_requires_credit_card * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::supported_currencies() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::entry_deleted() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::entry_info() * * @return void */ public function init_admin() { parent::init_admin(); if ( $this->_requires_credit_card ) { // Enable the credit card field. add_filter( 'gform_enable_credit_card_field', '__return_true' ); } add_filter( 'gform_currencies', array( $this, 'supported_currencies' ) ); add_filter( 'gform_delete_lead', array( $this, 'entry_deleted' ) ); add_action( 'gform_before_delete_field', array( $this, 'before_delete_field' ), 10, 2 ); if ( rgget( 'page' ) == 'gf_entries' ) { add_action( 'gform_payment_details', array( $this, 'entry_info' ), 10, 2 ); } } /** * Runs only when AJAX actions are being performed. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @uses GFFeedAddOn::init_ajax() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::ajax_cancel_subscription() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::before_delete_field() * * @return void */ public function init_ajax() { parent::init_ajax(); add_action( 'wp_ajax_gaddon_cancel_subscription', array( $this, 'ajax_cancel_subscription' ) ); } /** * Runs the setup of the payment add-on. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @uses GFFeedAddOn::setup() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::upgrade_payment() * @uses GFAddOn::$_slug * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::$_payment_version * * @return void */ public function setup() { parent::setup(); $installed_version = get_option( 'gravityformsaddon_payment_version' ); $installed_addons = get_option( 'gravityformsaddon_payment_addons' ); if ( ! is_array( $installed_addons ) ) { $installed_addons = array(); } if ( $installed_version != $this->_payment_version ) { $this->upgrade_payment( $installed_version ); $installed_addons = array( $this->_slug ); update_option( 'gravityformsaddon_payment_addons', $installed_addons ); } elseif ( ! in_array( $this->_slug, $installed_addons ) ) { $this->upgrade_payment( $installed_version ); $installed_addons[] = $this->_slug; update_option( 'gravityformsaddon_payment_addons', $installed_addons ); } update_option( 'gravityformsaddon_payment_version', $this->_payment_version ); } /** * Upgrades the payment add-on framework database tables. * * Not intended to be used. * * @since Unknown * @access private * * @uses GFFormsModel::dbDelta() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::$_supports_callbacks * @uses GFForms::drop_index() * * @global $wpdb * @param null $previous_versions Not used. * * @return void */ private function upgrade_payment( $previous_versions ) { global $wpdb; $charset_collate = GFFormsModel::get_db_charset(); $sql = "CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}gf_addon_payment_transaction ( id int(10) unsigned not null auto_increment, lead_id int(10) unsigned not null, transaction_type varchar(30) not null, transaction_id varchar(50), subscription_id varchar(50), is_recurring tinyint(1) not null default 0, amount decimal(19,2), date_created datetime, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY lead_id (lead_id), KEY transaction_type (transaction_type), KEY type_lead (lead_id,transaction_type) ) $charset_collate;"; gf_upgrade()->dbDelta( $sql ); if ( $this->_supports_callbacks ) { $sql = "CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}gf_addon_payment_callback ( id int(10) unsigned not null auto_increment, lead_id int(10) unsigned not null, addon_slug varchar(250) not null, callback_id varchar(250), date_created datetime, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY addon_slug_callback_id (addon_slug(50),callback_id(100)) ) $charset_collate;"; gf_upgrade()->dbDelta( $sql ); // Dropping legacy index. gf_upgrade()->drop_index( "{$wpdb->prefix}gf_addon_payment_callback", 'slug_callback_id' ); } } /** * Gets called when Gravity Forms upgrade process is completed. This function is intended to be used internally, override the upgrade() function to execute database update scripts. * @param $db_version - Current Gravity Forms database version * @param $previous_db_version - Previous Gravity Forms database version * @param $force_upgrade - True if this is a request to force an upgrade. False if this is a standard upgrade (due to version change) */ public function post_gravityforms_upgrade( $db_version, $previous_db_version, $force_upgrade ){ // Forcing Upgrade if( $force_upgrade ){ $installed_version = get_option( 'gravityformsaddon_payment_version' ); $this->upgrade_payment( $installed_version ); update_option( 'gravityformsaddon_payment_version', $this->_payment_version ); } parent::post_gravityforms_upgrade( $db_version, $previous_db_version, $force_upgrade ); } //--------- Delayed Feeds ------ /** * Determines if feed processing is delayed by the payment feed configuration. * * @since 2.4.13 * * @param bool $is_delayed Is feed processing delayed? * @param array $form The form currently being processed. * @param array $entry The entry currently being processed. * @param string $slug The Add-On slug e.g. gravityformsmailchimp * * @return bool */ public function maybe_delay_feed_processing( $is_delayed, $form, $entry, $slug ) { if ( $is_delayed || ! $this->is_payment_gateway( $entry['id'] ) ) { return $is_delayed; } $payment_feed = $this->current_feed; return (bool) rgars( $payment_feed, 'meta/delay_' . $slug ); } /** * Triggers processing of delayed feeds for other add-ons. * * @since 2.4.13 * * @param string $transaction_id The transaction or subscription ID. * @param array $payment_feed The payment feed which originated the transaction. * @param array $entry The entry currently being processed. * @param array $form The form currently being processed. */ public function trigger_payment_delayed_feeds( $transaction_id, $payment_feed, $entry, $form ) { if ( has_filter( 'gform_trigger_payment_delayed_feeds' ) ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Executing functions hooked to gform_trigger_payment_delayed_feeds.' ); /** * Used in GFFeedAddOn to trigger processing of feeds delayed until payment is completed. * * @since 2.4.13 * * @param string $transaction_id The transaction or subscription ID. * @param array $payment_feed The payment feed which originated the transaction. * @param array $entry The entry currently being processed. * @param array $form The form currently being processed. */ do_action( 'gform_trigger_payment_delayed_feeds', $transaction_id, $payment_feed, $entry, $form ); } } /** * Override to specify where the "Post Payment Action" setting should appear on the payment add-on feed. * * @since 2.4.13 * * @param string $feed_slug The feed add-on slug. * * @return array */ public function get_post_payment_actions_config( $feed_slug ) { // We specify PayPal here for backwards capability, in case the PayPal add-on < 3.3 // hasn't implemented get_post_payment_actions_config(). if ( $this->get_slug() === 'gravityformspaypal' ) { $config = array( 'position' => 'after', 'setting' => 'options', ); } else { $config = array(); } return $config; } //--------- Submission Process ------ /** * Handles post-submission confirmations. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::$redirect_url * * @param array $confirmation The confirmation details. * @param array $form The Form Object that the confirmation is being run for. * @param array $entry The Entry Object associated with the submission. * @param bool $ajax If the submission was done using AJAX. * * @return array The confirmation details. */ public function confirmation( $confirmation, $form, $entry, $ajax ) { if ( empty( $this->redirect_url ) ) { return $confirmation; } $confirmation = array( 'redirect' => $this->redirect_url ); return $confirmation; } /** * Override this function to specify a URL to the third party payment processor. * * Useful when developing a payment gateway that processes the payment outside of the website (i.e. PayPal Standard). * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFPaymentAddOn::entry_post_save() * * @param array $feed Active payment feed containing all the configuration data. * @param array $submission_data Contains form field data submitted by the user as well as payment information (i.e. payment amount, setup fee, line items, etc...). * @param array $form Current form array containing all form settings. * @param array $entry Current entry array containing entry information (i.e data submitted by users). * * @return void|string Return a full URL (including http:// or https://) to the payment processor. */ public function redirect_url( $feed, $submission_data, $form, $entry ) { } /** * Check if the rest of the form has passed validation, is the last page, and that the honeypot field has not been completed. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFPaymentAddOn::init() * @uses GFFormDisplay::is_last_page() * @uses GFFormDisplay::get_max_field_id() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::validation() * * @param array $validation_result Contains the validation result, the Form Object, and the failed validation page number. * * @return array $validation_result */ public function maybe_validate( $validation_result ) { $form = $validation_result['form']; $is_last_page = GFFormDisplay::is_last_page( $form ); $failed_honeypot = false; if ( $is_last_page && rgar( $form, 'enableHoneypot' ) ) { $honeypot_id = GFFormDisplay::get_max_field_id( $form ) + 1; $failed_honeypot = ! rgempty( "input_{$honeypot_id}" ); } // Validation called by partial entries feature via the heartbeat API. $is_heartbeat = rgpost('action') == 'heartbeat'; if ( ! $validation_result['is_valid'] || ! $is_last_page || $failed_honeypot || $is_heartbeat ) { return $validation_result; } return $this->validation( $validation_result ); } /** * Handles the validation and processing of payments. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::get_payment_feed * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::get_submission_data * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::$is_payment_gateway * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::$current_feed * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::$current_submission_data * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::payment_method_is_overridden * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::authorize * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::subscribe * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::get_validation_result * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::$authorization * @uses GFFeedAddOn::$_single_submission_feed * @uses GFFormsModel::create_lead * @uses GFAddOn::log_debug * @uses GFFormDisplay::set_current_page * * @param array $validation_result The validation details to use. * * @return array The validation details after completion. */ public function validation( $validation_result ) { if ( ! $validation_result['is_valid'] ) { return $validation_result; } $form = $validation_result['form']; $entry = GFFormsModel::create_lead( $form ); $feed = $this->get_payment_feed( $entry, $form ); if ( ! $feed ) { return $validation_result; } global $gf_payment_gateway; if ( $gf_payment_gateway && $gf_payment_gateway !== $this->get_slug() ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '() Aborting. Submission already processed by ' . $gf_payment_gateway ); return $validation_result; } $submission_data = $this->get_submission_data( $feed, $form, $entry ); // Do not process payment if payment amount is 0. if ( floatval( $submission_data['payment_amount'] ) <= 0 ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Payment amount is zero or less. Not sending to payment gateway.' ); return $validation_result; } if ( GFCommon::is_spam_entry( $entry, $form ) ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '() Aborting. Submission flagged as spam.' ); return $validation_result; } $gf_payment_gateway = $this->get_slug(); $this->is_payment_gateway = true; $this->current_feed = $this->_single_submission_feed = $feed; $this->current_submission_data = $submission_data; $performed_authorization = false; $is_subscription = $feed['meta']['transactionType'] == 'subscription'; if ( $this->payment_method_is_overridden( 'authorize' ) && ! $is_subscription ) { //Running an authorization only transaction if function is implemented and this is a single payment $this->authorization = $this->authorize( $feed, $submission_data, $form, $entry ); $performed_authorization = true; } elseif ( $this->payment_method_is_overridden( 'subscribe' ) && $is_subscription ) { $subscription = $this->subscribe( $feed, $submission_data, $form, $entry ); $this->authorization['is_authorized'] = rgar($subscription,'is_success'); $this->authorization['error_message'] = rgar( $subscription, 'error_message' ); $this->authorization['subscription'] = $subscription; $performed_authorization = true; } if ( $performed_authorization ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . "(): Authorization result for form #{$form['id']} submission => " . print_r( $this->authorization, 1 ) ); } if ( $performed_authorization && ! rgar( $this->authorization, 'is_authorized' ) ) { $validation_result = $this->get_validation_result( $validation_result, $this->authorization ); //Setting up current page to point to the credit card page since that will be the highlighted field GFFormDisplay::set_current_page( $validation_result['form']['id'], $validation_result['credit_card_page'] ); } return $validation_result; } /** * Override this method to add integration code to the payment processor in order to authorize a credit card with or * without capturing payment. * * This method is executed during the form validation process and allows the form submission process to fail with a * validation error if there is anything wrong with the payment/authorization. This method is only supported by * single payments. For subscriptions or recurring payments, use the GFPaymentAddOn::subscribe() method. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFPaymentAddOn::validation() * * @param array $feed Current configured payment feed. * @param array $submission_data Contains form field data submitted by the user as well as payment information * (i.e. payment amount, setup fee, line items, etc...). * @param array $form The Form Object. * @param array $entry The Entry Object. NOTE: the entry hasn't been saved to the database at this point, * so this $entry object does not have the 'ID' property and is only a memory * representation of the entry. * * @return array { * Return an $authorization array. * * @type bool $is_authorized True if the payment is authorized. Otherwise, false. * @type string $error_message The error message, if present. * @type string $transaction_id The transaction ID. * @type array $captured_payment { * If payment is captured, an additional array is created. * * @type bool $is_success If the payment capture is successful. * @type string $error_message The error message, if any. * @type string $transaction_id The transaction ID of the captured payment. * @type int $amount The amount of the captured payment, if successful. * } * } */ public function authorize( $feed, $submission_data, $form, $entry ) { } /** * Override this method to capture a single payment that has been authorized via the authorize() method. * * Use only with single payments. For subscriptions, use subscribe() instead. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFPaymentAddOn::entry_post_save() * * @param array $authorization Contains the result of the authorize() function. * @param array $feed Current configured payment feed. * @param array $submission_data Contains form field data submitted by the user as well as payment information. * (i.e. payment amount, setup fee, line items, etc...). * @param array $form Current form array containing all form settings. * @param array $entry Current entry array containing entry information (i.e data submitted by users). * * @return array { * Return an array with the information about the captured payment in the following format: * * @type bool $is_success If the payment capture is successful. * @type string $error_message The error message, if any. * @type string $transaction_id The transaction ID of the captured payment. * @type int $amount The amount of the captured payment, if successful. * @type string $payment_method The card issuer. * } */ public function capture( $authorization, $feed, $submission_data, $form, $entry ) { } /** * Override this method to add integration code to the payment processor in order to create a subscription. * * This method is executed during the form validation process and allows the form submission process to fail with a * validation error if there is anything wrong when creating the subscription. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFPaymentAddOn::validation() * * @param array $feed Current configured payment feed. * @param array $submission_data Contains form field data submitted by the user as well as payment information * (i.e. payment amount, setup fee, line items, etc...). * @param array $form Current form array containing all form settings. * @param array $entry Current entry array containing entry information (i.e data submitted by users). * NOTE: the entry hasn't been saved to the database at this point, so this $entry * object does not have the 'ID' property and is only a memory representation of the entry. * * @return array { * Return an $subscription array in the following format: * * @type bool $is_success If the subscription is successful. * @type string $error_message The error message, if applicable. * @type string $subscription_id The subscription ID. * @type int $amount The subscription amount. * @type array $captured_payment { * If payment is captured, an additional array is created. * * @type bool $is_success If the payment capture is successful. * @type string $error_message The error message, if any. * @type string $transaction_id The transaction ID of the captured payment. * @type int $amount The amount of the captured payment, if successful. * } * * To implement an initial/setup fee for gateways that don't support setup fees as part of subscriptions, manually * capture the funds for the setup fee as a separate transaction and send that payment information in the * following 'captured_payment' array: * * 'captured_payment' => [ * 'name' => 'Setup Fee', * 'is_success' => true|false, * 'error_message' => 'error message', * 'transaction_id' => 'xxx', * 'amount' => 20 * ] */ public function subscribe( $feed, $submission_data, $form, $entry ) { } /** * Override this method to add integration code to the payment processor in order to cancel a subscription. * * This method is executed when a subscription is canceled from the Payment Gateway (i.e. Stripe or PayPal). * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFPaymentAddOn::ajax_cancel_subscription() * * @param array $entry Current entry array containing entry information (i.e data submitted by users). * @param array $feed Current configured payment feed. * * @return bool Returns true if the subscription was cancelled successfully and false otherwise. * */ public function cancel( $entry, $feed ) { return false; } /** * Gets the payment validation result. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFPaymentAddOn::validation() * * @param array $validation_result Contains the form validation results. * @param array $authorization_result Contains the form authorization results. * * @return array The validation result for the credit card field. */ public function get_validation_result( $validation_result, $authorization_result ) { $credit_card_page = 0; foreach ( $validation_result['form']['fields'] as &$field ) { if ( $field->type == 'creditcard' ) { $field->failed_validation = true; $field->validation_message = $authorization_result['error_message']; $credit_card_page = $field->pageNumber; break; } } $validation_result['credit_card_page'] = $credit_card_page; $validation_result['is_valid'] = false; return $validation_result; } /** * Sets the processed feed meta. * * @since 2.4.13 Overrode to prevent processed feed meta being set when a different add-on processed the submission. * * @param array $entry The Entry Object currently being processed. * @param array $form The Form Object currently being processed. * * @return array */ public function maybe_process_feed( $entry, $form ) { global $gf_payment_gateway; if ( $gf_payment_gateway && $gf_payment_gateway !== $this->get_slug() ) { return $entry; } return parent::maybe_process_feed( $entry, $form ); } /** * Handles additional processing after an entry is saved. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFPaymentAddOn::init() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::$is_payment_gateway * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::$current_feed * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::$authorization * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::process_subscription() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::payment_method_is_overridden() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::process_capture() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::redirect_url() * * @param array $entry The Entry Object. * @param array $form The Form Object. * * @return array The Entry Object. */ public function entry_post_save( $entry, $form ) { if ( ! $this->is_payment_gateway ) { return $entry; } // Saving which gateway was used to process this entry. gform_update_meta( $entry['id'], 'payment_gateway', $this->_slug ); $feed = $this->current_feed; if ( ! empty( $this->authorization ) ) { // If an authorization was done, capture it. if ( $feed['meta']['transactionType'] == 'subscription' ) { $entry = $this->process_subscription( $this->authorization, $feed, $this->current_submission_data, $form, $entry ); } else { if ( $this->payment_method_is_overridden( 'capture' ) && rgempty( 'captured_payment', $this->authorization ) ) { $this->authorization['captured_payment'] = $this->capture( $this->authorization, $feed, $this->current_submission_data, $form, $entry ); } $entry = $this->process_capture( $this->authorization, $feed, $this->current_submission_data, $form, $entry ); } } elseif ( $this->payment_method_is_overridden( 'redirect_url' ) ) { // If the url_redirect() function is overridden, call it. // Getting URL to redirect to ( saved to be used by the confirmation() function ). $this->redirect_url = $this->redirect_url( $feed, $this->current_submission_data, $form, $entry ); // Setting transaction_type to subscription or one time payment. $entry['transaction_type'] = rgars( $feed, 'meta/transactionType' ) == 'subscription' ? 2 : 1; $entry['payment_status'] = 'Processing'; } return $entry; } /** * Processed the capturing of payments. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFPaymentAddOn::entry_post_save() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::complete_authorization() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::complete_payment() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::fail_payment() * * @param array $authorization The payment authorization details. * @param array $feed The Feed Object. * @param array $submission_data The form submission data. * @param array $form The Form Object. * @param array $entry The Entry Object. * * @return array The Entry Object. */ public function process_capture( $authorization, $feed, $submission_data, $form, $entry ) { $payment = rgar( $authorization, 'captured_payment' ); if ( empty( $payment ) && rgar( $authorization, 'is_authorized' ) ) { if ( ! rgar( $authorization, 'amount' ) ) { $authorization['amount'] = rgar( $submission_data, 'payment_amount' ); } $this->complete_authorization( $entry, $authorization ); return $entry; } $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . "(): Updating entry #{$entry['id']} with result => " . print_r( $payment, 1 ) ); if ( $payment['is_success'] ) { $entry['is_fulfilled'] = '1'; $payment['payment_status'] = 'Paid'; $payment['payment_date'] = gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ); $payment['type'] = 'complete_payment'; $this->complete_payment( $entry, $payment ); } else { $entry['payment_status'] = 'Failed'; $payment['type'] = 'fail_payment'; $payment['note'] = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Payment failed to be captured. Reason: %s', 'gravityforms' ), $payment['error_message'] ); $this->fail_payment( $entry, $payment ); } return $entry; } /** * Processes payment subscriptions. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFPaymentAddOn::entry_post_save() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::insert_transaction() * @uses GFCommon::to_money() * @uses GFAddOn::add_note() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::start_subscription() * @uses GFAPI::update_entry() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::post_payment_action() * * @param array $authorization The payment authorization details. * @param array $feed The Feed Object. * @param array $submission_data The form submission data. * @param array $form The Form Object. * @param array $entry The Entry Object. * * @return array The Entry Object. */ public function process_subscription( $authorization, $feed, $submission_data, $form, $entry ) { $subscription = rgar( $authorization, 'subscription' ); if ( empty( $subscription ) ) { return $entry; } $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . "(): Updating entry #{$entry['id']} with result => " . print_r( $subscription, 1 ) ); // If setup fee / trial is captured as part of a separate transaction. $payment = rgar( $subscription, 'captured_payment' ); $payment_name = rgempty( 'name', $payment ) ? esc_html__( 'Initial payment', 'gravityforms' ) : $payment['name']; if ( $payment && $payment['is_success'] ) { $this->insert_transaction( $entry['id'], 'payment', $payment['transaction_id'], $payment['amount'], false, rgar( $subscription, 'subscription_id' ) ); $amount_formatted = GFCommon::to_money( $payment['amount'], $entry['currency'] ); $note = sprintf( esc_html__( '%s has been captured successfully. Amount: %s. Transaction Id: %s', 'gravityforms' ), $payment_name, $amount_formatted, $payment['transaction_id'] ); $this->add_note( $entry['id'], $note, 'success' ); } elseif ( $payment && ! $payment['is_success'] ) { $this->add_note( $entry['id'], sprintf( esc_html__( 'Failed to capture %s. Reason: %s.', 'gravityforms' ), $payment['error_message'], $payment_name ), 'error' ); } // Updating subscription information. if ( $subscription['is_success'] ) { $entry = $this->start_subscription( $entry, $subscription ); } else { $entry['payment_status'] = 'Failed'; GFAPI::update_entry( $entry ); $this->add_note( $entry['id'], sprintf( esc_html__( 'Subscription failed to be created. Reason: %s', 'gravityforms' ), $subscription['error_message'] ), 'error' ); $subscription['type'] = 'fail_create_subscription'; $this->post_payment_action( $entry, $subscription ); } return $entry; } /** * Inserts a new transaction item. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFPaymentAddOn::add_subscription_payment() * @used-by GFPaymentAddOn::complete_authorization() * @used-by GFPaymentAddOn::process_subscription() * @used-by GFPaymentAddOn::refund_payment() * @uses wpdb::get_var() * @uses wpdb::prepare() * @uses wpdb::query() * @uses wpdb::$insert_id * * @global wpdb $wpdb The wpdb object. * @param int $entry_id The entry ID that contains the transaction. * @param string $transaction_type The transaction type. * @param string $transaction_id The ID of the transaction to be inserted. * @param float $amount The transaction amount. * @param int|null $is_recurring If the transaction is recurring. Defaults to null. * @param string|null $subscription_id The subscription ID tied to the transaction, if related to a subscription. * Defaults to null. * * @return int|WP_Error The row ID from the database entry. WP_Error if error. */ public function insert_transaction( $entry_id, $transaction_type, $transaction_id, $amount, $is_recurring = null, $subscription_id = null ) { global $wpdb; // @todo: make sure stats does not show setup fee as a recurring payment $payment_count = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT count(id) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}gf_addon_payment_transaction WHERE lead_id=%d", $entry_id ) ); $is_recurring = $payment_count > 0 && $transaction_type == 'payment' ? 1 : 0; $subscription_id = empty( $subscription_id ) ? '' : $subscription_id; $sql = $wpdb->prepare( " INSERT INTO {$wpdb->prefix}gf_addon_payment_transaction (lead_id, transaction_type, transaction_id, amount, is_recurring, date_created, subscription_id) values(%d, %s, %s, %f, %d, utc_timestamp(), %s)", $entry_id, $transaction_type, $transaction_id, $amount, $is_recurring, $subscription_id ); $wpdb->query( $sql ); $txn_id = $wpdb->insert_id; /** * Fires after a payment transaction is created in Gravity Forms. * * @since Unknown * * @param int $txn_id The overall Transaction ID. * @param int $entry_id The new Entry ID. * @param string $transaction_type The Type of transaction that was made. * @param int $transaction_id The transaction ID. * @param string $amount The amount payed in the transaction. * @param bool $is_recurring True or false if this is an ongoing payment. */ do_action( 'gform_post_payment_transaction', $txn_id, $entry_id, $transaction_type, $transaction_id, $amount, $is_recurring, $subscription_id ); if ( has_filter( 'gform_post_payment_transaction' ) ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Executing functions hooked to gform_post_payment_transaction.' ); } return $txn_id; } /** * Gets the payment submission feed. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFPaymentAddOn::ajax_cancel_subscription() * @used-by GFPaymentAddOn::process_callback_action() * @used-by GFPaymentAddOn::validation() * @uses GFFeedAddOn::get_feeds_by_entry() * @uses GFFeedAddOn::get_feed() * @uses GFFeedAddOn::get_feeds() * @uses GFFeedAddOn::pre_process_feeds() * @uses GFFeedAddOn::is_feed_condition_met() * * @param array $entry The Entry Object. * @param bool|array $form The Form Object. Defaults to false. * * @return array The submission feed. */ public function get_payment_feed( $entry, $form = false ) { $submission_feed = false; // Only occurs if entry has already been processed and feed has been stored in entry meta. if ( $entry['id'] ) { $feeds = $this->get_feeds_by_entry( $entry['id'] ); $submission_feed = empty( $feeds ) ? false : $this->get_feed( $feeds[0] ); } elseif ( $form ) { // Getting all feeds. $feeds = $this->get_feeds( $form['id'] ); $feeds = $this->pre_process_feeds( $feeds, $entry, $form ); foreach ( $feeds as $feed ) { if ( $feed['is_active'] && $this->is_feed_condition_met( $feed, $form, $entry ) ) { $submission_feed = $feed; break; } } } return $submission_feed; } /** * Determines if this is a payment gateway add-on. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFPaymentAddOn::entry_info() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::$is_payment_gateway() * @uses GFAddOn::$_slug * * @param int $entry_id The entry ID. * * @return bool True if it is a payment gateway. False otherwise. */ public function is_payment_gateway( $entry_id ) { if ( $this->is_payment_gateway ) { return true; } $gateway = gform_get_meta( $entry_id, 'payment_gateway' ); return $gateway == $this->_slug; } /** * Gets the payment submission data. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFPaymentAddOn::validation() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::billing_info_fields() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::get_credit_card_field() * @uses GFAddOn::get_field_value() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::remove_spaces_from_card_number() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::get_order_data() * * @param array $feed The Feed Object. * @param array $form The Form Object. * @param array $entry The Entry Object. * * @return array The payment submission data. */ public function get_submission_data( $feed, $form, $entry ) { $submission_data = array(); if ( empty( $feed['meta'] ) ) { return $submission_data; } $submission_data['form_title'] = $form['title']; // Getting mapped field data. $billing_fields = $this->billing_info_fields(); foreach ( $billing_fields as $billing_field ) { $field_name = $billing_field['name']; $input_id = rgar( $feed['meta'], "billingInformation_{$field_name}" ); $submission_data[ $field_name ] = $this->get_field_value( $form, $entry, $input_id ); } // Getting credit card field data. $card_field = $this->get_credit_card_field( $form ); if ( $card_field ) { $submission_data['card_number'] = $this->remove_spaces_from_card_number( rgpost( "input_{$card_field->id}_1" ) ); $submission_data['card_expiration_date'] = rgpost( "input_{$card_field->id}_2" ); $submission_data['card_security_code'] = rgpost( "input_{$card_field->id}_3" ); $submission_data['card_name'] = rgpost( "input_{$card_field->id}_5" ); } // Getting product field data. $order_info = $this->get_order_data( $feed, $form, $entry ); $submission_data = array_merge( $submission_data, $order_info ); /** * Enables the Submission Data to be modified before it is used during feed processing by the payment add-on. * * @since * * @param array $submission_data The customer and transaction data. * @param array $feed The Feed Object. * @param array $form The Form Object. * @param array $entry The Entry Object. * * @return array $submission_data */ return gf_apply_filters( array( 'gform_submission_data_pre_process_payment', $form['id'] ), $submission_data, $feed, $form, $entry ); } /** * Gets the credit card field object. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFPaymentAddOn::before_delete_field() * @used-by GFPaymentAddOn::get_submission_data() * @used-by GFPaymentAddOn::has_credit_card_field() * @uses GFAPI::get_fields_by_type() * * @param array $form The Form Object. * * @return bool|GF_Field_CreditCard The credit card field object, if found. Otherwise, false. */ public function get_credit_card_field( $form ) { $fields = GFAPI::get_fields_by_type( $form, array( 'creditcard' ) ); return empty( $fields ) ? false : $fields[0]; } /** * Checks if a form has a credit card field. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFPaymentAddOn::feed_list_message() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::get_credit_card_field() * * @param array $form The Form Object. * * @return bool True if the form has a credit card field. False otherwise. */ public function has_credit_card_field( $form ) { return $this->get_credit_card_field( $form ) !== false; } /** * Gets payment order data. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFPaymentAddOn::get_submission_data() * @uses GFCommon::get_product_fields() * @uses GFCommon::to_number() * * @param array $feed The Feed Object. * @param array $form The Form Object. * @param array $entry The Entry Object. * * @return array { * The order data. * * @type float $payment_amount The payment amount of the order. * @type float $setup_fee The setup fee, if any. * @type float $trial The trial fee, if any. * @type float $discounts Discounts applied, if any. * } */ public function get_order_data( $feed, $form, $entry ) { $products = GFCommon::get_product_fields( $form, $entry ); $payment_field = $this->get_payment_field( $feed ); $setup_fee_field = rgar( $feed['meta'], 'setupFee_enabled' ) ? $feed['meta']['setupFee_product'] : false; $trial_field = rgar( $feed['meta'], 'trial_enabled' ) ? rgars( $feed, 'meta/trial_product' ) : false; $amount = 0; $line_items = array(); $discounts = array(); $fee_amount = 0; $trial_amount = 0; foreach ( $products['products'] as $field_id => $product ) { $quantity = $product['quantity'] ? $product['quantity'] : 1; $product_price = GFCommon::to_number( $product['price'], $entry['currency'] ); $options = array(); if ( is_array( rgar( $product, 'options' ) ) ) { foreach ( $product['options'] as $option ) { $options[] = $option['option_name']; $product_price += $option['price']; } } $is_trial_or_setup_fee = false; if ( ! empty( $trial_field ) && $trial_field == $field_id ) { $trial_amount = $product_price * $quantity; $is_trial_or_setup_fee = true; } elseif ( ! empty( $setup_fee_field ) && $setup_fee_field == $field_id ) { $fee_amount = $product_price * $quantity; $is_trial_or_setup_fee = true; } // Do not add to line items if the payment field selected in the feed is not the current field. if ( is_numeric( $payment_field ) && $payment_field != $field_id ) { continue; } // Do not add to line items if the payment field is set to "Form Total" and the current field was used for trial or setup fee. if ( $is_trial_or_setup_fee && ! is_numeric( $payment_field ) ) { continue; } $amount += $product_price * $quantity; $description = ''; if ( ! empty( $options ) ) { $description = esc_html__( 'options: ', 'gravityforms' ) . ' ' . implode( ', ', $options ); } if ( $product_price >= 0 ) { $line_items[] = array( 'id' => $field_id, 'name' => $product['name'], 'description' => $description, 'quantity' => $quantity, 'unit_price' => GFCommon::to_number( $product_price, $entry['currency'] ), 'options' => rgar( $product, 'options' ) ); } else { $discounts[] = array( 'id' => $field_id, 'name' => $product['name'], 'description' => $description, 'quantity' => $quantity, 'unit_price' => GFCommon::to_number( $product_price, $entry['currency'] ), 'options' => rgar( $product, 'options' ) ); } } if ( $trial_field == 'enter_amount' ) { $trial_amount = rgar( $feed['meta'], 'trial_amount' ) ? GFCommon::to_number( rgar( $feed['meta'], 'trial_amount' ), $entry['currency'] ) : 0; } if ( ! empty( $products['shipping']['name'] ) && ! is_numeric( $payment_field ) ) { $line_items[] = array( 'id' => $products['shipping']['id'], 'name' => $products['shipping']['name'], 'description' => '', 'quantity' => 1, 'unit_price' => GFCommon::to_number( $products['shipping']['price'], $entry['currency'] ), 'is_shipping' => 1 ); $amount += $products['shipping']['price']; } return array( 'payment_amount' => $amount, 'setup_fee' => $fee_amount, 'trial' => $trial_amount, 'line_items' => $line_items, 'discounts' => $discounts ); } /** * Returns what should be used to prepare the payment amount; the form_total or the ID of a specific product field. * * Override if your add-on uses custom choices for the transactionType setting or does not use the standard recurringAmount and paymentAmount settings. * * @since 2.4.17 * * @param array $feed The current feed. * * @return string */ public function get_payment_field( $feed ) { $key = rgars( $feed, 'meta/transactionType' ) === 'subscription' ? 'recurringAmount' : 'paymentAmount'; return rgars( $feed, 'meta/' . $key, 'form_total' ); } /** * Checks if the callback should be processed by this payment add-on. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFPaymentAddOn::maybe_process_callback() * @uses GFAddOn::$_slug * * @return bool True if valid. False otherwise. */ public function is_callback_valid() { if ( rgget( 'callback' ) != $this->_slug ) { return false; } return true; } //--------- Callback (aka Webhook)---------------- /** * Conditionally initiates processing of the callback. * * Checks to see if the callback is valid, processes callback actions, then returns the appropriate response. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFPaymentAddOn::pre_init() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::is_callback_valid() * @uses GFAddOn::$_slug * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::callback() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::display_callback_error() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::process_callback_action() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::post_callback() * * @return void */ public function maybe_process_callback() { // Ignoring requests that are not this addon's callbacks. if ( ! $this->is_callback_valid() ) { return; } // Returns either false or an array of data about the callback request which payment add-on will then use // to generically process the callback data $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Initializing callback processing for: ' . $this->_slug ); $callback_action = $this->callback(); $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Result from gateway callback => ' . print_r( $callback_action, true ) ); $result = false; if ( is_wp_error( $callback_action ) ) { $this->display_callback_error( $callback_action ); } elseif ( $callback_action && is_array( $callback_action ) && rgar( $callback_action, 'type' ) && ! rgar( $callback_action, 'abort_callback' ) ) { $result = $this->process_callback_action( $callback_action ); $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Result of callback action => ' . print_r( $result, true ) ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { $this->display_callback_error( $result ); } elseif ( ! $result ) { status_header( 200 ); echo 'Callback could not be processed.'; } else { status_header( 200 ); echo 'Callback processed successfully.'; } } else { status_header( 200 ); echo 'Callback bypassed'; } $this->post_callback( $callback_action, $result ); die(); } /** * Displays a callback error, if needed. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @uses WP_Error::get_error_data() * @uses WP_Error::get_error_message() * * @param WP_Error $error The error. * * @return void */ private function display_callback_error( $error ) { $data = $error->get_error_data(); $status = ! rgempty( 'status_header', $data ) ? $data['status_header'] : 200; status_header( $status ); echo $error->get_error_message(); } /** * Processes callback based on provided data. * * @since Unknown * @access private * * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::is_duplicate_callback() * @uses GFAPI::get_entry() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::complete_payment() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::refund_payment() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::fail_payment() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::add_pending_payment() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::void_authorization() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::start_subscription() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::get_payment_feed() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::cancel_subscription() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::expire_subscription() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::add_subscription_payment() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::fail_subscription_payment() * @uses GFPaymentAddOn::register_callback() * * @param array $action { * The action to perform. * * @type string $type The callback action type. Required. * @type string $transaction_id The transaction ID to perform the action on. Required if the action is a payment. * @type string $subscription_id The subscription ID. Required if this is related to a subscription. * @type string $amount The transaction amount. Typically required. * @type int $entry_id The ID of the entry associated with the action. Typically required. * @type string $transaction_type The transaction type to process this action as. Optional. * @type string $payment_status The payment status to set the payment to. Optional. * @type string $note The note to associate with this payment action. Optional. * } * * @return bool|mixed True, unless a custom transaction type defines otherwise. */ private function process_callback_action( $action ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Processing callback action.' ); $action = wp_parse_args( $action, array( 'type' => false, 'amount' => false, 'amount_formatted' => false, 'transaction_type' => false, 'transaction_id' => false, 'subscription_id' => false, 'entry_id' => false, 'payment_status' => false, 'note' => false, ) ); $result = false; if ( rgar( $action, 'id' ) && $this->is_duplicate_callback( $action['id'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'duplicate', sprintf( esc_html__( 'This webhook has already been processed (Event Id: %s)', 'gravityforms' ), $action['id'] ) ); } $entry = GFAPI::get_entry( $action['entry_id'] ); if ( ! $entry || is_wp_error( $entry ) ) { return $result; } $action = $this->maybe_add_action_amount_formatted( $action, $entry['currency'] ); /** * Performs actions before the the payment action callback is processed. * * @since Unknown * * @param array $action The action array. * @param array $entry The Entry Object. */ do_action( 'gform_action_pre_payment_callback', $action, $entry ); if ( has_filter( 'gform_action_pre_payment_callback' ) ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Executing functions hooked to gform_action_pre_payment_callback.' ); } switch ( $action['type'] ) { case 'complete_payment': $result = $this->complete_payment( $entry, $action ); break; case 'refund_payment': $result = $this->refund_payment( $entry, $action ); break; case 'fail_payment': $result = $this->fail_payment( $entry, $action ); break; case 'add_pending_payment': $result = $this->add_pending_payment( $entry, $action ); break; case 'void_authorization': $result = $this->void_authorization( $entry, $action ); break; case 'create_subscription': $result = $this->start_subscription( $entry, $action ); $result = rgar( $result, 'payment_status' ) == 'Active' && rgar( $result, 'transaction_id' ) == rgar( $action, 'subscription_id' ); break; case 'cancel_subscription': $feed = $this->get_payment_feed( $entry ); $result = $this->cancel_subscription( $entry, $feed, $action['note'] ); break; case 'expire_subscription': $result = $this->expire_subscription( $entry, $action ); break; case 'add_subscription_payment': $result = $this->add_subscription_payment( $entry, $action ); break; case 'fail_subscription_payment': $result = $this->fail_subscription_payment( $entry, $action ); break; default: // Handle custom events. if ( is_callable( array( $this, rgar( $action, 'callback' ) ) ) ) { $result = call_user_func_array( array( $this, $action['callback'] ), array( $entry, $action ) ); } break; } if ( rgar( $action, 'id' ) && $result ) { $this->register_callback( $action['id'], $action['entry_id'] ); } /** * Fires right after the payment callback. * * @since Unknown * * @param array $entry The Entry Object * @param array $action { * The action performed. * * @type string $type The callback action type. Required. * @type string $transaction_id The transaction ID to perform the action on. Required if the action is a payment. * @type string $subscription_id The subscription ID. Required if this is related to a subscription. * @type string $amount The transaction amount. Typically required. * @type int $entry_id The ID of the entry associated with the action. Typically required. * @type string $transaction_type The transaction type to process this action as. Optional. * @type string $payment_status The payment status to set the payment to. Optional. * @type string $note The note to associate with this payment action. Optional. * } * @param mixed $result The Result Object. */ do_action( 'gform_post_payment_callback', $entry, $action, $result ); if ( has_filter( 'gform_post_payment_callback' ) ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Executing functions hooked to gform_post_payment_callback.' ); } return $result; } /** * Registers a callback action. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @uses wpdb::insert() * @uses GFAddOn::$_slug * * @global wpdb $wpdb * @param string $callback_id The callback ID for the action. * @param int $entry_id The entry ID associated with the callback. * * @return void */ public function register_callback( $callback_id, $entry_id ) { global $wpdb; $wpdb->insert( "{$wpdb->prefix}gf_addon_payment_callback", array( 'addon_slug' => $this->_slug, 'callback_id' => $callback_id, 'lead_id' => $entry_id, 'date_created' => gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) ) ); } /** * Checks if a callback is duplicate. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @uses wpdb::$prefix * @uses wpdb::prepare() * @uses wpdb::get_var() * * @global wpdb $wpdb * @param string $callback_id The callback ID to chack. * * @return bool If the callback is a duplicate, true. Otherwise, false. */ public function is_duplicate_callback( $callback_id ) { global $wpdb; $sql = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}gf_addon_payment_callback WHERE addon_slug=%s AND callback_id=%s", $this->_slug, $callback_id ); if ( $wpdb->get_var( $sql ) ) { return true; } return false; } public function callback() { } public function post_callback( $callback_action, $result ) { } // # PAYMENT INTERACTION FUNCTIONS public function add_pending_payment( $entry, $action ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Processing request.' ); if ( empty( $action['payment_status'] ) ) { $action['payment_status'] = 'Pending'; } $action = $this->maybe_add_action_amount_formatted( $action, $entry['currency'] ); if ( empty( $action['note'] ) ) { $action['note'] = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Payment is pending. Amount: %s. Transaction Id: %s.', 'gravityforms' ), $action['amount_formatted'], $action['transaction_id'] ); } GFAPI::update_entry_property( $entry['id'], 'payment_status', $action['payment_status'] ); $this->add_note( $entry['id'], $action['note'] ); $this->post_payment_action( $entry, $action ); return true; } public function complete_authorization( &$entry, $action ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Processing request.' ); if ( ! rgar( $action, 'payment_status' ) ) { $action['payment_status'] = 'Authorized'; } if ( ! rgar( $action, 'transaction_type' ) ) { $action['transaction_type'] = 'authorization'; } if ( ! rgar( $action, 'payment_date' ) ) { $action['payment_date'] = gmdate( 'y-m-d H:i:s' ); } $entry['transaction_id'] = rgar( $action, 'transaction_id' ); $entry['transaction_type'] = '1'; $entry['payment_status'] = $action['payment_status']; $action = $this->maybe_add_action_amount_formatted( $action, $entry['currency'] ); if ( ! rgar( $action, 'note' ) ) { $action['note'] = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Payment has been authorized. Amount: %s. Transaction Id: %s.', 'gravityforms' ), $action['amount_formatted'], $action['transaction_id'] ); } GFAPI::update_entry( $entry ); $this->add_note( $entry['id'], $action['note'], 'success' ); $this->post_payment_action( $entry, $action ); return true; } public function complete_payment( &$entry, $action ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Processing request.' ); if ( ! rgar( $action, 'payment_status' ) ) { $action['payment_status'] = 'Paid'; } if ( ! rgar( $action, 'transaction_type' ) ) { $action['transaction_type'] = 'payment'; } if ( ! rgar( $action, 'payment_date' ) ) { $action['payment_date'] = gmdate( 'y-m-d H:i:s' ); } $entry['is_fulfilled'] = '1'; $entry['transaction_id'] = rgar( $action, 'transaction_id' ); $entry['transaction_type'] = '1'; $entry['payment_status'] = $action['payment_status']; $entry['payment_amount'] = rgar( $action, 'amount' ); $entry['payment_date'] = $action['payment_date']; $entry['payment_method'] = rgar( $action, 'payment_method' ); $action = $this->maybe_add_action_amount_formatted( $action, $entry['currency'] ); if ( ! rgar( $action, 'note' ) ) { $action['note'] = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Payment has been completed. Amount: %s. Transaction Id: %s.', 'gravityforms' ), $action['amount_formatted'], $action['transaction_id'] ); } GFAPI::update_entry( $entry ); $this->insert_transaction( $entry['id'], $action['transaction_type'], $action['transaction_id'], $action['amount'] ); $this->add_note( $entry['id'], $action['note'], 'success' ); /** * Fires after a payment is completed through a form * * @param array $entry The Entry object * @param array $action The Action Object * $action = array( * 'type' => 'cancel_subscription', // See Below * 'transaction_id' => '', // What is the ID of the transaction made? * 'subscription_id' => '', // What is the ID of the Subscription made? * 'amount' => '0.00', // Amount to charge? * 'entry_id' => 1, // What entry to check? * 'transaction_type' => '', * 'payment_status' => '', * 'note' => '' * ); * * 'type' can be: * * - complete_payment * - refund_payment * - fail_payment * - add_pending_payment * - void_authorization * - create_subscription * - cancel_subscription * - expire_subscription * - add_subscription_payment * - fail_subscription_payment */ do_action( 'gform_post_payment_completed', $entry, $action ); if ( has_filter( 'gform_post_payment_completed' ) ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Executing functions hooked to gform_post_payment_completed.' ); } $this->post_payment_action( $entry, $action ); return true; } public function refund_payment( $entry, $action ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Processing request.' ); if ( empty( $action['payment_status'] ) ) { $action['payment_status'] = 'Refunded'; } if ( empty( $action['transaction_type'] ) ) { $action['transaction_type'] = 'refund'; } $action = $this->maybe_add_action_amount_formatted( $action, $entry['currency'] ); if ( empty( $action['note'] ) ) { $action['note'] = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Payment has been refunded. Amount: %s. Transaction Id: %s.', 'gravityforms' ), $action['amount_formatted'], $action['transaction_id'] ); } GFAPI::update_entry_property( $entry['id'], 'payment_status', $action['payment_status'] ); $this->insert_transaction( $entry['id'], $action['transaction_type'], $action['transaction_id'], $action['amount'] ); $this->add_note( $entry['id'], $action['note'] ); /** * Fires after a payment is refunded * * @param array $entry The Entry object * @param array $action The Action Object * $action = array( * 'type' => 'cancel_subscription', // See Below * 'transaction_id' => '', // What is the ID of the transaction made? * 'subscription_id' => '', // What is the ID of the Subscription made? * 'amount' => '0.00', // Amount to charge? * 'entry_id' => 1, // What entry to check? * 'transaction_type' => '', * 'payment_status' => '', * 'note' => '' * ); * * 'type' can be: * * - complete_payment * - refund_payment * - fail_payment * - add_pending_payment * - void_authorization * - create_subscription * - cancel_subscription * - expire_subscription * - add_subscription_payment * - fail_subscription_payment */ do_action( 'gform_post_payment_refunded', $entry, $action ); if ( has_filter( 'gform_post_payment_refunded' ) ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Executing functions hooked to gform_post_payment_refunded.' ); } $this->post_payment_action( $entry, $action ); return true; } public function fail_payment( $entry, $action ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Processing request.' ); if ( empty( $action['payment_status'] ) ) { $action['payment_status'] = 'Failed'; } $action = $this->maybe_add_action_amount_formatted( $action, $entry['currency'] ); if ( empty( $action['note'] ) ) { $action['note'] = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Payment has failed. Amount: %s.', 'gravityforms' ), $action['amount_formatted'] ); } GFAPI::update_entry_property( $entry['id'], 'payment_status', $action['payment_status'] ); $this->add_note( $entry['id'], $action['note'] ); $this->post_payment_action( $entry, $action ); return true; } public function void_authorization( $entry, $action ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Processing request.' ); if ( empty( $action['payment_status'] ) ) { $action['payment_status'] = 'Voided'; } $action = $this->maybe_add_action_amount_formatted( $action, $entry['currency'] ); if ( empty( $action['note'] ) ) { $action['note'] = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Authorization has been voided. Transaction Id: %s', 'gravityforms' ), $action['transaction_id'] ); } GFAPI::update_entry_property( $entry['id'], 'payment_status', $action['payment_status'] ); $this->add_note( $entry['id'], $action['note'] ); $this->post_payment_action( $entry, $action ); return true; } /** * Used to start a new subscription. Updates the associcated entry with the payment and transaction details and adds an entry note. * * @param [array] $entry Entry object * @param [string] $subscription_id ID of the subscription * @param [float] $amount Numeric amount of the initial subscription payment * * @return [array] $entry Entry Object */ public function start_subscription( $entry, $subscription ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Processing request.' ); if ( ! $this->has_subscription( $entry ) ) { $entry['payment_status'] = 'Active'; $entry['payment_amount'] = $subscription['amount']; $entry['payment_date'] = ! rgempty( 'subscription_start_date', $subscription ) ? $subscription['subscription_start_date'] : gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ); $entry['transaction_id'] = $subscription['subscription_id']; $entry['transaction_type'] = '2'; // subscription $entry['is_fulfilled'] = '1'; $result = GFAPI::update_entry( $entry ); $this->add_note( $entry['id'], sprintf( esc_html__( 'Subscription has been created. Subscription Id: %s.', 'gravityforms' ), $subscription['subscription_id'] ), 'success' ); $subscription = $this->maybe_add_action_amount_formatted( $subscription, $entry['currency'] ); if ( empty( $subscription['payment_status'] ) ) { $subscription['payment_status'] = 'Active'; } /** * Fires when someone starts a subscription * * @param array $entry Entry Object * @param array $subscription The new Subscription object */ do_action( 'gform_post_subscription_started', $entry, $subscription ); if ( has_filter( 'gform_post_subscription_started' ) ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Executing functions hooked to gform_post_subscription_started.' ); } $subscription['type'] = 'create_subscription'; $this->post_payment_action( $entry, $subscription ); } return $entry; } /** * A payment on an existing subscription. * * @param [array] $data Transaction data including 'amount' and 'subscriber_id' * @param [array] $entry Entry object * * @return true */ public function add_subscription_payment( $entry, $action ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Processing request.' ); if ( empty( $action['transaction_type'] ) ) { $action['transaction_type'] = 'payment'; } if ( empty( $action['payment_status'] ) ) { $action['payment_status'] = 'Active'; } // Set payment status back to active if a previous payment attempt failed. if ( strtolower( $entry['payment_status'] ) != 'active' ) { $entry['payment_status'] = 'Active'; GFAPI::update_entry_property( $entry['id'], 'payment_status', 'Active' ); } $action = $this->maybe_add_action_amount_formatted( $action, $entry['currency'] ); if ( empty( $action['note'] ) ) { $action['note'] = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Subscription has been paid. Amount: %s. Subscription Id: %s', 'gravityforms' ), $action['amount_formatted'], $action['subscription_id'] ); } $transaction_id = ! empty( $action['transaction_id'] ) ? $action['transaction_id'] : $action['subscription_id']; $this->insert_transaction( $entry['id'], $action['transaction_type'], $transaction_id, $action['amount'], null, rgar( $action, 'subscription_id') ); $this->add_note( $entry['id'], $action['note'], 'success' ); /** * Fires after a payment is made on an existing subscription. * * @param array $entry The Entry Object * @param array $action The Action Object * $action = array( * 'type' => 'cancel_subscription', // See Below * 'transaction_id' => '', // What is the ID of the transaction made? * 'subscription_id' => '', // What is the ID of the Subscription made? * 'amount' => '0.00', // Amount to charge? * 'entry_id' => 1, // What entry to check? * 'transaction_type' => '', * 'payment_status' => '', * 'note' => '' * ); * * 'type' can be: * * - complete_payment * - refund_payment * - fail_payment * - add_pending_payment * - void_authorization * - create_subscription * - cancel_subscription * - expire_subscription * - add_subscription_payment * - fail_subscription_payment */ do_action( 'gform_post_add_subscription_payment', $entry, $action ); if ( has_filter( 'gform_post_add_subscription_payment' ) ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Executing functions hooked to gform_post_add_subscription_payment.' ); } $this->post_payment_action( $entry, $action ); return true; } public function fail_subscription_payment( $entry, $action ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Processing request.' ); if ( empty( $action['payment_status'] ) ) { $action['payment_status'] = 'Failed'; } $action = $this->maybe_add_action_amount_formatted( $action, $entry['currency'] ); if ( empty( $action['note'] ) ) { $action['note'] = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Subscription payment has failed. Amount: %s. Subscription Id: %s.', 'gravityforms' ), $action['amount_formatted'], $action['subscription_id'] ); } GFAPI::update_entry_property( $entry['id'], 'payment_status', 'Failed' ); $this->add_note( $entry['id'], $action['note'], 'error' ); // keep 'gform_subscription_payment_failed' for backward compatability /** * @deprecated Use gform_post_fail_subscription_payment now */ do_action( 'gform_subscription_payment_failed', $entry, $action['subscription_id'] ); if ( has_filter( 'gform_subscription_payment_failed' ) ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Executing functions hooked to gform_subscription_payment_failed.' ); } /** * Fires after a subscription payment has failed * * @param array $entry The Entry Object * @param array $action The Action Object * $action = array( * 'type' => 'cancel_subscription', // See Below * 'transaction_id' => '', // What is the ID of the transaction made? * 'subscription_id' => '', // What is the ID of the Subscription made? * 'amount' => '0.00', // Amount to charge? * 'entry_id' => 1, // What entry to check? * 'transaction_type' => '', * 'payment_status' => '', * 'note' => '' * ); * * 'type' can be: * * - complete_payment * - refund_payment * - fail_payment * - add_pending_payment * - void_authorization * - create_subscription * - cancel_subscription * - expire_subscription * - add_subscription_payment * - fail_subscription_payment */ do_action( 'gform_post_fail_subscription_payment', $entry, $action ); if ( has_filter( 'gform_post_fail_subscription_payment' ) ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Executing functions hooked to gform_post_fail_subscription_payment.' ); } $this->post_payment_action( $entry, $action ); return true; } public function cancel_subscription( $entry, $feed, $note = null ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Processing request.' ); if ( ! $note ) { $note = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Subscription has been cancelled. Subscription Id: %s.', 'gravityforms' ), $entry['transaction_id'] ); } if ( strtolower( $entry['payment_status'] ) == 'cancelled' ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Subscription is already canceled.' ); return false; } GFAPI::update_entry_property( $entry['id'], 'payment_status', 'Cancelled' ); $this->add_note( $entry['id'], $note ); // Include $subscriber_id as 3rd parameter for backwards compatibility do_action( 'gform_subscription_canceled', $entry, $feed, $entry['transaction_id'] ); // Include alternative spelling of "cancelled". do_action( 'gform_subscription_cancelled', $entry, $feed, $entry['transaction_id'] ); if ( has_filter( 'gform_subscription_canceled' ) || has_filter( 'gform_subscription_cancelled' ) ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Executing functions hooked to gform_subscription_canceled.' ); } $action = array( 'type' => 'cancel_subscription', 'subscription_id' => $entry['transaction_id'], 'entry_id' => $entry['id'], 'payment_status' => 'Cancelled', 'note' => $note, ); $this->post_payment_action( $entry, $action ); return true; } public function expire_subscription( $entry, $action ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Processing request.' ); if ( empty( $action['payment_status'] ) ) { $action['payment_status'] = 'Expired'; } if ( empty( $action['note'] ) ) { $action['note'] = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Subscription has expired. Subscriber Id: %s', 'gravityforms' ), $action['subscription_id'] ); } GFAPI::update_entry_property( $entry['id'], 'payment_status', 'Expired' ); $this->add_note( $entry['id'], $action['note'] ); $this->post_payment_action( $entry, $action ); return true; } public function has_subscription( $entry ) { if ( rgar( $entry, 'transaction_type' ) == 2 && ! rgempty( 'transaction_id', $entry ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Retrieves the ID of the entry associated with the supplied subscription or transaction ID. * * @since Updated to search the _gf_addon_payment_transaction table if the ID was not found in the entry table. * @since unknown * * @param string $transaction_id The subscription or transaction ID. * * @return bool|string */ public function get_entry_by_transaction_id( $transaction_id ) { if ( empty( $transaction_id ) ) { return false; } global $wpdb; $entry_table_name = self::get_entry_table_name(); $sql = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT id FROM {$entry_table_name} WHERE transaction_id = %s", $transaction_id ); $entry_id = $wpdb->get_var( $sql ); if ( ! $entry_id ) { $sql = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT lead_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}gf_addon_payment_transaction WHERE transaction_id = %s", $transaction_id ); $entry_id = $wpdb->get_var( $sql ); } return $entry_id ? $entry_id : false; } /** * Helper for making the gform_post_payment_action hook available to the various payment interaction methods. Also handles sending notifications for payment events. * * @since Added the $action to the GFAPI::send_notifications() $data param. * @since unknown * * @param array $entry * @param array $action */ public function post_payment_action( $entry, $action ) { do_action( 'gform_post_payment_action', $entry, $action ); if ( has_filter( 'gform_post_payment_action' ) ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Executing functions hooked to gform_post_payment_action.' ); } $form = GFAPI::get_form( $entry['form_id'] ); $supported_events = $this->supported_notification_events( $form ); if ( ! empty( $supported_events ) ) { if ( ! empty( $action['payment_status'] ) ) { $action['payment_status'] = GFCommon::get_entry_payment_status_text( $action['payment_status'] ); } GFAPI::send_notifications( $form, $entry, rgar( $action, 'type' ), array( 'payment_action' => $action ) ); } } // -------- Cron -------------------- public function setup_cron() { // Setting up cron $cron_name = "{$this->_slug}_cron"; add_action( $cron_name, array( $this, 'check_status' ) ); if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( $cron_name ) ) { wp_schedule_event( time(), 'hourly', $cron_name ); } } public function check_status() { } //--------- List Columns ------------ public function feed_list_columns() { return array( 'feedName' => esc_html__( 'Name', 'gravityforms' ), 'transactionType' => esc_html__( 'Transaction Type', 'gravityforms' ), 'amount' => esc_html__( 'Amount', 'gravityforms' ) ); } public function get_column_value_transactionType( $feed ) { switch ( rgar( $feed['meta'], 'transactionType' ) ) { case 'subscription' : return esc_html__( 'Subscription', 'gravityforms' ); break; case 'product' : return esc_html__( 'Products and Services', 'gravityforms' ); break; case 'donation' : return esc_html__( 'Donations', 'gravityforms' ); break; } return esc_html__( 'Unsupported transaction type', 'gravityforms' ); } public function get_column_value_amount( $feed ) { $form = $this->get_current_form(); $field_id = $this->get_payment_field( $feed ); if ( $field_id == 'form_total' ) { $label = esc_html__( 'Form Total', 'gravityforms' ); } else { $field = GFFormsModel::get_field( $form, $field_id ); $label = GFCommon::get_label( $field ); } return $label; } //--------- Feed Settings ---------------- /** * Remove the add new button from the title if the form requires a credit card field. * * @return string */ public function feed_list_title() { if ( $this->_requires_credit_card && ! $this->has_credit_card_field( $this->get_current_form() ) ) { return $this->form_settings_title(); } return parent::feed_list_title(); } public function feed_list_message() { if ( $this->_requires_credit_card && ! $this->has_credit_card_field( $this->get_current_form() ) ) { return $this->requires_credit_card_message(); } return parent::feed_list_message(); } public function requires_credit_card_message() { $url = add_query_arg( array( 'view' => null, 'subview' => null ) ); return sprintf( esc_html__( "You must add a Credit Card field to your form before creating a feed. Let's go %sadd one%s!", 'gravityforms' ), "", '' ); } public function feed_settings_fields() { return array( array( 'description' => '', 'fields' => array( array( 'name' => 'feedName', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Name', 'gravityforms' ), 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'medium', 'required' => true, 'tooltip' => '
' . esc_html__( 'Name', 'gravityforms' ) . '
' . esc_html__( 'Enter a feed name to uniquely identify this setup.', 'gravityforms' ) ), array( 'name' => 'transactionType', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Transaction Type', 'gravityforms' ), 'type' => 'select', 'onchange' => "jQuery(this).parents('form').submit();", 'choices' => array( array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Select a transaction type', 'gravityforms' ), 'value' => '' ), array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Products and Services', 'gravityforms' ), 'value' => 'product' ), array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Subscription', 'gravityforms' ), 'value' => 'subscription' ), ), 'tooltip' => '
' . esc_html__( 'Transaction Type', 'gravityforms' ) . '
' . esc_html__( 'Select a transaction type.', 'gravityforms' ) ), ) ), array( 'title' => esc_html__( 'Subscription Settings', 'gravityforms' ), 'dependency' => array( 'field' => 'transactionType', 'values' => array( 'subscription' ) ), 'fields' => array( array( 'name' => 'recurringAmount', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Recurring Amount', 'gravityforms' ), 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $this->recurring_amount_choices(), 'required' => true, 'tooltip' => '
' . esc_html__( 'Recurring Amount', 'gravityforms' ) . '
' . esc_html__( "Select which field determines the recurring payment amount, or select 'Form Total' to use the total of all pricing fields as the recurring amount.", 'gravityforms' ) ), array( 'name' => 'billingCycle', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Billing Cycle', 'gravityforms' ), 'type' => 'billing_cycle', 'tooltip' => '
' . esc_html__( 'Billing Cycle', 'gravityforms' ) . '
' . esc_html__( 'Select your billing cycle. This determines how often the recurring payment should occur.', 'gravityforms' ) ), array( 'name' => 'recurringTimes', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Recurring Times', 'gravityforms' ), 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array( array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'infinite', 'gravityforms' ), 'value' => '0' ) ) + $this->get_numeric_choices( 1, 100 ), 'tooltip' => '
' . esc_html__( 'Recurring Times', 'gravityforms' ) . '
' . esc_html__( 'Select how many times the recurring payment should be made. The default is to bill the customer until the subscription is canceled.', 'gravityforms' ) ), array( 'name' => 'setupFee', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Setup Fee', 'gravityforms' ), 'type' => 'setup_fee', ), array( 'name' => 'trial', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Trial', 'gravityforms' ), 'type' => 'trial', 'hidden' => $this->get_setting( 'setupFee_enabled' ), 'tooltip' => '
' . esc_html__( 'Trial Period', 'gravityforms' ) . '
' . esc_html__( 'Enable a trial period. The user\'s recurring payment will not begin until after this trial period.', 'gravityforms' ) ), ) ), array( 'title' => esc_html__( 'Products & Services Settings', 'gravityforms' ), 'dependency' => array( 'field' => 'transactionType', 'values' => array( 'product', 'donation' ) ), 'fields' => array( array( 'name' => 'paymentAmount', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Payment Amount', 'gravityforms' ), 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $this->product_amount_choices(), 'required' => true, 'default_value' => 'form_total', 'tooltip' => '
' . esc_html__( 'Payment Amount', 'gravityforms' ) . '
' . esc_html__( "Select which field determines the payment amount, or select 'Form Total' to use the total of all pricing fields as the payment amount.", 'gravityforms' ) ), ) ), array( 'title' => esc_html__( 'Other Settings', 'gravityforms' ), 'dependency' => array( 'field' => 'transactionType', 'values' => array( 'subscription', 'product', 'donation' ) ), 'fields' => $this->other_settings_fields() ), ); } public function other_settings_fields() { $other_settings = array( array( 'name' => 'billingInformation', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Billing Information', 'gravityforms' ), 'type' => 'field_map', 'field_map' => $this->billing_info_fields(), 'tooltip' => '
' . esc_html__( 'Billing Information', 'gravityforms' ) . '
' . esc_html__( 'Map your Form Fields to the available listed fields.', 'gravityforms' ) ), ); $option_choices = $this->option_choices(); if ( ! empty( $option_choices ) ) { $other_settings[] = array( 'name' => 'options', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Options', 'gravityforms' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'choices' => $option_choices, ); } $other_settings[] = array( 'name' => 'conditionalLogic', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Conditional Logic', 'gravityforms' ), 'type' => 'feed_condition', 'tooltip' => '
' . esc_html__( 'Conditional Logic', 'gravityforms' ) . '
' . esc_html__( 'When conditions are enabled, form submissions will only be sent to the payment gateway when the conditions are met. When disabled, all form submissions will be sent to the payment gateway.', 'gravityforms' ) ); return $other_settings; } public function settings_billing_cycle( $field, $echo = true ) { $intervals = $this->supported_billing_intervals(); //get unit so the length drop down is populated with the appropriate numbers for initial load $unit = $this->get_setting( $field['name'] . '_unit' ); //Length drop down $interval_keys = array_keys( $intervals ); if ( ! $unit ) { $first_interval = $intervals[ $interval_keys[0] ]; } else { $first_interval = $intervals[ $unit ]; } $length_field = array( 'name' => $field['name'] . '_length', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $this->get_numeric_choices( $first_interval['min'], $first_interval['max'] ) ); $html = $this->settings_select( $length_field, false ); //Unit drop down $choices = array(); foreach ( $intervals as $unit => $interval ) { if ( ! empty( $interval ) ) { $choices[] = array( 'value' => $unit, 'label' => $interval['label'] ); } } $unit_field = array( 'name' => $field['name'] . '_unit', 'type' => 'select', 'onchange' => "loadBillingLength('" . esc_attr( $field['name'] ) . "')", 'choices' => $choices, ); $html .= ' ' . $this->settings_select( $unit_field, false ); $html .= "'; if ( $echo ) { echo $html; } return $html; } public function settings_setup_fee( $field, $echo = true ) { $enabled_field = array( 'name' => $field['name'] . '_checkbox', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'horizontal' => true, 'choices' => array( array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Enabled', 'gravityforms' ), 'name' => $field['name'] . '_enabled', 'value' => '1', 'onchange' => "if(jQuery(this).prop('checked')){jQuery('#{$field['name']}_product').show('slow'); jQuery('#gaddon-setting-row-trial').hide('slow');} else {jQuery('#{$field['name']}_product').hide('slow'); jQuery('#gaddon-setting-row-trial').show('slow');}", ), ) ); $html = $this->settings_checkbox( $enabled_field, false ); $form = $this->get_current_form(); $is_enabled = $this->get_setting( "{$field['name']}_enabled" ); $product_field = array( 'name' => $field['name'] . '_product', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => $is_enabled ? '' : 'hidden', 'choices' => $this->get_payment_choices( $form ) ); $html .= ' ' . $this->settings_select( $product_field, false ); if ( $echo ) { echo $html; } return $html; } public function set_trial_onchange( $field ) { return "if(jQuery(this).prop('checked')){jQuery('#{$field['name']}_product').show('slow');if (jQuery('#{$field['name']}_product').val() == 'enter_amount'){jQuery('#{$field['name']}_amount').show();}} else {jQuery('#{$field['name']}_product').hide('slow');jQuery('#{$field['name']}_amount').hide();}"; } public function settings_trial( $field, $echo = true ) { //--- Enabled field --- $enabled_field = array( 'name' => $field['name'] . '_checkbox', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'horizontal' => true, 'choices' => array( array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Enabled', 'gravityforms' ), 'name' => $field['name'] . '_enabled', 'value' => '1', 'onchange' => $this->set_trial_onchange( $field ) ), ) ); $html = $this->settings_checkbox( $enabled_field, false ); //--- Select Product field --- $form = $this->get_current_form(); $payment_choices = array_merge( $this->get_payment_choices( $form ), array( array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Enter an amount', 'gravityforms' ), 'value' => 'enter_amount' ) ) ); $product_field = array( 'name' => $field['name'] . '_product', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => $this->get_setting( "{$field['name']}_enabled" ) ? '' : 'hidden', 'onchange' => "if(jQuery(this).val() == 'enter_amount'){ jQuery('#{$field['name']}_amount').show();} else { jQuery('#{$field['name']}_amount').hide(); }", 'choices' => $payment_choices, ); $html .= ' ' . $this->settings_select( $product_field, false ); //--- Trial Amount field ---- $amount_field = array( 'type' => 'text', 'name' => "{$field['name']}_amount", 'class' => $this->get_setting( "{$field['name']}_enabled" ) && $this->get_setting( "{$field['name']}_product" ) == 'enter_amount' ? 'gform_currency' : 'hidden gform_currency', ); $html .= ' ' . $this->settings_text( $amount_field, false ); if ( $echo ) { echo $html; } return $html; } public function recurring_amount_choices() { $form = $this->get_current_form(); $recurring_choices = $this->get_payment_choices( $form ); $recurring_choices[] = array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Form Total', 'gravityforms' ), 'value' => 'form_total' ); return $recurring_choices; } public function product_amount_choices() { $form = $this->get_current_form(); $product_choices = $this->get_payment_choices( $form ); $product_choices[] = array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Form Total', 'gravityforms' ), 'value' => 'form_total' ); return $product_choices; } public function option_choices() { $option_choices = array( array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Sample Option', 'gravityforms' ), 'name' => 'sample_option', 'value' => 'sample_option' ), ); return $option_choices; } public function billing_info_fields() { $fields = array( array( 'name' => 'email', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Email', 'gravityforms' ), 'required' => false ), array( 'name' => 'address', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Address', 'gravityforms' ), 'required' => false ), array( 'name' => 'address2', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Address 2', 'gravityforms' ), 'required' => false ), array( 'name' => 'city', 'label' => esc_html__( 'City', 'gravityforms' ), 'required' => false ), array( 'name' => 'state', 'label' => esc_html__( 'State', 'gravityforms' ), 'required' => false ), array( 'name' => 'zip', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Zip', 'gravityforms' ), 'required' => false ), array( 'name' => 'country', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Country', 'gravityforms' ), 'required' => false ), ); return $fields; } public function get_numeric_choices( $min, $max ) { $choices = array(); for ( $i = $min; $i <= $max; $i ++ ) { $choices[] = array( 'label' => $i, 'value' => $i ); } return $choices; } public function supported_billing_intervals() { $billing_cycles = array( 'day' => array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'day(s)', 'gravityforms' ), 'min' => 1, 'max' => 365 ), 'week' => array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'week(s)', 'gravityforms' ), 'min' => 1, 'max' => 52 ), 'month' => array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'month(s)', 'gravityforms' ), 'min' => 1, 'max' => 12 ), 'year' => array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'year(s)', 'gravityforms' ), 'min' => 1, 'max' => 10 ) ); return $billing_cycles; } public function get_payment_choices( $form ) { $fields = GFAPI::get_fields_by_type( $form, array( 'product' ) ); $choices = array( array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Select a product field', 'gravityforms' ), 'value' => '' ), ); foreach ( $fields as $field ) { $field_id = $field->id; $field_label = RGFormsModel::get_label( $field ); $choices[] = array( 'value' => $field_id, 'label' => $field_label ); } return $choices; } //--------- Stats Page ------------------- public function get_results_page_config() { return array( 'title' => _x( 'Sales', 'toolbar label', 'gravityforms' ), 'search_title' => _x( 'Filter', 'metabox title', 'gravityforms' ), 'capabilities' => array( 'gravityforms_view_entries' ), 'callbacks' => array( 'fields' => array( $this, 'results_fields' ), 'data' => array( $this, 'results_data' ), 'markup' => array( $this, 'results_markup' ), 'filter_ui' => array( $this, 'results_filter_ui' ) ) ); } public function results_fields( $form ) { if ( $this->has_feed( $form['id'] ) ) { return $form['fields']; } else { return false; } } public function results_markup( $html, $data, $form, $fields ) { $html = "
" . esc_html__( 'Today', 'gravityforms' ) . " " . esc_html__( 'Yesterday', 'gravityforms' ) . " " . esc_html__( 'Last 30 Days', 'gravityforms' ) . " " . esc_html__( 'Total', 'gravityforms' ) . "
{$data['summary']['today']['subscriptions']} " . esc_html__( 'subscriptions', 'gravityforms' ) . "
{$data['summary']['today']['orders']} " . esc_html__( 'orders', 'gravityforms' ) . "
{$data['summary']['yesterday']['subscriptions']} " . esc_html__( 'subscriptions', 'gravityforms' ) . "
{$data['summary']['yesterday']['orders']} " . esc_html__( 'orders', 'gravityforms' ) . "
{$data['summary']['last30']['subscriptions']} " . esc_html__( 'subscriptions', 'gravityforms' ) . "
{$data['summary']['last30']['orders']} " . esc_html__( 'orders', 'gravityforms' ) . "
{$data['summary']['total']['subscriptions']} " . esc_html__( 'subscriptions', 'gravityforms' ) . "
{$data['summary']['total']['orders']} " . esc_html__( 'orders', 'gravityforms' ) . '
'; if ( $data['row_count'] == '0' ) { $html .= "
" . esc_html__( "There aren't any transactions that match your criteria.", 'gravityforms' ) . '
'; } else { $chart_data = $this->get_chart_data( $data ); $html .= $this->get_sales_chart( $chart_data ); //Getting sales table markup $sales_table = new GFPaymentStatsTable( $data['table']['header'], $data['data'], $data['row_count'], $data['page_size'] ); $sales_table->prepare_items(); ob_start(); $sales_table->display(); $html .= ob_get_clean(); } $html .= ''; return $html; } public function get_chart_data( $data ) { $hAxis_column = $data['chart']['hAxis']['column']; $vAxis_column = $data['chart']['vAxis']['column']; $chart_data = array(); foreach ( $data['data'] as $row ) { $hAxis_value = $row[ $hAxis_column ]; $chart_data[ $hAxis_value ] = $row[ $vAxis_column ]; } return array( 'hAxis_title' => $data['chart']['hAxis']['label'], 'vAxis_title' => $data['chart']['vAxis']['label'], 'data' => $chart_data ); } public static function get_sales_chart( $sales_data ) { $markup = ''; $data_table = array(); $data_table[] = array( $sales_data['hAxis_title'], $sales_data['vAxis_title'] ); foreach ( $sales_data['data'] as $key => $value ) { $data_table[] = array( (string) $key, $value ); } $chart_options = array( 'series' => array( '0' => array( 'color' => '#66CCFF', 'visibleInLegend' => 'false', ), ), 'hAxis' => array( 'title' => $sales_data['hAxis_title'], ), 'vAxis' => array( 'title' => $sales_data['vAxis_title'], ) ); $data_table_json = json_encode( $data_table ); $options_json = json_encode( $chart_options ); $div_id = 'gquiz-results-chart-field-score-frequencies'; $markup .= "
"; $markup .= ""; return $markup; } public function results_data( $form, $fields, $search_criteria, $state_array ) { $summary = $this->get_sales_summary( $form['id'] ); $data = $this->get_sales_data( $form['id'], $search_criteria, $state_array ); return array( 'entry_count' => $data['row_count'], 'row_count' => $data['row_count'], 'page_size' => $data['page_size'], 'status' => 'complete', 'summary' => $summary, 'data' => $data['rows'], 'chart' => $data['chart'], 'table' => $data['table'], ); } private function get_mysql_tz_offset() { $tz_offset = get_option( 'gmt_offset' ); //add + if offset starts with a number if ( is_numeric( substr( $tz_offset, 0, 1 ) ) ) { $tz_offset = '+' . $tz_offset; } return $tz_offset . ':00'; } public function get_sales_data( $form_id, $search, $state ) { global $wpdb; $data = array( 'chart' => array( 'hAxis' => array(), 'vAxis' => array( 'column' => 'revenue', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Revenue', 'gravityforms' ) ) ), 'table' => array( 'header' => array( 'orders' => esc_html__( 'Orders', 'gravityforms' ), 'subscriptions' => esc_html__( 'Subscriptions', 'gravityforms' ), 'recurring_payments' => esc_html__( 'Recurring Payments', 'gravityforms' ), 'refunds' => esc_html__( 'Refunds', 'gravityforms' ), 'revenue' => esc_html__( 'Revenue', 'gravityforms' ) ) ), 'rows' => array() ); $tz_offset = $this->get_mysql_tz_offset(); $page_size = 10; $group = strtolower( rgpost( 'group' ) ); switch ( $group ) { case 'weekly' : $select = "concat(left(transaction.week,4), ' - ', right(transaction.week,2)) as week"; $select_inner1 = "yearweek(CONVERT_TZ(payment_date, '+00:00', '" . $tz_offset . "')) week"; $select_inner2 = "yearweek(CONVERT_TZ(t.date_created, '+00:00', '" . $tz_offset . "')) week"; $group_by = 'week'; $order_by = 'week desc'; $join = 'lead.week = transaction.week'; $data['chart']['hAxis']['column'] = 'week'; $data['chart']['hAxis']['label'] = esc_html__( 'Week', 'gravityforms' ); $data['table']['header'] = array_merge( array( 'week' => esc_html__( 'Week', 'gravityforms' ) ), $data['table']['header'] ); $current_period_format = 'o - W'; $decrement_period = 'week'; $result_period = 'week'; break; case 'monthly' : $select = "date_format(transaction.inner_month, '%%Y') as year, date_format(transaction.inner_month, '%%c') as month, '' as month_abbrev, '' as month_year"; $select_inner1 = "date_format(CONVERT_TZ(payment_date, '+00:00', '" . $tz_offset . "'), '%%Y-%%m-01') inner_month"; $select_inner2 = "date_format(CONVERT_TZ(t.date_created, '+00:00', '" . $tz_offset . "'), '%%Y-%%m-01') inner_month"; $group_by = 'inner_month'; $order_by = 'year desc, (month+0) desc'; $join = 'lead.inner_month = transaction.inner_month'; $data['chart']['hAxis']['column'] = 'month_year'; $data['chart']['hAxis']['label'] = esc_html__( 'Month', 'gravityforms' ); $data['table']['header'] = array_merge( array( 'month_year' => esc_html__( 'Month', 'gravityforms' ) ), $data['table']['header'] ); $current_period_format = 'n'; // Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros $decrement_period = 'month'; $result_period = 'month'; break; default : //daily $select = ", date_format(, '%%c') as month, day( as day, dayname( as day_of_week, '' as month_day"; $select_inner1 = "date(CONVERT_TZ(payment_date, '+00:00', '" . $tz_offset . "')) as date"; $select_inner2 = "date(CONVERT_TZ(t.date_created, '+00:00', '" . $tz_offset . "')) as date"; $group_by = 'date'; $order_by = 'date desc'; $join = ' ='; $data['chart']['hAxis']['column'] = 'month_day'; $data['chart']['hAxis']['label'] = esc_html__( 'Day', 'gravityforms' ); $data['table']['header'] = array_merge( array( 'date' => esc_html__( 'Date', 'gravityforms' ), 'day_of_week' => esc_html__( 'Day', 'gravityforms' ) ), $data['table']['header'] ); $current_period_format = 'Y-m-d'; $decrement_period = 'day'; $result_period = 'date'; break; } $lead_date_filter = ''; $transaction_date_filter = ''; if ( isset( $search['start_date'] ) ) { $lead_date_filter = $wpdb->prepare( " AND timestampdiff(SECOND, %s, CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '" . $tz_offset . "')) >= 0", $search['start_date'] ); $transaction_date_filter = $wpdb->prepare( " AND timestampdiff(SECOND, %s, CONVERT_TZ(t.date_created, '+00:00', '" . $tz_offset . "')) >= 0", $search['start_date'] ); } if ( isset( $search['end_date'] ) ) { $search['end_date'] .= ' 23:59:59'; $lead_date_filter .= $wpdb->prepare( " AND timestampdiff(SECOND, %s, CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '" . $tz_offset . "')) <= 0", $search['end_date'] ); $transaction_date_filter .= $wpdb->prepare( " AND timestampdiff(SECOND, %s, CONVERT_TZ(t.date_created, '+00:00', '" . $tz_offset . "')) <= 0", $search['end_date'] ); } $payment_method = rgpost( 'payment_method' ); $payment_method_filter = ''; if ( ! empty( $payment_method ) ) { $payment_method_filter = $wpdb->prepare( ' AND l.payment_method=%s', $payment_method ); } $current_page = rgempty( 'paged' ) ? 1 : absint( rgpost( 'paged' ) ); $offset = $page_size * ( $current_page - 1 ); $entry_table_name = self::get_entry_table_name(); $sql = $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS {$select}, lead.orders, lead.subscriptions, transaction.refunds, transaction.recurring_payments, transaction.revenue FROM ( SELECT {$select_inner1}, sum( if(transaction_type = 1,1,0) ) as orders, sum( if(transaction_type = 2,1,0) ) as subscriptions FROM {$entry_table_name} l WHERE l.status='active' AND form_id=%d {$lead_date_filter} {$payment_method_filter} GROUP BY {$group_by} ) AS lead RIGHT OUTER JOIN( SELECT {$select_inner2}, sum( if(t.transaction_type = 'refund', abs(t.amount) * -1, t.amount) ) as revenue, sum( if(t.transaction_type = 'refund', 1, 0) ) as refunds, sum( if(t.transaction_type = 'payment' AND t.is_recurring = 1, 1, 0) ) as recurring_payments FROM {$wpdb->prefix}gf_addon_payment_transaction t INNER JOIN {$entry_table_name} l ON = t.lead_id WHERE l.status='active' AND l.form_id=%d {$lead_date_filter} {$transaction_date_filter} {$payment_method_filter} GROUP BY {$group_by} ) AS transaction on {$join} ORDER BY {$order_by} LIMIT $page_size OFFSET $offset ", $form_id, $form_id ); GFCommon::log_debug( "sales sql: {$sql}" ); $results = $wpdb->get_results( $sql, ARRAY_A ); $display_results = array(); $current_period = date( $current_period_format ); if ( isset( $search['start_date'] ) || isset( $search['end_date'] ) ) { foreach ( $results as &$result ) { $result['orders'] = intval( $result['orders'] ); $result['subscriptions'] = intval( $result['subscriptions'] ); $result['refunds'] = intval( $result['refunds'] ); $result['recurring_payments'] = intval( $result['recurring_payments'] ); $result['revenue'] = floatval( $result['revenue'] ); $result = $this->format_chart_h_axis( $result ); } $data['row_count'] = $wpdb->get_var( 'SELECT FOUND_ROWS()' ); $data['page_size'] = $page_size; $data['rows'] = $results; } else { $current_date = date( 'Y-m-d' ); $current_period_timestamp = strtotime( $current_date ); for ( $i = 1; $i <= 10 ; $i++ ) { $result_for_date = false; foreach ( $results as $result ) { if ( $result[ $result_period ] == $current_period ) { $display_result = $result; $result_for_date = true; break; } } if ( ! $result_for_date ) { $display_result = array( $result_period => $current_period, 'month' => date( 'm', $current_period_timestamp ), 'day' => date( 'd', $current_period_timestamp ), 'day_of_week' => date( 'l', $current_period_timestamp ), 'month_day' => '', 'year' => date( 'Y', $current_period_timestamp ), 'month_abbrev' => '', 'orders' => '0', 'subscriptions' => '0', 'refunds' => '0', 'recurring_payments' => '0', 'revenue' => '0.00', ); } $display_result['orders'] = intval( $display_result['orders'] ); $display_result['subscriptions'] = intval( $display_result['subscriptions'] ); $display_result['refunds'] = intval( $display_result['refunds'] ); $display_result['recurring_payments'] = intval( $display_result['recurring_payments'] ); $display_result['revenue'] = floatval( $display_result['revenue'] ); $display_result = $this->format_chart_h_axis( $display_result ); $display_results[] = $display_result; $decremented_date = $current_date . ' ' . ( $i * -1 ) . ' ' . $decrement_period; $current_period_timestamp = strtotime( $decremented_date ); $current_period = date( $current_period_format, $current_period_timestamp ); } $data['row_count'] = $page_size; $data['page_size'] = $page_size; $data['rows'] = $display_results; } return $data; } public function format_chart_h_axis( $result ) { $months = array( esc_html__( 'Jan', 'gravityforms' ), esc_html__( 'Feb', 'gravityforms' ), esc_html__( 'Mar', 'gravityforms' ), esc_html__( 'Apr', 'gravityforms' ), esc_html__( 'May', 'gravityforms' ), esc_html__( 'Jun', 'gravityforms' ), esc_html__( 'Jul', 'gravityforms' ), esc_html__( 'Aug', 'gravityforms' ), esc_html__( 'Sep', 'gravityforms' ), esc_html__( 'Oct', 'gravityforms' ), esc_html__( 'Nov', 'gravityforms' ), esc_html__( 'Dec', 'gravityforms' ), ); if ( isset( $result['month_abbrev'] ) ) { $result['month_abbrev'] = $months[ intval( $result['month'] ) - 1 ]; $result['month_year'] = $months[ intval( $result['month'] ) - 1 ] . ', ' . $result['year']; return $result; } elseif ( isset( $result['month_day'] ) ) { $result['month_day'] = $months[ intval( $result['month'] ) - 1 ] . ' ' . $result['day']; return $result; } return $result; } public function get_sales_summary( $form_id ) { global $wpdb; $tz_offset = $this->get_mysql_tz_offset(); $entry_table_name = self::get_entry_table_name(); $summary = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT, lead.orders, lead.subscriptions, transaction.revenue FROM ( SELECT date( CONVERT_TZ(payment_date, '+00:00', '" . $tz_offset . "') ) as date, sum( if(transaction_type = 1,1,0) ) as orders, sum( if(transaction_type = 2,1,0) ) as subscriptions FROM {$entry_table_name} WHERE status='active' AND form_id = %d AND datediff(now(), CONVERT_TZ(payment_date, '+00:00', '" . $tz_offset . "') ) <= 30 GROUP BY date ) AS lead RIGHT OUTER JOIN( SELECT date( CONVERT_TZ(t.date_created, '+00:00', '" . $tz_offset . "') ) as date, sum( if(t.transaction_type = 'refund', abs(t.amount) * -1, t.amount) ) as revenue FROM {$wpdb->prefix}gf_addon_payment_transaction t INNER JOIN {$entry_table_name} l ON = t.lead_id WHERE l.form_id=%d AND l.status='active' GROUP BY date ) AS transaction on = ORDER BY date desc", $form_id, $form_id ), ARRAY_A ); $total_summary = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT sum( if(transaction_type = 1,1,0) ) as orders, sum( if(transaction_type = 2,1,0) ) as subscriptions FROM {$entry_table_name} WHERE form_id=%d AND status='active'", $form_id ), ARRAY_A ); $total_revenue = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT sum( if(t.transaction_type = 'refund', abs(t.amount) * -1, t.amount) ) as revenue FROM {$wpdb->prefix}gf_addon_payment_transaction t INNER JOIN {$entry_table_name} l ON = t.lead_id WHERE l.form_id=%d AND status='active'", $form_id ) ); $result = array( 'today' => array( 'revenue' => GFCommon::to_money( 0 ), 'orders' => 0, 'subscriptions' => 0 ), 'yesterday' => array( 'revenue' => GFCommon::to_money( 0 ), 'orders' => 0, 'subscriptions' => 0 ), 'last30' => array( 'revenue' => 0, 'orders' => 0, 'subscriptions' => 0 ), 'total' => array( 'revenue' => GFCommon::to_money( $total_revenue ), 'orders' => $total_summary[0]['orders'], 'subscriptions' => $total_summary[0]['subscriptions'] ) ); $local_time = GFCommon::get_local_timestamp(); $today = gmdate( 'Y-m-d', $local_time ); $yesterday = gmdate( 'Y-m-d', strtotime( '-1 day', $local_time ) ); foreach ( $summary as $day ) { if ( $day['date'] == $today ) { $result['today']['revenue'] = GFCommon::to_money( $day['revenue'] ); $result['today']['orders'] = $day['orders']; $result['today']['subscriptions'] = $day['subscriptions']; } elseif ( $day['date'] == $yesterday ) { $result['yesterday']['revenue'] = GFCommon::to_money( $day['revenue'] ); $result['yesterday']['orders'] = $day['orders']; $result['yesterday']['subscriptions'] = $day['subscriptions']; } $is_within_30_days = strtotime( $day['date'] ) >= strtotime( '-30 days', $local_time ); if ( $is_within_30_days ) { $result['last30']['revenue'] += floatval( $day['revenue'] ); $result['last30']['orders'] += floatval( $day['orders'] ); $result['last30']['subscriptions'] += floatval( $day['subscriptions'] ); } } $result['last30']['revenue'] = GFCommon::to_money( $result['last30']['revenue'] ); return $result; } public function results_filter_ui( $filter_ui, $form_id, $page_title, $gf_page, $gf_view ) { if ( $gf_view == "gf_results_{$this->_slug}" ) { unset( $filter_ui['fields'] ); } $view_markup = "
'; $view_filter = array( 'view' => array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'View', 'gravityforms' ), 'tooltip' => '
' . esc_html__( 'View', 'gravityforms' ) . '
' . esc_html__( 'Select how you would like the sales data to be displayed.', 'gravityforms' ), 'markup' => $view_markup ) ); $payment_methods = $this->get_payment_methods( $form_id ); $payment_method_markup = "
'; $payment_method_filter = array( 'payment_method' => array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Payment Method', 'gravityforms' ), 'tooltip' => '', 'markup' => $payment_method_markup ) ); $filter_ui = array_merge( $view_filter, $payment_method_filter, $filter_ui ); return $filter_ui; } public function get_payment_methods( $form_id ) { global $wpdb; $entry_table_name = self::get_entry_table_name(); $payment_methods = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT DISTINCT payment_method FROM {$entry_table_name} WHERE form_id=%d", $form_id ) ); return array_filter( $payment_methods, array( $this, 'array_filter_non_blank' ) ); } public function array_filter_non_blank( $value ) { if ( empty( $value ) || $value == 'null' ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Get name for entry table. * * @since 2.3 * @access public * * @uses GFFormsModel::get_entry_table_name() * @uses GFFormsModel::get_lead_table_name() * @uses GFPayPalPaymentsPro::get_gravityforms_db_version() * * @return string */ public static function get_entry_table_name() { return version_compare( self::get_gravityforms_db_version(), '2.3-dev-1', '<' ) ? GFFormsModel::get_lead_table_name() : GFFormsModel::get_entry_table_name(); } /** * Get name for entry meta table. * * @since 2.3 * @access public * * @uses GFFormsModel::get_entry_meta_table_name() * @uses GFFormsModel::get_lead_meta_table_name() * @uses GFPayPalPaymentsPro::get_gravityforms_db_version() * * @return string */ public static function get_entry_meta_table_name() { return version_compare( self::get_gravityforms_db_version(), '2.3-dev-1', '<' ) ? GFFormsModel::get_lead_meta_table_name() : GFFormsModel::get_entry_meta_table_name(); } /** * Get version of Gravity Forms database. * * @since 2.3 * @access public * * @uses GFFormsModel::get_database_version() * * @return string */ public static function get_gravityforms_db_version() { return method_exists( 'GFFormsModel', 'get_database_version' ) ? GFFormsModel::get_database_version() : GFForms::$version; } //-------- Uninstall --------------------- public function uninstall() { global $wpdb; $entry_meta_table_name = self::get_entry_meta_table_name(); // deleting transactions $sql = $wpdb->prepare( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}gf_addon_payment_transaction WHERE lead_id IN (SELECT lead_id FROM {$entry_meta_table_name} WHERE meta_key='payment_gateway' AND meta_value=%s)", $this->_slug ); $wpdb->query( $sql ); if ( $this->_supports_callbacks ) { // deleting callback log $sql = $wpdb->prepare( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}gf_addon_payment_callback WHERE addon_slug=%s", $this->_slug ); $wpdb->query( $sql ); } //clear cron wp_clear_scheduled_hook( $this->_slug . '_cron' ); parent::uninstall(); } //-------- Scripts ----------------------- public function scripts() { $min = defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && SCRIPT_DEBUG || isset( $_GET['gform_debug'] ) ? '' : '.min'; $scripts = array( array( 'handle' => 'gaddon_payment', 'src' => $this->get_gfaddon_base_url() . "/js/gaddon_payment{$min}.js", 'version' => GFCommon::$version, 'strings' => array( 'subscriptionCancelWarning' => __( "Warning! This subscription will be canceled. This cannot be undone. 'OK' to cancel subscription, 'Cancel' to stop", 'gravityforms' ), 'subscriptionCancelNonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'gaddon_cancel_subscription' ), 'subscriptionCanceled' => __( 'Canceled', 'gravityforms' ), 'subscriptionError' => __( 'The subscription could not be canceled. Please try again later.', 'gravityforms' ) ), 'enqueue' => array( array( 'admin_page' => array( 'form_settings' ), 'tab' => $this->_slug ), array( 'admin_page' => array( 'entry_view' ) ), ) ), array( 'handle' => 'gaddon_token', 'src' => $this->get_gfaddon_base_url() . "/js/gaddon_token{$min}.js", 'version' => GFCommon::$version, 'deps' => array( 'jquery' ), 'in_footer' => false, 'enqueue' => array( array( $this, 'enqueue_creditcard_token_script' ) ) ), array( 'handle' => 'gform_form_admin', 'enqueue' => array( array( 'admin_page' => array( 'entry_edit' ) ), ), ), ); return array_merge( parent::scripts(), $scripts ); } //----- Javascript Credit Card Tokens ---- /** * Override to support creating credit card tokens via Javascript. * * @access public * * @param mixed $form * * @return array */ public function creditcard_token_info( $form ) { return array(); } /** * Add input field for credit card token response. * * @access public * * @param string $content * @param GF_Field $field * @param string $value * @param string $entry_id * @param string $form_id * * @return string */ public function add_creditcard_token_input( $content, $field, $value, $entry_id, $form_id ) { if ( ! $this->has_feed( $form_id ) || GFFormsModel::get_input_type( $field ) != 'creditcard' ) { return $content; } $form = GFAPI::get_form( $form_id ); if ( ! $this->creditcard_token_info( $form ) ) { return $content; } $slug = str_replace( 'gravityforms', '', $this->_slug ); $content .= ''; return $content; } /** * Enables AJAX for forms that create credit card tokens via Javascript. * * @access public * * @param array $args * * @return array */ public function force_ajax_for_creditcard_tokens( $args ) { $form = GFAPI::get_form( rgar( $args, 'form_id' ) ); $args['ajax'] = $this->enqueue_creditcard_token_script( $form ) ? true : $args['ajax']; return $args; } /** * Determines if GFToken script should be enqueued. * * @access public * * @param array $form * * @return bool */ public function enqueue_creditcard_token_script( $form ) { return $form && $this->has_feed( $form['id'] ) && $this->creditcard_token_info( $form ); } /** * Prepare Javascript for creating credit card tokens. * * @access public * * @param array $form * @param array $field_values * @param bool $is_ajax * * @return void */ public function register_creditcard_token_script( $form, $field_values, $is_ajax ) { if ( ! $this->enqueue_creditcard_token_script( $form ) ) { return; } /* Prepare GFToken object. */ $gftoken = array( 'callback' => 'GF_' . str_replace( ' ', '', $this->_short_title ), 'feeds' => $this->creditcard_token_info( $form ), 'formId' => rgar( $form, 'id' ), 'hasPages' => GFCommon::has_pages( $form ), 'pageCount' => GFFormDisplay::get_max_page_number( $form ), 'responseField' => '#gf_' . str_replace( 'gravityforms', '', $this->_slug ) . '_response' ); /* Get needed fields. */ $gftoken['fields'] = $this->get_creditcard_token_entry_fields( $gftoken['feeds'] ); $script = 'new GFToken( ' . json_encode( $gftoken ) . ' );'; GFFormDisplay::add_init_script( $form['id'], 'GFToken', GFFormDisplay::ON_PAGE_RENDER, $script ); } /** * Get needed fields for creating credit card tokens. * * @access public * * @param array $feeds * * @return array $fields */ public function get_creditcard_token_entry_fields( $feeds ) { $fields = array(); foreach ( $feeds as $feed ) { foreach ( $feed['billing_fields'] as $billing_field ) { $fields[] = $billing_field; } } return array_unique( $fields ); } //-------- Currency ---------------------- /** * Override this function to add or remove currencies from the list of supported currencies * * @param $currencies - Currently supported currencies * * @return mixed - A filtered list of supported currencies */ public function supported_currencies( $currencies ) { return $currencies; } /** * Retrieve the currency object for the specified currency code. * * @param string $currency_code * * @return RGCurrency */ public function get_currency( $currency_code = '' ) { if ( empty( $currency_code ) ) { $currency_code = GFCommon::get_currency(); } return new RGCurrency( $currency_code ); } /** * Format the amount for export to the payment gateway. * * Removes currency symbol and if required converts the amount to the smallest unit required by the gateway (e.g. dollars to cents). * * @param int|float $amount The value to be formatted. * @param string $currency_code The currency code. * * @return int|float */ public function get_amount_export( $amount, $currency_code = '' ) { $currency = $this->get_currency( $currency_code ); $amount = $currency->to_number( $amount ); if ( $this->_requires_smallest_unit && ! $currency->is_zero_decimal() ) { return (int) round( $amount * 100 ); } return $amount; } /** * If necessary convert the amount back from the smallest unit required by the gateway (e.g cents to dollars). * * @param int|float $amount The value to be formatted. * @param string $currency_code The currency code. * * @return int|float */ public function get_amount_import( $amount, $currency_code = '' ) { $currency = $this->get_currency( $currency_code ); if ( $this->_requires_smallest_unit && ! $currency->is_zero_decimal() ) { return $amount / 100; } return $amount; } /** * If necessary formats the amount as currency and adds it to the action array. * * @since * * @param array $action The payment or subscription properties. * @param string $currency_code The currency code. * * @return array */ public function maybe_add_action_amount_formatted( $action, $currency_code = '' ) { if ( ! empty( $action['amount'] ) && empty( $action['amount_formatted'] ) ) { $action['amount_formatted'] = GFCommon::to_money( $action['amount'], $currency_code ); } return $action; } //-------- Cancel Subscription ----------- public function entry_info( $form_id, $entry ) { //abort if subscription cancellation isn't supported by the addon or if it has already been canceled if ( ! $this->payment_method_is_overridden( 'cancel' ) ) { return; } // adding cancel subscription button and script to entry info section $cancelsub_button = ''; if ( $entry['transaction_type'] == '2' && $entry['payment_status'] <> 'Cancelled' && $this->is_payment_gateway( $entry['id'] ) ) { ?> delete( "{$wpdb->prefix}gf_addon_payment_transaction", array( 'lead_id' => $entry_id ), array( '%d' ) ); //deleting from callback table $wpdb->delete( "{$wpdb->prefix}gf_addon_payment_callback", array( 'lead_id' => $entry_id ), array( '%d' ) ); } public function ajax_cancel_subscription() { check_ajax_referer( 'gaddon_cancel_subscription', 'gaddon_cancel_subscription' ); $entry_id = $_POST['entry_id']; $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Processing request for entry #' . $entry_id ); $entry = GFAPI::get_entry( $entry_id ); $form = GFAPI::get_form( $entry['form_id'] ); $feed = $this->get_payment_feed( $entry, $form ); // If user is not authorized, exit. if ( $feed && $this->_slug === $feed['addon_slug'] && ! GFCommon::current_user_can_any( $this->_capabilities_settings_page ) ) { wp_send_json_error( array( 'message' => esc_html__( 'Access denied.', 'gravityforms' ) ) ); } //This addon does not have a payment feed. Abort. if ( empty ( $feed ) ) { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Aborting. Entry does not have a feed.' ); return; } if ( $this->cancel( $entry, $feed ) ) { $this->cancel_subscription( $entry, $feed ); wp_send_json_success(); } else { $this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Aborting. Unable to cancel subscription.' ); wp_send_json_error(); } } /** * Target of gform_before_delete_field hook. Sets relevant payment feeds to inactive when the credit card field is * deleted. * * @param int $form_id ID of the form being edited. * @param int $field_id ID of the field being deleted. */ public function before_delete_field( $form_id, $field_id ) { if ( $this->_requires_credit_card ) { $form = GFAPI::get_form( $form_id ); $field = $this->get_credit_card_field( $form ); if ( is_object( $field ) && $field->id == $field_id ) { $feeds = $this->get_feeds( $form_id ); foreach ( $feeds as $feed ) { if ( $feed['is_active'] ) { $this->update_feed_active( $feed['id'], 0 ); } } } } } // # HELPERS private function payment_method_is_overridden( $method_name, $base_class = 'GFPaymentAddOn' ) { return parent::method_is_overridden( $method_name, $base_class ); } public function authorization_error( $error_message ) { return array( 'error_message' => $error_message, 'is_success' => false, 'is_authorized' => false ); } public function remove_spaces_from_card_number( $card_number ) { $card_number = str_replace( array( "\t", "\n", "\r", ' ' ), '', $card_number ); return $card_number; } public function get_supports_callback(){ return $this->_supports_callbacks; } } if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_List_Table' ) ) { require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php' ); } class GFPaymentStatsTable extends WP_List_Table { private $_rows = array(); private $_page_size = 10; private $_total_items = 0; function __construct( $columns, $rows, $total_count, $page_size ) { $this->_rows = $rows; $this->_total_items = $total_count; $this->_page_size = $page_size; $this->_column_headers = array( $columns, array(), array(), rgar( array_values( $columns ), 2 ), ); parent::__construct( array( 'singular' => esc_html__( 'sale', 'gravityforms' ), 'plural' => esc_html__( 'sales', 'gravityforms' ), 'ajax' => false, 'screen' => 'gaddon_sales', ) ); } function prepare_items() { $this->items = $this->_rows; $this->set_pagination_args( array( 'total_items' => $this->_total_items, 'per_page' => $this->_page_size ) ); } function no_items() { esc_html_e( "There hasn't been any sales in the specified date range.", 'gravityforms' ); } function get_columns() { return $this->_column_headers[0]; } function column_default( $item, $column ) { return rgar( $item, $column ); } function column_revenue( $item ) { return GFCommon::to_money( $item['revenue'] ); } function pagination( $which ) { if ( empty( $this->_pagination_args ) ) { return; } $total_items = $this->get_pagination_arg( 'total_items' ); $total_pages = $this->get_pagination_arg( 'total_pages' ); $output = '' . sprintf( _n( '1 item', '%s items', $total_items, 'gravityforms' ), number_format_i18n( $total_items ) ) . ''; $current = $this->get_pagenum(); $page_links = array(); $disable_first = $disable_last = ''; if ( $current == 1 ) { $disable_first = ' disabled'; } if ( $current == $total_pages ) { $disable_last = ' disabled'; } $page_links[] = sprintf( "%s", 'first-page' . $disable_first, esc_attr__( 'Go to the first page', 'gravityforms' ), '«' ); $page_links[] = sprintf( "%s", 'prev-page' . $disable_first, esc_attr__( 'Go to the previous page', 'gravityforms' ), max( 1, $current - 1 ), max( 1, $current - 1 ), '‹' ); $html_current_page = $current; $html_total_pages = sprintf( "%s", number_format_i18n( $total_pages ) ); $page_links[] = '' . sprintf( esc_html_x( '%1$s of %2$s', 'paging', 'gravityforms' ), $html_current_page, $html_total_pages ) . ''; $page_links[] = sprintf( "%s", 'next-page' . $disable_last, esc_attr__( 'Go to the next page', 'gravityforms' ), min( $total_pages, $current + 1 ), min( $total_pages, $current + 1 ), '›' ); $page_links[] = sprintf( "%s", 'last-page' . $disable_last, esc_attr__( 'Go to the last page', 'gravityforms' ), $total_pages, '»' ); $pagination_links_class = 'pagination-links'; if ( ! empty( $infinite_scroll ) ) { $pagination_links_class = ' hide-if-js'; } $output .= "\n" . join( "\n", $page_links ) . ''; if ( $total_pages ) { $page_class = $total_pages < 2 ? ' one-page' : ''; } else { $page_class = ' no-pages'; } $this->_pagination = "
"; echo $this->_pagination; } }