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It can be re-activated from the %splugins page%s.%s has requested permission to take over control of these settings.%s has requested permission to take over control of this entry.%s has requested permission to take over control of this form.%s has requested permission to take over control.%s has taken over and is currently editing.%s is currently editing%s marked as read.%s marked as spam.%s marked as unread.%s moved to Trash.%s restored from the Trash.%s restored from the spam.%s starred.%s unstarred.%sIMPORTANT NOTICE:%s We do not provide support via telephone or e-mail. Please %sopen a support ticket%s.%sPlease note%s, these settings are required only if you decide to use the reCAPTCHA field.%sRegister%s your copy of Gravity Forms to receive access to automatic updates and support. Need a license key? %sPurchase one now%s.%sRegister%s your copy of Gravity Forms to receive access to automatic upgrades and support. Need a license key? %sPurchase one now%s.%sThis operation deletes ALL %s settings%s. If you continue, you will NOT be able to retrieve these settings.'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete.'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to reset.1 entry1 item%s items1-3 years1-6 months12 hour18-242 to 3 times a month2 to 3 times a week24 hour25-3435-443D45-545 of %d items shown. Edit field to view all55-6465 or AboveThis page does not exist.AFGHANISTANALBANIAALGERIAAMAM/PMAMERICAN SAMOAANDORRAANGOLAANTIGUA AND BARBUDAAPI FunctionsARGENTINAARMENIAAUSTRALIAAUSTRIAAZERBAIJANAbbreviation: MinutesMMAbbreviation: MonthMMAbout the SameAbove inputsAcceptAccepted file types: %s.Accounting/FinanceActivate this option to allow users to skip this field and submit the values entered in the associated field. For example, this is useful for shipping and billing address fields.Activated by DefaultActivated by defaultActiveActive ColumnsAdd Choices to this field. You can mark a choice as selected by default by using the radio buttons on the left.Add Choices to this field. You can mark each choice as checked by default by using the radio/checkbox fields on the left.Add CustomAdd Custom KeyAdd FormAdd Gravity FormAdd Icon URLAdd NewAdd NoteAdd StarAdd a conditionAdd a new rowAdd another rowAdd page break between entriesAdd-On FrameworkAdd-On browser is currently unavailable. Please try again later.Add-OnsAddressAddress (Address Line 2)Address (City)Address (Country)Address (State / Province)Address (Street Address)Address (Zip / Postal Code)Address 2Address FieldsAddress Line 2Address TypeAdmin Field LabelAdmin LabelAdmin NotificationAdministrativeAdvancedAdvanced FieldsAdvanced Fields are for specific uses. They enable advanced formatting of regularly used fields such as Name, Email, Address, etc.Advanced OptionsAdvertising/Public RelationsAerospace/AviationAfghanistanAfricaAgeAggregate RankAgreeAgreementAjax error while adding fieldAjax error while changing input typeAjax error while deleting field.Ajax error while saving formAjax error while selecting a formAjax error while setting lead propertyAjax error while updating confirmationAjax error while updating formAjax error while updating notificationAkismet IntegrationAlabamaAlaskaAlbaniaAlbertaAlgeriaAll %s{0}%s entries have been selected.All %s{0}%s entries on this page are selected.All CategoriesAll FormsAll Pricing FieldsAll Submitted FieldsAll other characters are literal values and will be displayed automatically.Allow field to be populated dynamicallyAllowable form fieldsAllowed File ExtensionsAllowed FilesAllowed file extensionsAllows notification to be sent to different email addresses depending on values selected in the form.Also email this note toAmerican SamoaAmountAn error prevented the entry for this form submission being saved. Please contact support.AndorraAngolaAnimated transitionsAntarcticaAnti-spam honeypotAntigua and BarbudaAny form fieldAppearanceApplyApply filtersAprAprilArabicAre you sure you wish to cancel these changes?Are you sure you wish to delete this confirmation?Are you sure you would like to reset the Views for the selected forms? Are you sure?ArgentinaArizonaArkansasArmed Forces AmericasArmed Forces EuropeArmed Forces PacificArmeniaArts/Entertainment/PublishingAsiaAssociate DegreeAt least one field must be filled outAugAugustAustraliaAustralian DollarAustriaAuthenticationAuthorization has been voided. Transaction Id: %sAuto-formattingAutomotiveAverage Global ScoreAverage Row ScoreAverage ScoreAverage global scoreAverage scoreAzerbaijanBAHAMASBAHRAINBANGLADESHBARBADOSBCCBELARUSBELGIUMBELIZEBENINBERMUDABHUTANBOLIVIABOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINABOTSWANABRAZILBRUNEIBULGARIABURKINA FASOBURUNDIBachelor's DegreeBackBackground ColorBackground UpdatesBackground updatesBadBad requestBahamasBahrainBangladeshBanking/MortgageBarbadosBase PriceBelarusBelgiumBelizeBelow inputsBengaliBeninBermudaBhutanBilling CycleBilling InformationBlind Carbon Copy AddressesBlueBodyBoliviaBosnia and HerzegovinaBotswanaBrazilBrazilian RealBritish ColumbiaBruneiBulgariaBulgarianBulk Add / Predefined ChoicesBulk PrintBurkina FasoBurundiBusiness DevelopmentBusiness OpportunityButton Text:Button conditional logicButton image pathButton textBy disabling background updates your site may not get critical bug fixes and security enhancements. We only recommend doing this if you are experienced at managing a WordPress site and accept the risks involved in manually keeping your WordPress site updated.By selecting this option, the Chosen jQuery script will be applied to this field, enabling search capabilities to Drop Down fields and a more user-friendly interface for Multi Select fields.CAMBODIACAMEROONCANADACAPE VERDECAPTCHACAPTCHA TypeCAYMAN ISLANDSCENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLICCHADCHILECHINACOLOMBIACOMOROSCONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THECONGO, REPUBLIC OF THECOSTA RICACROATIACSS Class NameCSS Ready ClassesCSS SelectorsCSS Targeting SamplesCUBACURAÇAOCYPRUSCZECH REPUBLICCalculationCalendar IconCaliforniaCambodiaCameroonCan't find your form? Make sure it is active.CanadaCanadianCanadian DollarCanadian Province/TerritoryCancelCancel SubscriptionCancel this uploadCancel to stop, OK to delete.CanceledCancelledCape VerdeCaptionCard Icon StyleCard NumberCard TypeCardholder NameCatalanCategoryCayman IslandsCentral African RepublicChadChange the %sWordPress Permalink Settings%s from default to any of the other options to get started.Check this box if you would like the progress bar to display with the confirmation text.Check this box if you would like to use the rich text editor for this field.Check this box to prevent Province field from being displayed in the form.Check this box to prevent the State field from being displayed in the form.Check this box to prevent the State/Province/Region from being displayed in the form.Check this box to prevent the extra address input (Address Line 2) from being displayed in the form.Check this box to prevent this field from being displayed in a non-secure page (i.e. not https://). It will redirect the page to the same URL, but starting with https:// instead. This option requires a properly configured SSL certificate.Check this option to add a text input as the final choice of your radio button field. This allows the user to specify a value that is not a predefined choice.Check this option to enable a sliding animation when displaying/hiding conditional logic fields.Check this option to enable data to be passed to the form and pre-populate this field dynamically. Data can be passed via Query Strings, Shortcode and/or Hooks.Check this option to format and insert merge tags into the Post Content.Check this option to format and insert merge tags into the Post Title.Check this option to require a user to be logged in to view this form.Check this option to set this image as the post's Featured Image.Check this option to specify a value for each choice. Choice values are not displayed to the user viewing the form, but are accessible to administrators when viewing the entry.CheckboxCheckboxesChileChinaChinese (Simplified)Chinese (Traditional)ChoiceChoicesCityClearClear selectionClerical/AdministrativeClick on the edit link to configure the various field optionsClick the Choose File button to upload a Gravity Forms export file from your computer.Click to Add A FieldClick to edit postClick to select...Click to viewClose WindowColombiaColoradoColumn 1Column 2Column 3ColumnsComorosComparisonCompletedCompletion TextConditional LogicConditional LogicAllConditional LogicAnyConfigure NotificationsConfigure RoutingConfiguring ConfirmationsConfiguring NotificationsConfirm EmailConfirm PasswordConfirmation Message TextConfirmation NameConfirmation TypeConfirmation deleted.Confirmation saved successfully. %sBack to confirmations.%sConfirmationsCongo, Democratic Republic of theCongo, Republic of theCongratulations! Click the 'Create A Form' button to get started.ConnecticutConstruction/FacilitiesConsumer GoodsContact UsContentContent TemplateContinentsContinue Editing this FormContinue editing this formContractConversionConversion is the percentage of form views that generated an entry. If a form was viewed twice, and one entry was generated, the conversion will be 50%.Copy %dCopy 1Costa RicaCountriesCountryCountryGEORGIACountryGeorgiaCourse CodeCreate A FormCreate FormCreate a New FormCreate content templateCreate rules to dynamically display or hide the page's Next Button based on values from another field.Create rules to dynamically display or hide the submit button based on values from another field.Create rules to dynamically display or hide this field based on values from another field.Create rules to dynamically display or hide this page based on values from another field.Created By (User Id)Creating Form...Creating a FormCredit CardCredit Card Icon StyleCroatiaCroatianCubaCuraçaoCurrencyCustomCustom CSS ClassCustom ChoicesCustom FieldCustom Field NameCustom IconCustom Mask InstructionsCustom Sub-LabelCustom Validation MessageCustomer ServiceCustomize FieldsCyprusCzechCzech KorunaCzech RepublicCÔTE D'IVOIRECôte d'IvoireDDDENMARKDJIBOUTIDOMINICADOMINICAN REPUBLICDailyDanishDanish KroneDarkDateDate Drop DownDate FieldDate FormatDate Input TypeDate PickerDate RangeDate Range is optional, if no date range is selected all entries will be exported.Date Range is optional, if no date range is specified it will be ignored.DayDays of the WeekDecDecemberDefaultDefault %sDefault ConfirmationDefault CountryDefault FilterDefault Post AuthorDefault ProvinceDefault StateDefault ValueDefault Value:Default ValuesDefault option. The field is visible when viewing the form.DefinitelyDefinitely NotDelawareDeleteDelete All SpamDelete Icon URLDelete PermanentlyDelete fileDelete permanentlyDelete this custom choice list? 'OK' to delete, 'Cancel' to abort.Delete this entry permanentlyDelete this feedDelete this fileDelete this itemDelete this notificationDeleted FieldDenmarkDescriptionDescription PlacementDescription placementDeselect AllDesigner DocumentationDetailsDeveloper DocumentationDeveloper toolsDisable Auto-FormattingDisable Auto-formattingDisable Default MarginsDisable QuantityDisable auto-formattingDisable default marginsDisable quantity fieldDisable script outputDisabledDisables the quantity field. A quantity of 1 will be assumed or you can add a Quantity field to your form from the Pricing Fields.DisagreeDismissDisplay completed progress bar on confirmationDisplay form descriptionDisplay form titleDisplay option to use the values submitted in different fieldDisplay placeholderDistrict of ColumbiaDivorcedDjiboutiDo not roundDominicaDominican RepublicDonationDonationsDonations are not editableDownload Export FileDownload fileDr.DraftDrag & drop to order and select which columns are displayed in the entries table.Drag the fields to arrange them the way you preferDrag to Arrange FieldsDrag up or down to arrange your fields.Drop DownDrop files here orDuplicateDuplicate this confirmationDuplicate this feedDuplicate this formDuplicate this notificationDutchEAST TIMORECUADOREGYPTEL SALVADOREND PAGINGEQUATORIAL GUINEAERITREAESTONIAETHIOPIAEasily create web forms and manage form entries within the WordPress admin.East TimorEcuadorEditEdit Field OptionsEdit FormEdit Last PageEdit PostEdit settings for this formEdit the field options. Go ahead.. go crazy.Edit this feedEdit this formEdit this itemEditorEducationEducation/TrainingEgyptEl SalvadorEmailEmail ServiceEmbed Post/Page IdEmbed Post/Page TitleEmbed URLEmbed UrlEmbedding a FormEmployed Full-TimeEmployed Part-TimeEmployeeEmploymentEmpty TrashEnableEnable "other" choiceEnable AJAXEnable AnimationEnable Anti-spam honeypotEnable CalculationEnable Choice ValuesEnable ConditionEnable Conditional LogicEnable Email ConfirmationEnable Enhanced UIEnable Multi-File UploadEnable Next Button Conditional LogicEnable Page Conditional LogicEnable Password InputEnable Password StrengthEnable Save and ContinueEnable a trial period. The user's recurring payment will not begin until after this trial period.Enable access to the APIEnable animationsEnable anti-spam honeypotEnable conditional logicEnable enhanced user interfaceEnable entry limitEnable multiple columnsEnabledEnables the honeypot spam protection technique, which is an alternative to the reCAPTCHA field.Enabling calculations will allow the value of this field to be dynamically calculated based on a mathematical formula.EndEnd Page: OptionsEnergy/UtilitiesEngineeringEnglish (UK)English (US)Ensure that the conditional logic for this confirmation is different from all the other confirmations for this form and then press save to create the new confirmation.Enter EmailEnter PasswordEnter Your License KeyEnter a comma separated list of email addresses you would like to receive a BCC of the notification email.Enter a comma separated list of email addresses you would like to receive the selected notification emails.Enter a custom maskEnter a description for your form. This may be used for user instructions.Enter a feed name to uniquely identify this setup.Enter a message to be displayed to users who are not logged in (shortcodes and HTML are supported).Enter a number in the input box below to limit the number of entries allowed for this form. The form will become inactive when that number is reached.Enter a valueEnter an amountEnter nameEnter text to display at the top of the progress bar.Enter the CSS class name you would like to use in order to override the default styles for this field.Enter the CSS class name you would like to use in order to override the default styles for this form.Enter the URL of a custom image to replace the default 'add item' icon. A maximum size of 16px by 16px is recommendedEnter the URL of a custom image to replace the default 'delete item' icon. A maximum size of 16px by 16px is recommendedEnter the URL of the webpage you would like the user to be redirected to after they have submitted the form.Enter the admin label of the form field. Entering a value in this field will override the Field Label when displayed in the Gravity Forms administration tool.Enter the allowed file extensions for file uploads. This will limit the type of files a user may upload.Enter the base price for this product.Enter the content (Text or HTML) to be displayed on the form.Enter the description for the form field. This will be displayed to the user and provide some direction on how the field should be filled out or selected.Enter the email address you would like the notification email sent from, or select the email from available email form fields.Enter the email address you would like the notification email sent to.Enter the email address you would like to be used as the reply to address for the notification email.Enter the label for this HTML block. It will help you identify your HTML blocks in the form editor, but it will not be displayed on the form.Enter the label of the form field. This is the field title the user will see when filling out the form.Enter the label to be displayed next to the check box. For example, "same as shipping address".Enter the maximum number of characters that this field is allowed to have.Enter the maximum number of rows that users are allowed to add.Enter the minimum and maximum values for this form field. This will require that the value entered by the user must fall within this range.Enter the name you would like the notification email sent from, or select the name from available name fields.Enter the path to an image you would like to use as the form submit button.Enter the path to an image you would like to use as the page next button.Enter the path to an image you would like to use as the page previous button.Enter the text you would like the user to see on the confirmation page of this form.Enter the text you would like to appear on the form submit button.Enter the text you would like to appear on the page next button.Enter the text you would like to appear on the page previous button.Enter the title of your form.Enter valueEnter values in this setting to override the Sub-Label for each field.Enter your Gravity Forms License Key below. Your key unlocks access to automatic updates, the add-on installer, and support. You can find your key on the My Account page on the %sGravity Forms%s site.Enter your reCAPTCHA Secret Key, if you do not have a key you can register for one at the provided link. reCAPTCHA is a free service.Enter your reCAPTCHA Site Key, if you do not have a key you can register for one at the provided link. reCAPTCHA is a free service.Enter your reCAPTCHA site and secret keys in the reCAPTCHA Settings section of the %sSettings page%sEntriesEntries ConversionEntries deleted successfully: %dEntries for %s form have been deleted.Entries for %s forms have been deleted.Entries processed: %1$d of %2$dEntries updated successfullyEntryEntry # Entry DateEntry IDEntry IdEntry Limit Reached MessageEntry ListEntry ListAllEntry ListStarredEntry ListUnreadEntry URLEntry Updated.Entry deleted.Entry not foundEntry updated successfullyEntry with id %s not foundEquatorial GuineaEritreaErrorError retrieving results. If the problem persists, please contact support.Error updating formError updating form confirmationsError updating form notificationsError updating titleErrors have been highlighted below.EstoniaEstonianEthiopiaEuroEuropeEventEvery dayExamplesExcerptExistingExpiration DateExpiration MonthExpiration YearExport Date RangeExport EntriesExport FormsExport Selected FieldsExport Selected FormExport Selected FormsExport entries if {0} of the following match:Exporting entries. Progress:ExtendedExtra LargeExtra SmallFAROE ISLANDSFIJIFINLANDFRANCEFRENCH POLYNESIAFailed to capture %s. Reason: %s.Failed to load the preview for this form.Failed to move uploaded file.Failed to open input stream.Failed to open output stream.Failed to open temp directory.Failed to upload file.Faroe IslandsFeatured ImageFebFebruaryFeed SettingsFeed id %s not foundFeed not foundFeed updated successfully.Feeds deleted successfully: %dFeeds updated: %dFemaleFieldField ChoicesField Date FormatField DescriptionField IDField LabelField Label VisibilityField Name FormatField SizeField TypeField typeField type '%s' has not been implementedFijiFileFile UploadFile exceeds size limitFile exceeds size limit. Maximum file size: %dMBFilipinoFilter the entries by adding conditions.FiltersFinlandFinnishFirstFirst ChoiceFirst NameFirst OptionFirst nameFix itFloridaFont ColorFor addresses that only apply to one country, you can choose to not display the country drop down. Entries will still be recorded with the selected country.ForbiddenForce SSLFormForm BasicsForm ButtonForm Button ImageForm Button TextForm CSS Class NameForm DescriptionForm Expired MessageForm FieldForm IdForm Id and Lead Id are required parameters.Form Label PlacementForm LayoutForm ListActiveForm ListAllForm ListInactiveForm ListTrashForm OptionsForm Pending MessageForm PreviewForm SettingsForm TitleForm TotalForm deleted.Form descriptionForm duplicated.Form is savedForm is submittedForm moved to the trash.Form not foundForm restored.Form settings updated successfully.Form titleForm updated successfullyForm updated successfully.Form with id: %s not foundFormsForms could not be imported. Please make sure your export file is in the correct format.Forms could not be imported. Your export file is not compatible with your current version of Gravity Forms.Forms deleted successfully: %dForms per pageForms updated successfullyFormulaFranceFrenchFrench (Canadian)French PolynesiaFrequencyFridayFrom EmailFrom Email AddressFrom NameFullFull SizeFull Size - CenteredFull Size - Left AlignedFull Size - Right AlignedFull-TimeGABONGAMBIAGERMANYGFAddOnGHANAGREECEGREENLANDGRENADAGUAMGUATEMALAGUINEAGUINEA-BISSAUGUYANAGabonGambiaGenderGeneralGeneral SettingsGermanGerman (Austria)German (Switzerland)GermanyGetting Started with the Gravity Forms APIGhanaGlobal SettingsGo to the first pageGo to the last pageGo to the next pageGo to the previous pageGoodGovernment/MilitaryGrab here with your cursor.Graduate or Professional DegreeGravity FormsGravity Forms %s is required. Activate it now or %spurchase it today!%sGravity Forms API SettingsGravity Forms HelpGravity Forms UpdatesGravity Forms VersionGravity Forms WidgetGravity Forms has been successfully uninstalled. It can be re-activated from the %splugins page%s.Gravity Forms integrates with reCAPTCHA, a free CAPTCHA service that helps to digitize books while protecting your forms from spam bots. Gravity Forms requires MySQL 5 or above.Gravity Forms requires PHP 5 or above.Gravity Forms requires WordPress %s or greater. You must upgrade WordPress in order to use Gravity FormsGravity Forms requires WordPress v%s or greater. You must upgrade WordPress in order to use this version of Gravity Forms.Gravity Forms will download important bug fixes, security enhancements and plugin updates automatically. Updates are extremely important to the security of your WordPress site.GrayGreeceGreekGreenGreenlandGrenadaGuamGuatemalaGuineaGuinea-BissauGujaratiGuyanaHAITIHHHONDURASHONG KONGHTMLHTML BlockHTML ContentHTTP Referer URLHTTP User AgentHUNGARYHaitiHawaiiHealthcareHebrewHelpHiddenHidden FieldHideHide Address Line 2Hide CountryHide Province FieldHide State FieldHide State/Province/RegionHigh SchoolHindiHomemakerHondurasHong KongHong Kong DollarHospitality/TravelHow LongHow OftenHuman ResourcesHungarianHungarian ForintHungaryI Understand and Accept the RiskI am done. Take me back to form listI understand the risksICELANDIDINDIAINDONESIAIP AddressIRANIRAQIRELANDISRAELITALYIcelandIdahoIf you continue, you will not be able to retrieve or restore your forms or entries.If you don't enter a valid license key, you will not be able to update Gravity Forms when important bug fixes and security enhancements are released. This can be a serious security risk for your site.If you get stuck, mouseover the tool tips for a little help.If you have other forms on the page (i.e. Comments Form), specify a higher tabindex start value so that your Gravity Form does not end up with the same tabindices as your other forms. To disable the tabindex, enter 0 (zero).If you would like to override the default error validation for a field, enter it here. This message will be displayed if there is an error with this field when the user submits the form.If you would like to pre-populate the value of a field, enter it here.IllinoisImageImage MetaImage MetadataImage Path:Image Path: Impersonate accountImportImport FormsImport/ExportImportanceImportantInactiveInactive ColumnsInclude notesInclude results if {0} match:Incoming Field DataIndiaIndianaIndonesiaIndonesianIndustryInitial paymentInput MaskInput masks provide a visual guide allowing users to more easily enter data in a specific format such as dates and phone numbers.Input typeInsert A FormInsert ChoicesInsert FormInsert Merge TagInstallation CompleteInstallation StatusInstallation/MaintenanceInsuranceInternInternal ErrorInternationalInternetInvalid credit card number.Invalid entry id: %sInvalid form objectInvalid form objectsInvalid or Expired Key : Please make sure you have entered the correct value and that your key is not expired.Invalid selection. Please select one of the available choices.Invalid valueIowaIranIraqIrelandIsraelIsraeli New SheqelItalianItalyItemItem has been deleted.Item has been saved.JAMAICAJAPANJORDANJamaicaJanJanuaryJapanJapaneseJapanese YenJob Search AidsJob TypeJordanJulJulyJunJuneKAZAKHSTANKENYAKIRIBATIKOSOVOKUWAITKYRGYZSTANKannadaKansasKazakhstanKeep background updates enabledKentuckyKenyaKiribatiKoreanKosovoKuwaitKyrgyzstanLAOSLATVIALEBANONLESOTHOLIBERIALIBYALIECHTENSTEINLITHUANIALUXEMBOURGLabelLabel VisibilityLabel placementLanguageLaosLargeLarge - CenteredLarge - Left AlignedLarge - Right AlignedLastLast 30 DaysLast Entry: %sLast NameLast nameLatest values:LatviaLatvianLaw Enforcement/SecurityLebanonLeft alignedLegalLesothoLess than a monthLess than once a monthLiberiaLibyaLicense KeyLiechtensteinLightLimit Form ActivityLimit Number of EntriesLimit number of entriesLimit the number of entries a form can generate and/or schedule a time period the form is active.Link textLink to continue {form_title}ListLithuaniaLithuanianLoading...LouisianaLuxembourgMACEDONIAMADAGASCARMALAWIMALAYSIAMALDIVESMALIMALTAMARSHALL ISLANDSMAURITANIAMAURITIUSMEXICOMICRONESIAMOLDOVAMONACOMONGOLIAMONTENEGROMOROCCOMOZAMBIQUEMYANMARMacedoniaMadagascarMaineMalawiMalayMalayalamMalaysiaMalaysian RinggitMaldivesMaleMaliMaltaManagement/ExecutiveManitobaManufacturing/OperationsMap your Form Fields to the available listed fields.MarMarathiMarchMarital StatusMark as ActiveMark as InactiveMark as ReadMark as SpamMark as UnreadMark readMark this entry as not spamMark this entry as spamMark this entry as unreadMark unreadMarketingMarriedMarshall IslandsMarylandMaskMassachusettsMath ChallengeMauritaniaMauritiusMaxMaximum CharactersMaximum File SizeMaximum Number of FilesMaximum RowsMaximum allowed on this server: %sMBMaximum number of files reachedMayMediumMedium - CenteredMedium - Left AlignedMedium - Right AlignedMerge TagsMerge tags allow you to dynamically populate submitted field values in your form content wherever this merge tag icon is present.MessageMexican PesoMexicoMichiganMicronesiaMiddleMiddle nameMinMinimum StrengthMinnesotaMismatchMissMissing entry idMissing form idMississippiMissouriMoldovaMonacoMondayMongoliaMontanaMontenegroMonthMonthlyMonths of the YearMoroccoMove this entry to the trashMove this form to the trashMove to TrashMove to trashMozambiqueMr.Mrs.Ms.Much BetterMuch WorseMulti SelectMultiple FilesMySQL VersionMyanmarNAMIBIANAURUNEPALNETHERLANDSNEW ZEALANDNICARAGUANIGERNIGERIANORTH KOREANORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDSNORWAYNameName (First)Name (Last)Name FieldsName FormatName Prefix ChoicesName each of the pages on your form. Page names are displayed with the selected progress indicator.Name prefixName suffixNamibiaNarrow the results by adding filters. Note that some field types support more options than others.NauruNebraskaNepalNetherlandsNeutralNevadaNever usedNewNew BrunswickNew FormNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNew ZealandNew Zealand DollarNew submission fromNew version %s available. Automatic upgrade available on the %splugins page%sNewfoundland & LabradorNextNext ButtonNext Button Conditional LogicNext Button ImageNext Button TextNext PageNicaraguaNigerNigeriaNoNo DuplicatesNo IconNo entries for this fieldNo notifications have been selected. Please select a notification to be sent.No property values were found in the request bodyNo responseNo resultsNo results matchedNo results.No-Conflict ModeNon-Profit/VolunteerNoneNorth AmericaNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaNorth KoreaNorthern Mariana IslandsNorthwest TerritoriesNorwayNorwegianNorwegian KroneNot ImportantNot SpamNot SureNot authorizedNot employed and not looking for workNot employed but looking for workNot foundNot implementedNote: This is a simple form preview. This form may display differently when added to your page based on normal inheritance from parent theme styles.NotesNotification could not be updated. Please enter all required information below.Notification deleted.Notification duplicates.Notification not foundNotification saved successfully. %sBack to notifications.%sNotificationsNotifications for %s were resent successfully.Notifications were resent successfully.NovNova ScotiaNovemberNow your new field magically appears over here.NumberNumber FormatNumber RangeNumber of EntriesNumber of entries per page:NunavutOMANOctOctoberOffOhioOklahomaOmanOnOnce a monthOnce a weekOnce you're happy with your form, remember to click on the 'update form' button to save all your hard work.Once you've found the field type you want, click to add it to the form editor here on the left side of your screen.Only digits are allowedOnly one Post Content field can be added to the formOnly one Post Excerpt field can be added to the formOnly one Post Title field can be added to the formOnly one Shipping field can be added to the formOnly one credit card field can be added to the formOnly one reCAPTCHA field can be added to the formOntarioOops! There was an error saving the form title. Please refresh the page and try again.Oops! We could not locate your form.Oops! We could not locate your form. Please try again.Oops! We couldn't find your entry. Please try againOops!! Something went wrong. %sPlease try again or %scontact us%s.Oops!! Something went wrong.%sPlease try again or %scontact us%s.Open developer toolsOptionOption LabelOptional form fieldsOptionsOrangeOrderOrdersOregonOtherOther SettingsOutput CSSOutput HTML5Over 3 yearsOverride NotificationsPAGE BREAKPAKISTANPALAUPALESTINE, STATE OFPANAMAPAPUA NEW GUINEAPARAGUAYPERUPHILIPPINESPHP VersionPMPOLANDPORTUGALPUERTO RICOPagePage Conditional LogicPage NamesPaginationPaging: OptionsPakistanPalauPalestine, State ofPanamaPapua New GuineaParagraph TextParaguayParameter NameParameter Name:Part-TimePass Data Via Query StringPass Field Data Via Query StringPasswordPayment AmountPayment DatePayment DetailsPayment MethodPayment StatusPayment failed to be captured. Reason: %sPayment has been authorized. Amount: %s. Transaction Id: %s.Payment has been completed. Amount: %s. Transaction Id: %s.Payment has been refunded. Amount: %s. Transaction Id: %s.Payment has failed. Amount: %s.Payment is pending. Amount: %s. Transaction Id: %s.PendingPending ReviewPennsylvaniaPer DiemPermalinks are not in the correct format.Permanently Delete EntriesPermission deniedPersianPeruPharmaceutical/BiotechPhilippine PesoPhilippinesPhonePhone FormatPhone Number FormatPhone format:Pick a field.. any field. Don't be shy.PlaceholderPlaceholder LabelPlaceholder text is not supported when using the Rich Text Editor.Placeholder:PlaceholdersPlaceholders will not be submitted along with the form. Use Placeholders to give a hint at the expected value or format.Please %scontact our support team%s.Please accept the termsPlease accept the terms.Please add a %s field to your form.Please complete the reCAPTCHA widget to validate your reCAPTCHA keys:Please enter a Title for this form. When adding the form to a page or post, you will have the option to hide the title.Please enter a URL.Please enter a confirmation name.Please enter a form title.Please enter a message for the notification emailPlease enter a subject for the notification emailPlease enter a unique form title.Please enter a valid Website URL (e.g. http://www.gravityforms.com).Please enter a valid amount.Please enter a valid date in the format (%s).Please enter a valid date.Please enter a valid email addressPlease enter a valid email address for all highlighted routing rules above.Please enter a valid email address or merge tag in the BCC field.Please enter a valid email address or merge tag in the Reply To field.Please enter a valid email address.Please enter a valid license key.Please enter a valid numberPlease enter a valid quantityPlease enter a valid quantity. Quantity cannot contain decimals.Please enter a valid time.Please enter a valid value.Please enter a value between %s and %s.Please enter a value greater than or equal to %s.Please enter a value less than or equal to %s.Please enter name.Please enter your card's security code.Please enter your credit card information.Please review the plugin documentation and %sfrequently asked questions (FAQ)%s first. If you still can't find the answer %sopen a support ticket%s and we will be happy to answer your questions and assist you with any problems. %sPlease note:%s If you have not %spurchased a license%s from us, you will not have access to these help resources.Please select a formPlease select a form.Please select a page.Please select at least one entry.Please select at least one entry...Please select the currency for your location. Currency is used for pricing fields and price calculations.Please select the fields to be exportedPlease select the forms to be exportedPlease use the following link to return to your form from any computer.
This link will expire after 30 days.
Enter your email address to send the link by email.
{save_email_input}Please wait for the uploading to completePolandPolishPolish ZlotyPortugalPortuguesePortuguese (Brazil)Portuguese (Portugal)Post AuthorPost BodyPost CategoryPost Content TemplatePost Custom FieldPost Edit URLPost ExcerptPost FieldsPost Fields allow you to add fields to your form that create Post Drafts in WordPress from the submitted data.Post FormatPost IdPost ImagePost Payment ActionsPost StatusPost TagsPost TitlePost Title TemplatePostal CodePound SterlingPrefer Not to AnswerPrefixPrefix ChoicesPreviewPreview this FormPreview this formPreview this form to see your custom icon.Preview your changes up here.PreviousPrevious ButtonPrevious Button ImagePrevious Button TextPrevious PagePricePrice: Pricing FieldsPricing fields allow you to add fields to your form that calculate pricing for selling goods and services.Pricing form fieldsPrince Edward IslandPrintPrint EntriesPrint PreviewPrint all of the selected entries at once.Private API KeyProbablyProbably NotProcess %s feed only when payment is received.Process this feed ifProductProduct FieldProduct Field MappingProduct NameProduct fields are not editableProducts and ServicesProf.Professional ServicesProgress BarProgress Bar Completion TextProgress Bar Confirmation DisplayProgress Bar StyleProgress IndicatorProperty key incorrectProperty values should be sent as an arrayProtect your form entries from spam using Akismet.ProvincePublic API KeyPublishedPuerto RicoQA/Quality ControlQATARQR CodeQatarQtyQty: QuantityQuantity:QuebecROMANIARUSSIARWANDARadio ButtonsRangeRead more about reCAPTCHAReal EstateReally Simple CAPTCHARecentRecurring AmountRecurring PaymentsRecurring TimesRedRedirectRedirect Form to PageRedirect Form to URLRedirect Query StringRedirect URLRefundsReject RequestRemove StarRemove a conditionRemove this rowReply ToRequest ControlRequest againRequire Login MessageRequire user to be logged inRequiredRequired FieldRequired form fieldsRequirements checkResend NotificationsResending...Reset ViewsRestaurant/Food ServiceRestoreRestore this entryRestrictionsResultsResults FiltersRetailRetiredReturn to Form ListRev.RevenueReview FormReviewing Form SubmissionsRhode IslandRight alignedRomaniaRomanianRoundingRoutingRulesRussiaRussianRussian RubleRwandaSAINT KITTS AND NEVISSAINT LUCIASAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINESSAMOASAN MARINOSAO TOME AND PRINCIPESAUDI ARABIASENEGALSERBIASEYCHELLESSIERRA LEONESINGAPORESINT MAARTENSLOVAKIASLOVENIASOLOMON ISLANDSSOMALIASOUTH AFRICASOUTH KOREASPAINSRI LANKASTART PAGINGSUDANSUDAN, SOUTHSURINAMESWAZILANDSWEDENSWITZERLANDSYRIASaint Kitts and NevisSaint LuciaSaint Vincent and the GrenadinesSalesSame as previousSamoaSample OptionSample: phone={Phone:1}&email={Email:2}San MarinoSao Tome and PrincipeSaskatchewanSatisfactionSatisfiedSaturdaySaudi ArabiaSaveSave & Continue LinkSave & Continue TokenSave & Continue Email InputSave & Continue LinkSave & Continue TokenSave ConfirmationSave FormSave NotificationSave SettingsSave Your FormSave Your New FormSave and ContinueSave and Continue ConfirmationSave and Continue EmailSave and Continue Email Sent ConfirmationSave and Continue LaterSave and continue email is requestedSave asSave as new custom choiceSaved! Redirecting...Saving...Schedule FormSchedule Form End Date/TimeSchedule Start Date/TimeSchedule a time period the form is active.Schedule formScience/ResearchScores are weighted calculations. Items ranked higher are given a greater score than items that are ranked lower. The total score for each item is the sum of the weighted scores.SearchSeasonalSecond ChoiceSecond OptionSecret KeySectionSection BreakSecurity CodeSelect A Field TypeSelect A FormSelect AllSelect CategoriesSelect Date RangeSelect FieldsSelect FileSelect FormsSelect On or Off to enable or disable no-conflict mode. Setting this to On will prevent extraneous scripts and styles from being printed on Gravity Forms admin pages, reducing conflicts with other plugins and themes.Select a %s FieldSelect a CurrencySelect a FieldSelect a FormSelect a MaskSelect a categorySelect a category and customize the predefined choices or paste your own list to bulk add choices.Select a date range. Setting a range will limit the export to entries submitted during that date range. If no range is set, all entries will be exported.Select a fieldSelect a formSelect a form below to add it to your post or page.Select a form below to export entries. Once you have selected a form you may select the fields you would like to export and then define optional filters for field values and the date range. When you click the download button below, Gravity Forms will create a CSV file for you to save to your computer.Select a form field size from the available options. This will set the width of the field. Please note: if using a paragraph field, the size applies only to the height of the field.Select a form from the list to add it to your post or page.Select a formatSelect a pageSelect a product fieldSelect a transaction typeSelect a transaction type.Select all %s{0}%s entries.Select an actionSelect an action for this shortcode. Actions are added by some add-ons.Select an email fieldSelect an existing custom fieldSelect entrySelect filesSelect formSelect how many times the recurring payment should be made. The default is to bill the customer until the subscription is canceled.Select how you would like the sales data to be displayed.Select image sizeSelect one or more image metadata field to be displayed along with the image upload field. They enable users to enter additional information about the uploaded image.Select the Gravity Forms export file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, Gravity Forms will import the forms.Select the author that will be used for the post that is created by the form entry.Select the category that will be used for the post that is created by the form entry.Select the country you would like to be selected by default when the form gets displayed.Select the custom field name from available existing custom fields, or enter a new custom field name.Select the default description placement. Descriptions can be placed above the field inputs or below the field inputs. This setting can be overridden in the appearance settings for each field.Select the default label placement. Labels can be top aligned above a field, left aligned to the left of a field, or right aligned to the right of a field. This is a global label placement settingSelect the default sub-label placement. Sub-labels can be placed above the field inputs or below the field inputs. This setting can be overridden in the appearance settings for each field.Select the description placement. Descriptions can be placed above the field inputs or below the field inputs.Select the field to be used as the source for the values for this field.Select the fields you would like to include in the export.Select the fields you'd like to use in this Address Field and customize the Sub-Labels by entering new ones.Select the fields you'd like to use in this Name field and customize the Sub-Labels by entering new ones.Select the form you would like to export entry data from. You may only export data from one form at a time.Select the format of numbers that are allowed in this field. You have the option to use a comma or a dot as the decimal separator.Select the format you would like to use for the Name field. There are 3 options, Normal which includes First and Last Name, Extended which adds Prefix and Suffix, or Simple which is a single input field.Select the format you would like to use for the date input.Select the format you would like to use for the phone input. Available options are domestic US/CANADA style phone number and international long format phone number.Select the format you would like to use for the time field. Available options are 12 hour (i.e. 8:30 pm) and 24 hour (i.e. 20:30).Select the forms you would like to export.Select the forms you would like to export. When you click the download button below, Gravity Forms will create a JSON file for you to save to your computer. Once you've saved the download file, you can use the Import tool to import the forms.Select the label visibility for this field. Labels can either inherit the form setting or be hidden.Select the language you would like to use for the reCAPTCHA display from the available options.Select the page you would like the user to be redirected to after they have submitted the form.Select the post format that will be used for the post that is created by the form entry.Select the post status that will be used for the post that is created by the form entry.Select the province you would like to be selected by default when the form gets displayed.Select the state you would like to be selected by default when the form gets displayed.Select the style you would like to use for the credit card icons.Select the sub-label placement. Sub-labels can be placed above the field inputs or below the field inputs.Select the type of CAPTCHA you would like to use.Select the type of address you would like to use.Select the type of field from the available form fields.Select the type of inputs you would like to use for the date field. Date Picker will let users select a date from a calendar. Date Field will let users free type the date.Select the visibility for this field.Select the visual theme for the reCAPTCHA field from the available options to better match your site design.Select this option to enable multiple files to be uploaded for this field.Select this option to limit user input to unique values only. This will require that a value entered in a field does not currently exist in the entry database for that field.Select this option to make the form field required. A required field will prevent the form from being submitted if it is not filled out or selected.Select this setting to display the option as activated by default when the form first loads.Select which Product this field is tied to.Select which actions should only occur after payment has been received.Select which categories are displayed. You can choose to display all of them or select individual ones.Select which field determines the payment amount, or select 'Form Total' to use the total of all pricing fields as the payment amount.Select which field determines the recurring payment amount, or select 'Form Total' to use the total of all pricing fields as the recurring amount.Select which progress bar style you would like to use. Select custom to choose your own text and background color.Select which type of visual progress indicator you would like to display. Progress Bar, Steps or None.Select yes or no to enable or disable CSS output. Setting this to no will disable the standard Gravity Forms CSS from being included in your theme.Select yes or no to enable or disable HTML5 output. Setting this to no will disable the standard Gravity Forms HTML5 form field output.Select your billing cycle. This determines how often the recurring payment should occur.SelectedSelecting this option will set the post author to the WordPress user that submitted the form.Self-employedSend EmailSend ToSend To Email AddressSend this notification ifSend toSend to EmailSend to FieldSenegalSepSeparated with commas (i.e. jpg, gif, png, pdf)SeptemberSerbiaSerbianServiceSet as Featured ImageSet this to No if you would like to disable the plugin from outputting HTML5 form fields.Set this to No if you would like to disable the plugin from outputting the form CSS.Set this to ON to allow Gravity Forms to download and install bug fixes and security updates automatically in the background. Requires a valid license key.Set this to ON to display the Forms menu in the WordPress top toolbar. The Forms menu will display the latest ten forms recently opened in the form editor.Set this to ON to prevent extraneous scripts and styles from being printed on Gravity Forms admin pages, reducing conflicts with other plugins and themes.SettingsSettings License KeySettings UpdatedSettings updatedSetup Email Notifications for this FormSetup FeeSetup email notifications for this formSeychellesShippingShortShowShow moreShow more detailsShow/hide QR CodeSierra LeoneSign up%s for an API key pair for your site.SingaporeSingapore DollarSingleSingle Line TextSingle MethodSingle ProductSingle line textSint MaartenSite KeySizeSkilled LaborSlovakSlovakiaSloveniaSlovenianSmallSocial Security NumberSolomon IslandsSomaliaSome CollegeSomewhat BetterSomewhat ImportantSomewhat WorseSorry, this file extension is not permitted for security reasons.Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons.Sorry. This form is no longer accepting new submissions.Sorry. This form is no longer available.Sorry. You must be logged in to view this form.Source FieldSource URLSource UrlSouth AfricaSouth African RandSouth AmericaSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaSouth KoreaSpainSpamSpanishSpanish (Latin America)Specify a mathematical formula. The result of this formula will be dynamically populated as the value for this field.Specify how many decimal places the number should be rounded to.Specify the maximum file size in megabytes allowed for each of the files.Specify the maximum number of files that can be uploaded using this field. Leave blank for unlimited. Note that the actual number of files permitted may be limited by this server's specifications and configuration.Specify the starting tab index for the fields of this form.Specify whether or not to use AJAX to submit the form.Specify which notifications you would like to resend for the selected entries.Sri LankaStandardStandard FieldsStandard Fields provide basic form functionality.StarredStartStart DateStart Over ThereStart by selecting a field type from the nifty floating panels on the right.StateState / ProvinceState / Province / RegionStatusStepStepsStreet AddressStrength indicatorStrongStrongly AgreeStrongly DisagreeStudentSub-Label PlacementSub-Label:Sub-LabelsSubjectSubject:SubmitSubmitted onSubscriptionSubscription DetailsSubscription IdSubscription failed to be created. Reason: %sSubscription has been cancelled. Subscription Id: %s.Subscription has been created. Subscription Id: %s.Subscription has been paid. Amount: %s. Subscription Id: %sSubscription has expired. Subscriber Id: %sSubscription payment has failed. Amount: %s. Subscription Id: %s.SubscriptionsSuccessSudanSudan, SouthSuffixSundaySupport License KeySupported Credit CardsSurinameSwazilandSwedenSwedishSwedish KronaSwiss FrancSwitch FormSwitzerlandSyriaTAIWANTAJIKISTANTANZANIATHAILANDTOGOTONGATRINIDAD AND TOBAGOTUNISIATURKEYTURKMENISTANTUVALUTab Index StartTab Index Start ValueTagsTaiwanTaiwan New DollarTajikistanTake OverTamilTanzaniaTechnologyTelecommunicationsTeluguTemporaryTennesseeTexasTextText ColorText:ThaiThai BahtThailandThank you for saving {form_title}. Please use the unique link below to return to the form from any computer.


Remember that the link will expire after 30 days so please return via the provided link to complete your form submission.Thanks for contacting us! We will get in touch with you shortly.The %sSend To%s email address provided is not valid.The CAPTCHA wasn't entered correctly. Go back and try it again.The Gravity Forms API allows developers to interact with this install via a JSON REST API.The Gravity Forms support agreement requires WordPress v%s or greater. This site must be upgraded in order to be eligible for support.The PHP readfile function is not available, please contact the web host.The Placeholder will not be submitted along with the form. Use the Placeholder to give a hint at the expected value or format.The aggregate rank is the overall rank for all entries based on the weighted scores for each item.The average (mean) score for each row: the sum of all the scores for each row divided by the total number of entries.The average (mean) score for the whole field. The sum of the total scores divided by the number of entries.The average (mean) score: The sum of the scores divided by the number of entries.The entry object must be an arrayThe field is hidden when viewing the form. Useful when you require the functionality of this field but do not want the user to be able to see this field.The field is only visible when administrating submitted entries. The field is not visible or functional when viewing the form.The form for this entry does not existThe form id must be specifiedThe form title is missingThe form title you have entered has already been used. Please enter a unique form title.The form title you have entered is already taken. Please enter a unique form titleThe form title you have entered is already taken. Please enter a unique form title.The formula appears to be valid.The license key is used for access to automatic upgrades and support.The link was sent to the following email address: {save_email}The reCAPTCHA was invalid. Go back and try it again.The settings below are only required to authenticate external applications. WordPress cookie authentication is supported for logged in users.The subscription could not be canceled. Please try again later.The text entered exceeds the maximum number of characters.The text you have entered is not valid. For security reasons, some characters are not allowed. The uploaded file type is not allowed.The uploaded file type is not allowed. Must be one of the following: %sThemeThere appears to be a problem with the formula.There appears to be an issue with one of the Gravity Forms database tables. Please get in touch with support.There appears to be an issue with the data in the Gravity Forms database tables. Please get in touch with support.There are no forms in the trash.There are unsaved changes to the current confirmation. Would you like to discard these changes?There aren't any transactions that match your criteria.There hasn't been any sales in the specified date range.There is a new version of %1$s available. %s.There is a new version of %s available.There is a new version of Gravity Forms available.There is an update available for Gravity Forms. %sView Details%sThere was a problem while inserting one of the input values for the entryThere was a problem while inserting the entry propertiesThere was a problem while inserting the field valuesThere was a problem while inserting the formThere was a problem while saving the file on the serverThere was a problem while updating one of the input values for the entryThere was a problem while updating the entry propertiesThere was a problem while updating the field valuesThere was a problem with your submission.There was an error updating this feed. Please review all errors below and try again.There was an error while deleting feed id %sThere was an error while inserting a feedThere was an error while processing the entries. Please contact support.There was an error while processing the form:There was an error while resending the notifications.There was an error while saving your form.There was an error while saving your settingsThere was an error while updating feed id %sThere was an error while uploading the file. Error code: %dThere was an error while validating your license key. Gravity Forms will continue to work, but automatic upgrades will not be available. Please contact support to resolve this issue.There was an issue creating your form.There was an issue deleting this confirmation.There was an issue deleting this notification.There was an issue duplicating this notification.There was an issue saving this confirmation.There was an problem while verifying your file.These form settings are currently locked. Click on the "Request Control" button to let %s know you'd like to take over.These settings are currently locked. Click on the "Request Control" button to let %s know you'd like to take over.Third ChoiceThird OptionThis add-on needs to be updated. Please contact the developer.This custom choice name is already in use. Please enter another name.This date has already been taken. Please select a new date.This entry is currently locked. Click on the "Request Control" button to let %s know you'd like to take over.This feature is activated by default unless you opt to disable it below. We only recommend disabling background updates if you intend on managing updates manually.This feature stores potentially private and sensitive data on this server and protects it with a unique link which is displayed to the user on the page in plain, unencrypted text. The link is similar to a password so it's strongly advisable to ensure that the page enforces a secure connection (HTTPS) before activating this setting.This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.This field is not associated with a product. Please add a Product Field to the form.This field is required.This field is required. Please enter a complete address.This field is required. Please enter the first and last name.This field requires a unique entry and '%s' has already been usedThis field requires a unique entry and the values you entered have already been used.This form contains conditional logic dependent upon this choice. Are you sure you want to delete this choice? 'OK' to delete, 'Cancel' to abort.This form contains conditional logic dependent upon this choice. Are you sure you want to modify this choice? 'OK' to delete, 'Cancel' to abort.This form contains conditional logic dependent upon this field. Are you sure you want to delete this field? 'OK' to delete, 'Cancel' to abort.This form contains conditional logic dependent upon this field. Are you sure you want to mark this field as Admin Only? 'OK' to confirm, 'Cancel' to abort.This form does not have any entries in the trash matching the search criteria.This form does not have any entries in the trash.This form does not have any entries matching the search criteria.This form does not have any entries yet.This form does not have any fields that can be used for resultsThis form does not have any spam.This form does not have any starred entries matching the search criteria.This form does not have any starred entries.This form does not have any unread entries matching the search criteria.This form does not have any unread entries.This form doesn't have any fields yet. Follow the steps below to get started.This form doesn't have any notifications. Let's go %screate one%s.This form is currently locked. Click on the "Request Control" button to let %s know you'd like to take over.This form is not yet available.This iframe contains the logic required to handle AJAX powered Gravity Forms.This is a content placeholder. HTML content is not displayed in the form admin. Preview this form to view the content.This operation deletes ALL Gravity Forms data.This page is currently locked. Click on the "Request Control" button to let %s know you'd like to take over.This page is unsecured. Do not enter a real credit card number! Use this field only for testing purposes. This type of file is not allowed.This type of file is not allowed. Must be one of the following: This webhook has already been processed (Event Id: %s)ThumbnailThumbnail - CenteredThumbnail - Left AlignedThumbnail - Right AlignedThursdayTimeTime FormatTitleTo activate this option, please add a field to be used as the source.To get started, please configure your %s.To pass field data to the confirmation page, build a Query String using the 'Insert Merge Tag' drop down. ..more info on querystrings »To use conditional logic, please create a field that supports conditional logic.To use notification routing, your form must have a field supported by conditional logic.To use the reCAPTCHA field you must do the following:TodayTogoTongaToolbar MenuTop alignedTotalTotal ScoreTotal:Transaction IDTransaction IdTransaction TypeTransportation/LogisticsTrashTrialTrial PeriodTrinidad and TobagoTuesdayTunisiaTurkeyTurkishTurkmenistanTurn off background updatesTuvaluTypeU.S. DollarU.S. StatesUGANDAUKRAINEUNITED ARAB EMIRATESUNITED KINGDOMUNITED STATESURUGUAYUS StateGeorgiaUZBEKISTANUgandaUkraineUkrainianUndefined ServiceUnder 18UninstallUninstall Add-OnUninstall %sUninstall %s Add-OnUninstall Gravity FormsUnit PriceUnited Arab EmiratesUnited KingdomUnited StatesUnreadUnsatisfiedUnsupported transaction typeUntitledUntitled ConfirmationUntitled FormUpdateUpdate AvailableUpdate FormUpdate Form SettingsUpdate NotificationUpdate SettingsUpdatesUpdates will only be available if you have entered a valid License KeyUpload unsuccessfulUrduUruguayUsageUse Current User as AuthorUse Form Setting (%s)Use Rich Text EditorUse Values Submitted in a Different FieldUse a '9' to indicate a numerical character.Use a lower case 'a' to indicate an alphabetical character.Use a question mark '?' to indicate optional characters. Note: All characters after the question mark will be optional.Use an asterisk '*' to indicate any alphanumeric character.Use logged in user as authorUse the Rich Text EditorUse this confirmation ifUserUser AgentUser Defined PriceUser Display NameUser DocumentationUser EmailUser IPUser IP AddressUser LoginUser NotificationUtahUzbekistanVANUATUVATICAN CITYVENEZUELAVIETNAMVIRGIN ISLANDS, BRITISHVIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.Valid InputValid Key : Your license key has been successfully validated.Validate FormulaValidate KeysValidation ErrorValidation MessageValueVanuatuVatican CityVenezuelaVermontVery ImportantVery SatisfiedVery UnsatisfiedVietnamVietnameseViewView All EntriesView All FormsView entries generated by this formView results generated by this formView this entryView user profileView version %s DetailsView version %s detailsViewsViews for %s form have been reset.Views for %s forms have been reset.Virgin Islands, BritishVirgin Islands, U.S.VirginiaVisibilityVisibleVisible (%s)WARNING! This operation cannot be undone. Empty trash? 'Ok' to empty trash. 'Cancel' to abort.WARNING! This operation cannot be undone. Permanently delete all spam? 'Ok' to delete. 'Cancel' to abort.WARNING: You are about to delete ALL entries associated with the selected forms. WARNING: You are about to delete these forms and ALL entries associated with them. WARNING: You are about to delete this confirmation.WARNING: You are about to delete this form and ALL entries associated with it. WARNING: You are about to delete this item.WARNING: You are about to delete this notification.WarningWarning! ALL %s settings will be deleted. This cannot be undone. 'OK' to delete, 'Cancel' to stopWarning! ALL Gravity Forms data, including form entries will be deleted. This cannot be undone. 'OK' to delete, 'Cancel' to stopWarning! Deleting this field will also delete all entry data associated with it. 'Cancel' to stop. 'OK' to deleteWarning! This subscription will be canceled. This cannot be undone. 'OK' to cancel subscription, 'Cancel' to stopWashingtonWe would love to hear from you! Please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you shortly.Web APIWebsiteWednesdayWeekWeeklyWelcome to Gravity FormsWest VirginiaWhat would you like to do next?When conditions are enabled, form submissions will only be sent to the payment gateway when the conditions are met. When disabled, all form submissions will be sent to the payment gateway.When enabled, auto-formatting will insert paragraph breaks automatically. Disable auto-formatting when using HTML to create email notification content.When enabled, auto-formatting will insert paragraph breaks automatically. Disable auto-formatting when using HTML to create the confirmation content.When enabled, margins are added to properly align the HTML content with other form fields.When this setting is activated two confirmations and one notification are automatically generated and can be modified in their respective editors. When this setting is deactivated the confirmations and the notification will be deleted automatically and any modifications will be lost.Whether or not to display the form description.Whether or not to display the form title.WidowedWisconsinWordPressWordPress VersionWould YouWould you like to delete this file? 'Cancel' to stop. 'OK' to deleteWyomingYEMENYYYYYearYemenYesYesterdayYou are about to delete this entry. 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete.You can update to the latest version automatically or download the update and install it manually. %sUpdate Automatically%s %sDownload Update%sYou cannot resend notifications for these entries because this form does not currently have any notifications configured.You cannot resend notifications for this entry because this form does not currently have any notifications configured.You don't have adequate permission to create forms.You don't have adequate permission to delete entries.You don't have adequate permission to delete forms.You don't have adequate permission to delete notes.You don't have adequate permission to edit entries.You don't have adequate permission to edit settings.You don't have adequate permission to preview forms.You don't have adequate permission to uninstall Gravity Forms.You don't have adequate permission to view entries.You don't have adequate permission to view this pageYou don't have adequate permissions to delete forms.You don't have any active forms. Let's go %screate one%sYou don't have any feeds configured. Let's go %screate one%s!You don't have any forms. Let's go %s create one %s!You don't have any forms. Let's go %screate one%s!You don't have permissions to view this pageYou don't have sufficient permissions to update the form settings.You don't have sufficient permissions to update the settings.You have successfully saved your form!You may override the default notification settings by entering a comma delimited list of emails to which the selected notifications should be sent.You must add a Credit Card field to your form before creating a feed. Let's go %sadd one%s!You must add a product field to the form firstYou must select a Confirmation Page.You must select at least one type of notification to resend.You must specify a Confirmation Name.You must specify a valid Redirect URL.You now have controlYou're done. That's it.Your Gravity Forms support license key is used to verify your support package, enable automatic updates and receive support.Your confirmation message appears to contain a merge tag as the value for an HTML attribute. Depending on the attribute and field type, this might be a security risk. %sFurther details%sYour emails do not match.Your form could not be foundYour form currently has a product field with a blank label. Please enter a label for all product fields.Your form currently has an option field without a product field. You must add a product field to your form.Your form currently has one or more pages without any fields in it. Blank pages are a result of Page Breaks that are positioned as the first or last field in the form or right after each other. Please adjust your Page Breaks and try again.Your form does not have an email field. Add an email field to your form and try again.Your password does not meet the required strength. %sHint: To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols like ! " ? $ %% ^ & ).Your passwords do not match.Your request has been sent to %s.Your request was rejectedYour version of %s is up to date.Your version of Gravity Forms is up to date.YukonZAMBIAZIMBABWEZIP / Postal CodeZIP CodeZambiaZimbabweZipZip CodeZip Code w/ Optional Plus Four\'Cancel\' to stop, \'OK\' to delete.added onbegin formclick to delete this fieldclick to duplicate this fieldclick to edit page optionsclick to expand and edit the options for this fieldclick to select columns to displayclose windowcontainsday(s)deletedismissdisplay gridend of formend of last pageend of pageends withenter nameentriesentryfeedfeedsformformsgform_field_css_classgform_noconflict_stylesgreater thanhttp://www.gravityforms.comhttp://www.rocketgenius.comifin progressinclude notesinfiniteisis notis not supported. Please enter one of the supported credit cards.less thanmax charactersmetabox titleFiltermonth(s)ofof the following match:options: orderspaging%1$s of %2$sper dayper monthper weekper yearreCAPTCHA LanguagereCAPTCHA Secret KeyreCAPTCHA SettingsreCAPTCHA Site KeyreCAPTCHA Themerocketgeniussalesalesshow empty fieldsshow structureshow valuesstarts withsubscriptionsthis field ifthis form button ifthis pagethis section iftoolbar labelSalestop of new pagetop of the first pagetotal entriesweek(s)year(s)yyyy-mm-ddPO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-11 23:50:09+0000 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1; X-Generator: GlotPress/2.2.1 Language: en_NZ Project-Id-Version: Gravity Forms Bulk action Bulk action "Other" Choice%1$s ‹ %2$s — WordPress%1$s at %2$s%d entries%d files%d of %d items shown. Edit field to view all%s Feeds%s Settings%s ago%s deleted.%s form deleted.%s forms deleted.%s form has been marked as active.%s forms have been marked as active.%s form has been marked as inactive.%s forms have been marked as inactive.%s form moved to the trash.%s forms moved to the trash.%s form restored.%s forms restored.%s has been captured successfully. Amount: %s. Transaction Id: %s%s has been successfully uninstalled. It can be reactivated from the %splugins page%s.%s has requested permission to take over control of these settings.%s has requested permission to take over control of this entry.%s has requested permission to take over control of this form.%s has requested permission to take over control.%s has taken over and is currently editing.%s is currently editing%s marked as read.%s marked as spam.%s marked as unread.%s moved to Trash.%s restored from the Trash.%s restored from the spam.%s starred.%s unstarred.%sIMPORTANT NOTICE:%s We do not provide support via telephone or email. Please %sopen a support ticket%s.%sPlease note%s, these settings are required only if you decide to use the reCAPTCHA field.%sRegister%s your copy of Gravity Forms to receive access to automatic updates and support. Need a licence key? %sPurchase one now%s.%sRegister%s your copy of Gravity Forms to receive access to automatic upgrades and support. Need a licence key? %sPurchase one now%s.%sThis operation deletes ALL %s settings%s. If you continue, you will NOT be able to retrieve these settings.'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete.'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to reset.1 entry1 item%s items1-3 years1-6 months12 hour18-242 to 3 times a month2 to 3 times a week24 hour25-3435-443D45-545 of %d items shown. Edit field to view all55-6465 or AboveThis page does not exist.AFGHANISTANALBANIAALGERIAAMAM/PMAMERICAN SAMOAANDORRAANGOLAANTIGUA AND BARBUDAAPI FunctionsARGENTINAARMENIAAUSTRALIAAUSTRIAAZERBAIJANMMMMAbout the SameAbove inputsAcceptAccepted file types: %s.Accounting/FinanceActivate this option to allow users to skip this field and submit the values entered in the associated field. For example, this is useful for shipping and billing address fields.Activated by DefaultActivated by defaultActiveActive ColumnsAdd Choices to this field. You can mark a choice as selected by default by using the radio buttons on the left.Add Choices to this field. You can mark each choice as checked by default by using the radio/checkbox fields on the left.Add CustomAdd Custom KeyAdd FormAdd Gravity FormAdd Icon URLAdd NewAdd NoteAdd StarAdd a conditionAdd a new rowAdd another rowAdd page break between entriesAdd-On FrameworkAdd-On browser is currently unavailable. Please try again later.Add-OnsAddressAddress (Address Line 2)Address (City)Address (Country)Address (State / Province)Address (Street Address)Address (Zip / Postal Code)Address 2Address Fields Address Line 2Address TypeAdmin Field LabelAdmin LabelAdmin NotificationAdministrativeAdvancedAdvanced FieldsAdvanced Fields are for specific uses. They enable advanced formatting of regularly used fields such as Name, Email, Address, etc.Advanced OptionsAdvertising/Public RelationsAerospace/AviationAfghanistanAfricaAgeAggregate RankAgreeAgreementAjax error while adding fieldAjax error while changing input typeAjax error while deleting field.Ajax error while saving formAjax error while selecting a formAjax error while setting lead propertyAjax error while updating confirmationAjax error while updating formAjax error while updating notificationAkismet IntegrationAlabamaAlaskaAlbaniaAlbertaAlgeriaAll %s{0}%s entries have been selected.All %s{0}%s entries on this page are selected.All CategoriesAll FormsAll Pricing FieldsAll Submitted FieldsAll other characters are literal values and will be displayed automatically.Allow field to be populated dynamicallyAllowable form fieldsAllowed File ExtensionsAllowed FilesAllowed file extensionsAllows notification to be sent to different email addresses depending on values selected in the form.Also email this note toAmerican SamoaAmountAn error prevented the entry for this form submission being saved. Please contact support.AndorraAngolaAnimated transitionsAntarcticaAnti-spam honeypotAntigua and BarbudaAny form fieldAppearanceApplyApply filtersAprAprilArabicAre you sure you wish to cancel these changes?Are you sure you wish to delete this confirmation?Are you sure you would like to reset the Views for the selected forms? Are you sure?ArgentinaArizonaArkansasArmed Forces AmericasArmed Forces EuropeArmed Forces PacificArmeniaArts/Entertainment/PublishingAsiaAssociate DegreeAt least one field must be filled outAugAugustAustraliaAustralian DollarAustriaAuthenticationAuthorisation has been voided. Transaction Id: %sAuto-formattingAutomotiveAverage Global ScoreAverage Row ScoreAverage ScoreAverage global scoreAverage scoreAzerbaijanBAHAMASBAHRAINBANGLADESHBARBADOSBCCBELARUSBELGIUMBELIZEBENINBERMUDABHUTANBOLIVIABOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINABOTSWANABRAZILBRUNEIBULGARIABURKINA FASOBURUNDIBachelor's DegreeBackBackground ColourBackground UpdatesBackground updatesBadBad requestBahamasBahrainBangladeshBanking/MortgageBarbadosBase PriceBelarusBelgiumBelizeBelow inputsBengaliBeninBermudaBhutanBilling CycleBilling InformationBlind Carbon Copy AddressesBlueBodyBoliviaBosnia and HerzegovinaBotswanaBrazilBrazilian RealBritish ColumbiaBruneiBulgariaBulgarianBulk Add / Predefined ChoicesBulk PrintBurkina FasoBurundiBusiness DevelopmentBusiness OpportunityButton Text:Button conditional logicButton image pathButton textBy disabling background updates your site may not get critical bug fixes and security enhancements. We only recommend doing this if you are experienced at managing a WordPress site and accept the risks involved in manually keeping your WordPress site updated.By selecting this option, the Chosen jQuery script will be applied to this field, enabling search capabilities to Drop Down fields and a more user-friendly interface for Multi Select fields.CAMBODIACAMEROONCANADACAPE VERDECAPTCHACAPTCHA TypeCAYMAN ISLANDSCENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLICCHADCHILECHINACOLOMBIACOMOROSCONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THECONGO, REPUBLIC OF THECOSTA RICACROATIACSS Class NameCSS Ready ClassesCSS SelectorsCSS Targeting SamplesCUBACURAÇAOCYPRUSCZECH REPUBLICCalculationCalendar IconCaliforniaCambodiaCameroonCan't find your form? Make sure it is active.CanadaCanadianCanadian DollarCanadian Province/TerritoryCancelCancel SubscriptionCancel this uploadCancel to stop, OK to delete.CancelledCancelledCape VerdeCaptionCard Icon StyleCard NumberCard TypeCardholder NameCatalanCategoryCayman IslandsCentral African RepublicChadChange the %sWordPress Permalink Settings%s from default to any of the other options to get started.Check this box if you would like the progress bar to display with the confirmation text.Check this box if you would like to use the rich text editor for this field.Check this box to prevent Province field from being displayed in the form.Check this box to prevent the State field from being displayed in the form.Check this box to prevent the State/Province/Region from being displayed in the form.Check this box to prevent the extra address input (Address Line 2) from being displayed in the form.Check this box to prevent this field from being displayed in a non-secure page (i.e. not https://). It will redirect the page to the same URL, but starting with https:// instead. This option requires a properly configured SSL certificate.Check this option to add a text input as the final choice of your radio button field. This allows the user to specify a value that is not a predefined choice.Check this option to enable a sliding animation when displaying/hiding conditional logic fields.Check this option to enable data to be passed to the form and pre-populate this field dynamically. Data can be passed via Query Strings, Shortcode and/or Hooks.Check this option to format and insert merge tags into the Post Content.Check this option to format and insert merge tags into the Post Title.Check this option to require a user to be logged in to view this form.Check this option to set this image as the post's Featured Image.Check this option to specify a value for each choice. Choice values are not displayed to the user viewing the form, but are accessible to administrators when viewing the entry.CheckboxCheckboxesChileChinaChinese (Simplified)Chinese (Traditional)ChoiceChoicesCityClearClear selectionClerical/AdministrativeClick on the edit link to configure the various field optionsClick the Choose File button to upload a Gravity Forms export file from your computer.Click to Add A FieldClick to edit postClick to select...Click to viewClose WindowColombiaColoradoColumn 1Column 2Column 3ColumnsComorosComparisonCompletedCompletion TextConditional LogicAllAnyConfigure NotificationsConfigure RoutingConfiguring ConfirmationsConfiguring NotificationsConfirm EmailConfirm PasswordConfirmation Message TextConfirmation NameConfirmation TypeConfirmation deleted.Confirmation saved successfully. %sBack to confirmations.%sConfirmationsCongo, Democratic Republic of theCongo, Republic of theCongratulations! Click the 'Create A Form' button to get started.ConnecticutConstruction/FacilitiesConsumer GoodsContact UsContentContent TemplateContinentsContinue Editing this FormContinue editing this formContractConversionConversion is the percentage of form views that generated an entry. If a form was viewed twice, and one entry was generated, the conversion will be 50%.Copy %dCopy 1Costa RicaCountriesCountryGEORGIAGeorgiaCourse CodeCreate A FormCreate FormCreate a New FormCreate content templateCreate rules to dynamically display or hide the page's Next Button based on values from another field.Create rules to dynamically display or hide the submit button based on values from another field.Create rules to dynamically display or hide this field based on values from another field.Create rules to dynamically display or hide this page based on values from another field.Created By (User Id)Creating Form...Creating a FormCredit CardCredit Card Icon StyleCroatiaCroatianCubaCuraçaoCurrencyCustomCustom CSS ClassCustom ChoicesCustom FieldCustom Field NameCustom IconCustom Mask InstructionsCustom Sub-LabelCustom Validation MessageCustomer ServiceCustomise FieldsCyprusCzechCzech KorunaCzech RepublicCÔTE D'IVOIRECôte d'IvoireDDDENMARKDJIBOUTIDOMINICADOMINICAN REPUBLICDailyDanishDanish KroneDarkDateDate Drop DownDate FieldDate FormatDate Input TypeDate PickerDate RangeDate Range is optional, if no date range is selected all entries will be exported.Date Range is optional, if no date range is specified it will be ignored.DayDays of the WeekDecDecemberDefaultDefault %sDefault ConfirmationDefault CountryDefault FilterDefault Post AuthorDefault ProvinceDefault StateDefault ValueDefault Value:Default ValuesDefault option. The field is visible when viewing the form.DefinitelyDefinitely NotDelawareDeleteDelete All SpamDelete Icon URLDelete PermanentlyDelete fileDelete permanentlyDelete this custom choice list? 'OK' to delete, 'Cancel' to abort.Delete this entry permanentlyDelete this feedDelete this fileDelete this itemDelete this notificationDeleted FieldDenmarkDescriptionDescription PlacementDescription placementDeselect AllDesigner DocumentationDetailsDeveloper DocumentationDeveloper toolsDisable Auto-FormattingDisable Auto-formattingDisable Default MarginsDisable QuantityDisable auto-formattingDisable default marginsDisable quantity fieldDisable script outputDisabledDisables the quantity field. A quantity of 1 will be assumed or you can add a Quantity field to your form from the Pricing Fields.DisagreeDismissDisplay completed progress bar on confirmationDisplay form descriptionDisplay form titleDisplay option to use the values submitted in different fieldDisplay placeholderDistrict of ColumbiaDivorcedDjiboutiDo not roundDominicaDominican RepublicDonationDonationsDonations are not editableDownload Export FileDownload fileDr.DraftDrag & drop to order and select which columns are displayed in the entries table.Drag the fields to arrange them the way you preferDrag to Arrange FieldsDrag up or down to arrange your fields.Drop DownDrop files here orDuplicateDuplicate this confirmationDuplicate this feedDuplicate this formDuplicate this notificationDutchEAST TIMORECUADOREGYPTEL SALVADOREND PAGINGEQUATORIAL GUINEAERITREAESTONIAETHIOPIAEasily create web forms and manage form entries within the WordPress admin.East TimorEcuadorEditEdit Field OptionsEdit FormEdit Last PageEdit PostEdit settings for this formEdit the field options. Go ahead.. go crazy.Edit this feedEdit this formEdit this itemEditorEducationEducation/TrainingEgyptEl SalvadorEmailEmail ServiceEmbed Post/Page IdEmbed Post/Page TitleEmbed URLEmbed UrlEmbedding a FormEmployed Full-TimeEmployed Part-TimeEmployeeEmploymentEmpty TrashEnableEnable "other" choiceEnable AJAXEnable AnimationEnable Anti-spam honeypotEnable CalculationEnable Choice ValuesEnable ConditionEnable Conditional LogicEnable Email ConfirmationEnable Enhanced UIEnable Multi-File UploadEnable Next Button Conditional LogicEnable Page Conditional LogicEnable Password InputEnable Password StrengthEnable Save and ContinueEnable a trial period. The user's recurring payment will not begin until after this trial period.Enable access to the APIEnable animationsEnable anti-spam honeypotEnable conditional logicEnable enhanced user interfaceEnable entry limitEnable multiple columnsEnabledEnables the honeypot spam protection technique, which is an alternative to the reCAPTCHA field.Enabling calculations will allow the value of this field to be dynamically calculated based on a mathematical formula.EndEnd Page: OptionsEnergy/UtilitiesEngineeringEnglish (UK)English (US)Ensure that the conditional logic for this confirmation is different from all the other confirmations for this form and then press save to create the new confirmation.Enter EmailEnter PasswordEnter Your Licence KeyEnter a comma separated list of email addresses you would like to receive a BCC of the notification email.Enter a comma separated list of email addresses you would like to receive the selected notification emails.Enter a custom maskEnter a description for your form. This may be used for user instructions.Enter a feed name to uniquely identify this setup.Enter a message to be displayed to users who are not logged in (shortcodes and HTML are supported).Enter a number in the input box below to limit the number of entries allowed for this form. The form will become inactive when that number is reached.Enter a valueEnter an amountEnter nameEnter text to display at the top of the progress bar.Enter the CSS class name you would like to use in order to override the default styles for this field.Enter the CSS class name you would like to use in order to override the default styles for this form.Enter the URL of a custom image to replace the default 'add item' icon. A maximum size of 16px by 16px is recommendedEnter the URL of a custom image to replace the default 'delete item' icon. A maximum size of 16px by 16px is recommendedEnter the URL of the webpage you would like the user to be redirected to after they have submitted the form.Enter the admin label of the form field. Entering a value in this field will override the Field Label when displayed in the Gravity Forms administration tool.Enter the allowed file extensions for file uploads. This will limit the type of files a user may upload.Enter the base price for this product.Enter the content (Text or HTML) to be displayed on the form.Enter the description for the form field. This will be displayed to the user and provide some direction on how the field should be filled out or selected.Enter the email address you would like the notification email sent from, or select the email from available email form fields.Enter the email address you would like the notification email sent to.Enter the email address you would like to be used as the reply to address for the notification email.Enter the label for this HTML block. It will help you identify your HTML blocks in the form editor, but it will not be displayed on the form.Enter the label of the form field. This is the field title the user will see when filling out the form.Enter the label to be displayed next to the check box. For example, "same as shipping address".Enter the maximum number of characters that this field is allowed to have.Enter the maximum number of rows that users are allowed to add.Enter the minimum and maximum values for this form field. This will require that the value entered by the user must fall within this range.Enter the name you would like the notification email sent from, or select the name from available name fields.Enter the path to an image you would like to use as the form submit button.Enter the path to an image you would like to use as the page next button.Enter the path to an image you would like to use as the page previous button.Enter the text you would like the user to see on the confirmation page of this form.Enter the text you would like to appear on the form submit button.Enter the text you would like to appear on the page next button.Enter the text you would like to appear on the page previous button.Enter the title of your form.Enter valueEnter values in this setting to override the Sub-Label for each field.Enter your Gravity Forms Licence Key below. Your key unlocks access to automatic updates, the add-on installer, and support. You can find your key on the My Account page on the %sGravity Forms%s site.Enter your reCAPTCHA Secret Key, if you do not have a key you can register for one at the provided link. reCAPTCHA is a free service.Enter your reCAPTCHA Site Key, if you do not have a key you can register for one at the provided link. reCAPTCHA is a free service.Enter your reCAPTCHA site and secret keys in the reCAPTCHA Settings section of the %sSettings page%sEntriesEntries ConversionEntries deleted successfully: %dEntries for %s form have been deleted.Entries for %s forms have been deleted.Entries processed: %1$d of %2$dEntries updated successfullyEntryEntry # Entry DateEntry IDEntry IdEntry Limit Reached MessageEntry ListAllStarredUnreadEntry URLEntry Updated.Entry deleted.Entry not foundEntry updated successfullyEntry with id %s not foundEquatorial GuineaEritreaErrorError retrieving results. If the problem persists, please contact support.Error updating formError updating form confirmationsError updating form notificationsError updating titleErrors have been highlighted below.EstoniaEstonianEthiopiaEuroEuropeEventEvery dayExamplesExcerptExistingExpiration DateExpiration MonthExpiration YearExport Date RangeExport EntriesExport FormsExport Selected FieldsExport Selected FormExport Selected FormsExport entries if {0} of the following match:Exporting entries. Progress:ExtendedExtra LargeExtra SmallFAROE ISLANDSFIJIFINLANDFRANCEFRENCH POLYNESIAFailed to capture %s. Reason: %s.Failed to load the preview for this form.Failed to move uploaded file.Failed to open input stream.Failed to open output stream.Failed to open temp directory.Failed to upload file.Faroe IslandsFeatured ImageFebFebruaryFeed SettingsFeed id %s not foundFeed not foundFeed updated successfully.Feeds deleted successfully: %dFeeds updated: %dFemaleFieldField ChoicesField Date FormatField DescriptionField IDField LabelField Label VisibilityField Name FormatField SizeField TypeField typeField type '%s' has not been implementedFijiFileFile UploadFile exceeds size limitFile exceeds size limit. Maximum file size: %dMBFilipinoFilter the entries by adding conditions.FiltersFinlandFinnishFirstFirst ChoiceFirst NameFirst OptionFirst nameFix itFloridaFont ColourFor addresses that only apply to one country, you can choose to not display the country drop down. Entries will still be recorded with the selected country.ForbiddenForce SSLFormForm BasicsForm ButtonForm Button ImageForm Button TextForm CSS Class NameForm DescriptionForm Expired MessageForm FieldForm IdForm Id and Lead Id are required parameters.Form Label PlacementForm LayoutActiveAllInactiveTrashForm OptionsForm Pending MessageForm PreviewForm SettingsForm TitleForm TotalForm deleted.Form descriptionForm duplicated.Form is savedForm is submittedForm moved to the trash.Form not foundForm restored.Form settings updated successfully.Form titleForm updated successfullyForm updated successfully.Form with id: %s not foundFormsForms could not be imported. Please make sure your export file is in the correct format.Forms could not be imported. Your export file is not compatible with your current version of Gravity Forms.Forms deleted successfully: %dForms per pageForms updated successfullyFormulaFranceFrenchFrench (Canadian)French PolynesiaFrequencyFridayFrom EmailFrom Email AddressFrom NameFullFull SizeFull Size - CentredFull Size - Left AlignedFull Size - Right AlignedFull-TimeGABONGAMBIAGERMANYGFAddOnGHANAGREECEGREENLANDGRENADAGUAMGUATEMALAGUINEAGUINEA-BISSAUGUYANAGabonGambiaGenderGeneralGeneral SettingsGermanGerman (Austria)German (Switzerland)GermanyGetting Started with the Gravity Forms APIGhanaGlobal SettingsGo to the first pageGo to the last pageGo to the next pageGo to the previous pageGoodGovernment/MilitaryGrab here with your cursor.Graduate or Professional DegreeGravity FormsGravity Forms %s is required. Activate it now or %spurchase it today!%sGravity Forms API SettingsGravity Forms HelpGravity Forms UpdatesGravity Forms VersionGravity Forms WidgetGravity Forms has been successfully uninstalled. It can be re-activated from the %splugins page%s.Gravity Forms integrates with reCAPTCHA, a free CAPTCHA service that helps to digitise books while protecting your forms from spam bots. Gravity Forms requires MySQL 5 or above.Gravity Forms requires PHP 5 or above.Gravity Forms requires WordPress %s or greater. You must upgrade WordPress in order to use Gravity FormsGravity Forms requires WordPress v%s or greater. You must upgrade WordPress in order to use this version of Gravity Forms.Gravity Forms will download important bug fixes, security enhancements and plugin updates automatically. Updates are extremely important to the security of your WordPress site.GrayGreeceGreekGreenGreenlandGrenadaGuamGuatemalaGuineaGuinea-BissauGujaratiGuyanaHAITIHHHONDURASHONG KONGHTMLHTML BlockHTML ContentHTTP Referer URLHTTP User AgentHUNGARYHaitiHawaiiHealthcareHebrewHelpHiddenHidden FieldHideHide Address Line 2Hide CountryHide Province FieldHide State FieldHide State/Province/RegionHigh SchoolHindiHomemakerHondurasHong KongHong Kong DollarHospitality/TravelHow LongHow OftenHuman ResourcesHungarianHungarian ForintHungaryI Understand and Accept the RiskI am done. Take me back to form listI understand the risksICELANDIDINDIAINDONESIAIP AddressIRANIRAQIRELANDISRAELITALYIcelandIdahoIf you continue, you will not be able to retrieve or restore your forms or entries.If you don't enter a valid licence key, you will not be able to update Gravity Forms when important bug fixes and security enhancements are released. This can be a serious security risk for your site.If you get stuck, mouseover the tool tips for a little help.If you have other forms on the page (i.e. Comments Form), specify a higher tabindex start value so that your Gravity Form does not end up with the same tabindices as your other forms. To disable the tabindex, enter 0 (zero).If you would like to override the default error validation for a field, enter it here. This message will be displayed if there is an error with this field when the user submits the form.If you would like to pre-populate the value of a field, enter it here.IllinoisImageImage MetaImage MetadataImage Path:Image Path: Impersonate accountImportImport FormsImport/ExportImportanceImportantInactiveInactive ColumnsInclude notesInclude results if {0} match:Incoming Field DataIndiaIndianaIndonesiaIndonesianIndustryInitial paymentInput MaskInput masks provide a visual guide allowing users to more easily enter data in a specific format such as dates and phone numbers.Input typeInsert A FormInsert ChoicesInsert FormInsert Merge TagInstallation CompleteInstallation StatusInstallation/MaintenanceInsuranceInternInternal ErrorInternationalInternetInvalid credit card number.Invalid entry id: %sInvalid form objectInvalid form objectsInvalid or Expired Key : Please make sure you have entered the correct value and that your key is not expired.Invalid selection. Please select one of the available choices.Invalid valueIowaIranIraqIrelandIsraelIsraeli New SheqelItalianItalyItemItem has been deleted.Item has been saved.JAMAICAJAPANJORDANJamaicaJanJanuaryJapanJapaneseJapanese YenJob Search AidsJob TypeJordanJulJulyJunJuneKAZAKHSTANKENYAKIRIBATIKOSOVOKUWAITKYRGYZSTANKannadaKansasKazakhstanKeep background updates enabledKentuckyKenyaKiribatiKoreanKosovoKuwaitKyrgyzstanLAOSLATVIALEBANONLESOTHOLIBERIALIBYALIECHTENSTEINLITHUANIALUXEMBOURGLabelLabel VisibilityLabel placementLanguageLaosLargeLarge - CentredLarge - Left AlignedLarge - Right AlignedLastLast 30 DaysLast Entry: %sLast NameLast nameLatest values:LatviaLatvianLaw Enforcement/SecurityLebanonLeft alignedLegalLesothoLess than a monthLess than once a monthLiberiaLibyaLicence KeyLiechtensteinLightLimit Form ActivityLimit Number of EntriesLimit number of entriesLimit the number of entries a form can generate and/or schedule a time period the form is active.Link textLink to continue {form_title}ListLithuaniaLithuanianLoading...LouisianaLuxembourgMACEDONIAMADAGASCARMALAWIMALAYSIAMALDIVESMALIMALTAMARSHALL ISLANDSMAURITANIAMAURITIUSMEXICOMICRONESIAMOLDOVAMONACOMONGOLIAMONTENEGROMOROCCOMOZAMBIQUEMYANMARMacedoniaMadagascarMaineMalawiMalayMalayalamMalaysiaMalaysian RinggitMaldivesMaleMaliMaltaManagement/ExecutiveManitobaManufacturing/OperationsMap your Form Fields to the available listed fields.MarMarathiMarchMarital StatusMark as ActiveMark as InactiveMark as ReadMark as SpamMark as UnreadMark readMark this entry as not spamMark this entry as spamMark this entry as unreadMark unreadMarketingMarriedMarshall IslandsMarylandMaskMassachusettsMath ChallengeMauritaniaMauritiusMaxMaximum CharactersMaximum File SizeMaximum Number of FilesMaximum RowsMaximum allowed on this server: %sMBMaximum number of files reachedMayMediumMedium - CentredMedium - Left AlignedMedium - Right AlignedMerge TagsMerge tags allow you to dynamically populate submitted field values in your form content wherever this merge tag icon is present.MessageMexican PesoMexicoMichiganMicronesiaMiddleMiddle nameMinMinimum StrengthMinnesotaMismatchMissMissing entry idMissing form idMississippiMissouriMoldovaMonacoMondayMongoliaMontanaMontenegroMonthMonthlyMonths of the YearMoroccoMove this entry to the trashMove this form to the trashMove to TrashMove to trashMozambiqueMr.Mrs.Ms.Much BetterMuch WorseMulti SelectMultiple FilesMySQL VersionMyanmarNAMIBIANAURUNEPALNETHERLANDSNEW ZEALANDNICARAGUANIGERNIGERIANORTH KOREANORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDSNORWAYNameName (First)Name (Last)Name FieldsName FormatName Prefix ChoicesName each of the pages on your form. Page names are displayed with the selected progress indicator.Name prefixName suffixNamibiaNarrow the results by adding filters. Note that some field types support more options than others.NauruNebraskaNepalNetherlandsNeutralNevadaNever usedNewNew BrunswickNew FormNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNew ZealandNew Zealand DollarNew submission fromNew version %s available. Automatic upgrade available on the %splugins page%sNewfoundland & LabradorNextNext ButtonNext Button Conditional LogicNext Button ImageNext Button TextNext PageNicaraguaNigerNigeriaNoNo DuplicatesNo IconNo entries for this fieldNo notifications have been selected. Please select a notification to be sent.No property values were found in the request bodyNo responseNo resultsNo results matchedNo results.No-Conflict ModeNon-Profit/VolunteerNoneNorth AmericaNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaNorth KoreaNorthern Mariana IslandsNorthwest TerritoriesNorwayNorwegianNorwegian KroneNot ImportantNot SpamNot SureNot authorisedNot employed and not looking for workNot employed but looking for workNot foundNot implementedNote: This is a simple form preview. This form may display differently when added to your page based on normal inheritance from parent theme styles.NotesNotification could not be updated. Please enter all required information below.Notification deleted.Notification duplicates.Notification not foundNotification saved successfully. %sBack to notifications.%sNotificationsNotifications for %s were resent successfully.Notifications were resent successfully.NovNova ScotiaNovemberNow your new field magically appears over here.NumberNumber FormatNumber RangeNumber of EntriesNumber of entries per page:NunavutOMANOctOctoberOffOhioOklahomaOmanOnOnce a monthOnce a weekOnce you're happy with your form, remember to click on the 'update form' button to save all your hard work.Once you've found the field type you want, click to add it to the form editor here on the left side of your screen.Only digits are allowedOnly one Post Content field can be added to the formOnly one Post Excerpt field can be added to the formOnly one Post Title field can be added to the formOnly one Shipping field can be added to the formOnly one credit card field can be added to the formOnly one reCAPTCHA field can be added to the formOntarioOops! There was an error saving the form title. Please refresh the page and try again.Oops! We could not locate your form.Oops! We could not locate your form. Please try again.Oops! We couldn't find your entry. Please try againOops!! Something went wrong. %sPlease try again or %scontact us%s.Oops!! Something went wrong.%sPlease try again or %scontact us%s.Open developer toolsOptionOption LabelOptional form fieldsOptionsOrangeOrderOrdersOregonOtherOther SettingsOutput CSSOutput HTML5Over 3 yearsOverride NotificationsPAGE BREAKPAKISTANPALAUPALESTINE, STATE OFPANAMAPAPUA NEW GUINEAPARAGUAYPERUPHILIPPINESPHP VersionPMPOLANDPORTUGALPUERTO RICOPagePage Conditional LogicPage NamesPaginationPaging: OptionsPakistanPalauPalestine, State ofPanamaPapua New GuineaParagraph TextParaguayParameter NameParameter Name:Part-TimePass Data Via Query StringPass Field Data Via Query StringPasswordPayment AmountPayment DatePayment DetailsPayment MethodPayment StatusPayment failed to be captured. Reason: %sPayment has been authorised. Amount: %s. Transaction Id: %s.Payment has been completed. Amount: %s. Transaction Id: %s.Payment has been refunded. Amount: %s. Transaction Id: %s.Payment has failed. Amount: %s.Payment is pending. Amount: %s. Transaction Id: %s.PendingPending ReviewPennsylvaniaPer DiemPermalinks are not in the correct format.Permanently Delete EntriesPermission deniedPersianPeruPharmaceutical/BiotechPhilippine PesoPhilippinesPhonePhone FormatPhone Number FormatPhone format:Pick a field.. any field. Don't be shy.PlaceholderPlaceholder LabelPlaceholder text is not supported when using the Rich Text Editor.Placeholder:PlaceholdersPlaceholders will not be submitted along with the form. Use Placeholders to give a hint at the expected value or format.Please %scontact our support team%s.Please accept the termsPlease accept the terms.Please add a %s field to your form.Please complete the reCAPTCHA widget to validate your reCAPTCHA keys:Please enter a Title for this form. When adding the form to a page or post, you will have the option to hide the title.Please enter a URL.Please enter a confirmation name.Please enter a form title.Please enter a message for the notification emailPlease enter a subject for the notification emailPlease enter a unique form title.Please enter a valid Website URL (e.g. http://www.gravityforms.com).Please enter a valid amount.Please enter a valid date in the format (%s).Please enter a valid date.Please enter a valid email addressPlease enter a valid email address for all highlighted routing rules above.Please enter a valid email address or merge tag in the BCC field.Please enter a valid email address or merge tag in the Reply To field.Please enter a valid email address.Please enter a valid licence key.Please enter a valid numberPlease enter a valid quantityPlease enter a valid quantity. Quantity cannot contain decimals.Please enter a valid time.Please enter a valid value.Please enter a value between %s and %s.Please enter a value greater than or equal to %s.Please enter a value less than or equal to %s.Please enter name.Please enter your card's security code.Please enter your credit card information.Please review the plugin documentation and %sfrequently asked questions (FAQ)%s first. If you still can't find the answer %sopen a support ticket%s and we will be happy to answer your questions and assist you with any problems. %sPlease note:%s If you have not %spurchased a licence%s from us, you will not have access to these help resources.Please select a formPlease select a form.Please select a page.Please select at least one entry.Please select at least one entry...Please select the currency for your location. Currency is used for pricing fields and price calculations.Please select the fields to be exportedPlease select the forms to be exportedPlease use the following link to return to your form from any computer.
This link will expire after 30 days.
Enter your email address to send the link by email.
{save_email_input}Please wait for the uploading to completePolandPolishPolish ZlotyPortugalPortuguesePortuguese (Brazil)Portuguese (Portugal)Post AuthorPost BodyPost CategoryPost Content TemplatePost Custom FieldPost Edit URLPost ExcerptPost FieldsPost Fields allow you to add fields to your form that create Post Drafts in WordPress from the submitted data.Post FormatPost IdPost ImagePost Payment ActionsPost StatusPost TagsPost TitlePost Title TemplatePostal CodePound SterlingPrefer Not to AnswerPrefixPrefix ChoicesPreviewPreview this FormPreview this formPreview this form to see your custom icon.Preview your changes up here.PreviousPrevious ButtonPrevious Button ImagePrevious Button TextPrevious PagePricePrice: Pricing FieldsPricing fields allow you to add fields to your form that calculate pricing for selling goods and services.Pricing form fieldsPrince Edward IslandPrintPrint EntriesPrint PreviewPrint all of the selected entries at once.Private API KeyProbablyProbably NotProcess %s feed only when payment is received.Process this feed ifProductProduct FieldProduct Field MappingProduct NameProduct fields are not editableProducts and ServicesProf.Professional ServicesProgress BarProgress Bar Completion TextProgress Bar Confirmation DisplayProgress Bar StyleProgress IndicatorProperty key incorrectProperty values should be sent as an arrayProtect your form entries from spam using Akismet.ProvincePublic API KeyPublishedPuerto RicoQA/Quality ControlQATARQR CodeQatarQtyQty: QuantityQuantity:QuebecROMANIARUSSIARWANDARadio ButtonsRangeRead more about reCAPTCHAReal EstateReally Simple CAPTCHARecentRecurring AmountRecurring PaymentsRecurring TimesRedRedirectRedirect Form to PageRedirect Form to URLRedirect Query StringRedirect URLRefundsReject RequestRemove StarRemove a conditionRemove this rowReply ToRequest ControlRequest againRequire Login MessageRequire user to be logged inRequiredRequired FieldRequired form fieldsRequirements checkResend NotificationsResending...Reset ViewsRestaurant/Food ServiceRestoreRestore this entryRestrictionsResultsResults FiltersRetailRetiredReturn to Form ListRev.RevenueReview FormReviewing Form SubmissionsRhode IslandRight alignedRomaniaRomanianRoundingRoutingRulesRussiaRussianRussian RubleRwandaSAINT KITTS AND NEVISSAINT LUCIASAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINESSAMOASAN MARINOSAO TOME AND PRINCIPESAUDI ARABIASENEGALSERBIASEYCHELLESSIERRA LEONESINGAPORESINT MAARTENSLOVAKIASLOVENIASOLOMON ISLANDSSOMALIASOUTH AFRICASOUTH KOREASPAINSRI LANKASTART PAGINGSUDANSUDAN, SOUTHSURINAMESWAZILANDSWEDENSWITZERLANDSYRIASaint Kitts and NevisSaint LuciaSaint Vincent and the GrenadinesSalesSame as previousSamoaSample OptionSample: phone={Phone:1}&email={Email:2}San MarinoSao Tome and PrincipeSaskatchewanSatisfactionSatisfiedSaturdaySaudi ArabiaSaveSave & Continue LinkSave & Continue TokenSave & Continue Email InputSave & Continue LinkSave & Continue TokenSave ConfirmationSave FormSave NotificationSave SettingsSave Your FormSave Your New FormSave and ContinueSave and Continue ConfirmationSave and Continue EmailSave and Continue Email Sent ConfirmationSave and Continue LaterSave and continue email is requestedSave asSave as new custom choiceSaved! Redirecting...Saving...Schedule FormSchedule Form End Date/TimeSchedule Start Date/TimeSchedule a time period the form is active.Schedule formScience/ResearchScores are weighted calculations. Items ranked higher are given a greater score than items that are ranked lower. The total score for each item is the sum of the weighted scores.SearchSeasonalSecond ChoiceSecond OptionSecret KeySectionSection BreakSecurity CodeSelect A Field TypeSelect A FormSelect AllSelect CategoriesSelect Date RangeSelect FieldsSelect FileSelect FormsSelect On or Off to enable or disable no-conflict mode. Setting this to On will prevent extraneous scripts and styles from being printed on Gravity Forms admin pages, reducing conflicts with other plugins and themes.Select a %s FieldSelect a CurrencySelect a FieldSelect a FormSelect a MaskSelect a categorySelect a category and customise the predefined choices or paste your own list to bulk add choices.Select a date range. Setting a range will limit the export to entries submitted during that date range. If no range is set, all entries will be exported.Select a fieldSelect a formSelect a form below to add it to your post or page.Select a form below to export entries. Once you have selected a form you may select the fields you would like to export and then define optional filters for field values and the date range. When you click the download button below, Gravity Forms will create a CSV file for you to save to your computer.Select a form field size from the available options. This will set the width of the field. Please note: if using a paragraph field, the size applies only to the height of the field.Select a form from the list to add it to your post or page.Select a formatSelect a pageSelect a product fieldSelect a transaction typeSelect a transaction type.Select all %s{0}%s entries.Select an actionSelect an action for this shortcode. Actions are added by some add-ons.Select an email fieldSelect an existing custom fieldSelect entrySelect filesSelect formSelect how many times the recurring payment should be made. The default is to bill the customer until the subscription is cancelled.Select how you would like the sales data to be displayed.Select image sizeSelect one or more image metadata field to be displayed along with the image upload field. They enable users to enter additional information about the uploaded image.Select the Gravity Forms export file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, Gravity Forms will import the forms.Select the author that will be used for the post that is created by the form entry.Select the category that will be used for the post that is created by the form entry.Select the country you would like to be selected by default when the form gets displayed.Select the custom field name from available existing custom fields, or enter a new custom field name.Select the default description placement. Descriptions can be placed above the field inputs or below the field inputs. This setting can be overridden in the appearance settings for each field.Select the default label placement. Labels can be top aligned above a field, left aligned to the left of a field, or right aligned to the right of a field. This is a global label placement settingSelect the default sub-label placement. Sub-labels can be placed above the field inputs or below the field inputs. This setting can be overridden in the appearance settings for each field.Select the description placement. Descriptions can be placed above the field inputs or below the field inputs.Select the field to be used as the source for the values for this field.Select the fields you would like to include in the export.Select the fields you'd like to use in this Address Field and customise the Sub-Labels by entering new ones.Select the fields you'd like to use in this Name field and customise the Sub-Labels by entering new ones.Select the form you would like to export entry data from. You may only export data from one form at a time.Select the format of numbers that are allowed in this field. You have the option to use a comma or a dot as the decimal separator.Select the format you would like to use for the Name field. There are 3 options, Normal which includes First and Last Name, Extended which adds Prefix and Suffix, or Simple which is a single input field.Select the format you would like to use for the date input.Select the format you would like to use for the phone input. Available options are domestic US/CANADA style phone number and international long format phone number.Select the format you would like to use for the time field. Available options are 12 hour (i.e. 8:30 pm) and 24 hour (i.e. 20:30).Select the forms you would like to export.Select the forms you would like to export. When you click the download button below, Gravity Forms will create a JSON file for you to save to your computer. Once you've saved the download file, you can use the Import tool to import the forms.Select the label visibility for this field. Labels can either inherit the form setting or be hidden.Select the language you would like to use for the reCAPTCHA display from the available options.Select the page you would like the user to be redirected to after they have submitted the form.Select the post format that will be used for the post that is created by the form entry.Select the post status that will be used for the post that is created by the form entry.Select the province you would like to be selected by default when the form gets displayed.Select the state you would like to be selected by default when the form gets displayed.Select the style you would like to use for the credit card icons.Select the sub-label placement. Sub-labels can be placed above the field inputs or below the field inputs.Select the type of CAPTCHA you would like to use.Select the type of address you would like to use.Select the type of field from the available form fields.Select the type of inputs you would like to use for the date field. Date Picker will let users select a date from a calendar. Date Field will let users free type the date.Select the visibility for this field.Select the visual theme for the reCAPTCHA field from the available options to better match your site design.Select this option to enable multiple files to be uploaded for this field.Select this option to limit user input to unique values only. This will require that a value entered in a field does not currently exist in the entry database for that field.Select this option to make the form field required. A required field will prevent the form from being submitted if it is not filled out or selected.Select this setting to display the option as activated by default when the form first loads.Select which Product this field is tied to.Select which actions should only occur after payment has been received.Select which categories are displayed. You can choose to display all of them or select individual ones.Select which field determines the payment amount, or select 'Form Total' to use the total of all pricing fields as the payment amount.Select which field determines the recurring payment amount, or select 'Form Total' to use the total of all pricing fields as the recurring amount.Select which progress bar style you would like to use. Select custom to choose your own text and background colour.Select which type of visual progress indicator you would like to display. Progress Bar, Steps or None.Select yes or no to enable or disable CSS output. Setting this to no will disable the standard Gravity Forms CSS from being included in your theme.Select yes or no to enable or disable HTML5 output. Setting this to no will disable the standard Gravity Forms HTML5 form field output.Select your billing cycle. This determines how often the recurring payment should occur.SelectedSelecting this option will set the post author to the WordPress user that submitted the form.Self-employedSend EmailSend ToSend To Email AddressSend this notification ifSend toSend to EmailSend to FieldSenegalSepSeparated with commas (i.e. jpg, gif, png, pdf)SeptemberSerbiaSerbianServiceSet as Featured ImageSet this to No if you would like to disable the plugin from outputting HTML5 form fields.Set this to No if you would like to disable the plugin from outputting the form CSS.Set this to ON to allow Gravity Forms to download and install bug fixes and security updates automatically in the background. Requires a valid licence key.Set this to ON to display the Forms menu in the WordPress top toolbar. The Forms menu will display the latest ten forms recently opened in the form editor.Set this to ON to prevent extraneous scripts and styles from being printed on Gravity Forms admin pages, reducing conflicts with other plugins and themes.SettingsSettings Licence KeySettings UpdatedSettings updatedSetup Email Notifications for this FormSetup FeeSetup email notifications for this formSeychellesShippingShortShowShow moreShow more detailsShow/hide QR CodeSierra LeoneSign up%s for an API key pair for your site.SingaporeSingapore DollarSingleSingle Line TextSingle MethodSingle ProductSingle line textSint MaartenSite KeySizeSkilled LabourSlovakSlovakiaSloveniaSlovenianSmallSocial Security NumberSolomon IslandsSomaliaSome CollegeSomewhat BetterSomewhat ImportantSomewhat WorseSorry, this file extension is not permitted for security reasons.Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons.Sorry. This form is no longer accepting new submissions.Sorry. This form is no longer available.Sorry. You must be logged in to view this form.Source FieldSource URLSource UrlSouth AfricaSouth African RandSouth AmericaSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaSouth KoreaSpainSpamSpanishSpanish (Latin America)Specify a mathematical formula. The result of this formula will be dynamically populated as the value for this field.Specify how many decimal places the number should be rounded to.Specify the maximum file size in megabytes allowed for each of the files.Specify the maximum number of files that can be uploaded using this field. Leave blank for unlimited. Note that the actual number of files permitted may be limited by this server's specifications and configuration.Specify the starting tab index for the fields of this form.Specify whether or not to use AJAX to submit the form.Specify which notifications you would like to resend for the selected entries.Sri LankaStandardStandard FieldsStandard Fields provide basic form functionality.StarredStartStart DateStart Over ThereStart by selecting a field type from the nifty floating panels on the right.StateState / ProvinceState / Province / RegionStatusStepStepsStreet AddressStrength indicatorStrongStrongly AgreeStrongly DisagreeStudentSub-Label PlacementSub-Label:Sub-LabelsSubjectSubject:SubmitSubmitted onSubscriptionSubscription DetailsSubscription IdSubscription failed to be created. Reason: %sSubscription has been cancelled. Subscription Id: %s.Subscription has been created. Subscription Id: %s.Subscription has been paid. Amount: %s. Subscription Id: %sSubscription has expired. Subscriber Id: %sSubscription payment has failed. Amount: %s. Subscription Id: %s.SubscriptionsSuccessSudanSudan, SouthSuffixSundaySupport Licence KeySupported Credit CardsSurinameSwazilandSwedenSwedishSwedish KronaSwiss FrancSwitch FormSwitzerlandSyriaTAIWANTAJIKISTANTANZANIATHAILANDTOGOTONGATRINIDAD AND TOBAGOTUNISIATURKEYTURKMENISTANTUVALUTab Index StartTab Index Start ValueTagsTaiwanTaiwan New DollarTajikistanTake OverTamilTanzaniaTechnologyTelecommunicationsTeluguTemporaryTennesseeTexasTextText ColourText:ThaiThai BahtThailandThank you for saving {form_title}. Please use the unique link below to return to the form from any computer.


Remember that the link will expire after 30 days so please return via the provided link to complete your form submission.Thanks for contacting us! We will get in touch with you shortly.The %sSend To%s email address provided is not valid.The CAPTCHA wasn't entered correctly. Go back and try it again.The Gravity Forms API allows developers to interact with this install via a JSON REST API.The Gravity Forms support agreement requires WordPress v%s or greater. This site must be upgraded in order to be eligible for support.The PHP readfile function is not available, please contact the web host.The Placeholder will not be submitted along with the form. Use the Placeholder to give a hint at the expected value or format.The aggregate rank is the overall rank for all entries based on the weighted scores for each item.The average (mean) score for each row: the sum of all the scores for each row divided by the total number of entries.The average (mean) score for the whole field. The sum of the total scores divided by the number of entries.The average (mean) score: The sum of the scores divided by the number of entries.The entry object must be an arrayThe field is hidden when viewing the form. Useful when you require the functionality of this field but do not want the user to be able to see this field.The field is only visible when administrating submitted entries. The field is not visible or functional when viewing the form.The form for this entry does not existThe form id must be specifiedThe form title is missingThe form title you have entered has already been used. Please enter a unique form title.The form title you have entered is already taken. Please enter a unique form titleThe form title you have entered is already taken. Please enter a unique form title.The formula appears to be valid.The licence key is used for access to automatic upgrades and support.The link was sent to the following email address: {save_email}The reCAPTCHA was invalid. Go back and try it again.The settings below are only required to authenticate external applications. WordPress cookie authentication is supported for logged in users.The subscription could not be cancelled. Please try again later.The text entered exceeds the maximum number of characters.The text you have entered is not valid. For security reasons, some characters are not allowed. The uploaded file type is not allowed.The uploaded file type is not allowed. Must be one of the following: %sThemeThere appears to be a problem with the formula.There appears to be an issue with one of the Gravity Forms database tables. Please get in touch with support.There appears to be an issue with the data in the Gravity Forms database tables. Please get in touch with support.There are no forms in the trash.There are unsaved changes to the current confirmation. Would you like to discard these changes?There aren't any transactions that match your criteria.There hasn't been any sales in the specified date range.There is a new version of %1$s available. %s.There is a new version of %s available.There is a new version of Gravity Forms available.There is an update available for Gravity Forms. %sView Details%sThere was a problem while inserting one of the input values for the entryThere was a problem while inserting the entry propertiesThere was a problem while inserting the field valuesThere was a problem while inserting the formThere was a problem while saving the file on the serverThere was a problem while updating one of the input values for the entryThere was a problem while updating the entry propertiesThere was a problem while updating the field valuesThere was a problem with your submission.There was an error updating this feed. Please review all errors below and try again.There was an error while deleting feed id %sThere was an error while inserting a feedThere was an error while processing the entries. Please contact support.There was an error while processing the form:There was an error while resending the notifications.There was an error while saving your form.There was an error while saving your settingsThere was an error while updating feed id %sThere was an error while uploading the file. Error code: %dThere was an error while validating your licence key. Gravity Forms will continue to work, but automatic upgrades will not be available. Please contact support to resolve this issue.There was an issue creating your form.There was an issue deleting this confirmation.There was an issue deleting this notification.There was an issue duplicating this notification.There was an issue saving this confirmation.There was an problem while verifying your file.These form settings are currently locked. Click on the "Request Control" button to let %s know you'd like to take over.These settings are currently locked. Click on the "Request Control" button to let %s know you'd like to take over.Third ChoiceThird OptionThis add-on needs to be updated. Please contact the developer.This custom choice name is already in use. Please enter another name.This date has already been taken. Please select a new date.This entry is currently locked. Click on the "Request Control" button to let %s know you'd like to take over.This feature is activated by default unless you opt to disable it below. We only recommend disabling background updates if you intend on managing updates manually.This feature stores potentially private and sensitive data on this server and protects it with a unique link which is displayed to the user on the page in plain, unencrypted text. The link is similar to a password so it's strongly advisable to ensure that the page enforces a secure connection (HTTPS) before activating this setting.This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.This field is not associated with a product. Please add a Product Field to the form.This field is required.This field is required. Please enter a complete address.This field is required. Please enter the first and last name.This field requires a unique entry and '%s' has already been usedThis field requires a unique entry and the values you entered have already been used.This form contains conditional logic dependent upon this choice. Are you sure you want to delete this choice? 'OK' to delete, 'Cancel' to abort.This form contains conditional logic dependent upon this choice. Are you sure you want to modify this choice? 'OK' to delete, 'Cancel' to abort.This form contains conditional logic dependent upon this field. Are you sure you want to delete this field? 'OK' to delete, 'Cancel' to abort.This form contains conditional logic dependent upon this field. Are you sure you want to mark this field as Admin Only? 'OK' to confirm, 'Cancel' to abort.This form does not have any entries in the trash matching the search criteria.This form does not have any entries in the trash.This form does not have any entries matching the search criteria.This form does not have any entries yet.This form does not have any fields that can be used for resultsThis form does not have any spam.This form does not have any starred entries matching the search criteria.This form does not have any starred entries.This form does not have any unread entries matching the search criteria.This form does not have any unread entries.This form doesn't have any fields yet. Follow the steps below to get started.This form doesn't have any notifications. Let's go %screate one%s.This form is currently locked. Click on the "Request Control" button to let %s know you'd like to take over.This form is not yet available.This iframe contains the logic required to handle AJAX powered Gravity Forms.This is a content placeholder. HTML content is not displayed in the form admin. Preview this form to view the content.This operation deletes ALL Gravity Forms data.This page is currently locked. Click on the "Request Control" button to let %s know you'd like to take over.This page is unsecured. Do not enter a real credit card number! Use this field only for testing purposes. This type of file is not allowed.This type of file is not allowed. Must be one of the following: This webhook has already been processed (Event Id: %s)ThumbnailThumbnail - CentredThumbnail - Left AlignedThumbnail - Right AlignedThursdayTimeTime FormatTitleTo activate this option, please add a field to be used as the source.To get started, please configure your %s.To pass field data to the confirmation page, build a Query String using the 'Insert Merge Tag' drop down. ..more info on querystrings »To use conditional logic, please create a field that supports conditional logic.To use notification routing, your form must have a field supported by conditional logic.To use the reCAPTCHA field you must do the following:TodayTogoTongaToolbar MenuTop alignedTotalTotal ScoreTotal:Transaction IDTransaction IdTransaction TypeTransportation/LogisticsTrashTrialTrial PeriodTrinidad and TobagoTuesdayTunisiaTurkeyTurkishTurkmenistanTurn off background updatesTuvaluTypeU.S. DollarU.S. StatesUGANDAUKRAINEUNITED ARAB EMIRATESUNITED KINGDOMUNITED STATESURUGUAYGeorgiaUZBEKISTANUgandaUkraineUkrainianUndefined ServiceUnder 18UninstallUninstall Add-OnUninstall %sUninstall %s Add-OnUninstall Gravity FormsUnit PriceUnited Arab EmiratesUnited KingdomUnited StatesUnreadUnsatisfiedUnsupported transaction typeUntitledUntitled ConfirmationUntitled FormUpdateUpdate AvailableUpdate FormUpdate Form SettingsUpdate NotificationUpdate SettingsUpdatesUpdates will only be available if you have entered a valid Licence KeyUpload unsuccessfulUrduUruguayUsageUse Current User as AuthorUse Form Setting (%s)Use Rich Text EditorUse Values Submitted in a Different FieldUse a '9' to indicate a numerical character.Use a lower case 'a' to indicate an alphabetical character.Use a question mark '?' to indicate optional characters. Note: All characters after the question mark will be optional.Use an asterisk '*' to indicate any alphanumeric character.Use logged in user as authorUse the Rich Text EditorUse this confirmation ifUserUser AgentUser Defined PriceUser Display NameUser DocumentationUser EmailUser IPUser IP AddressUser LoginUser NotificationUtahUzbekistanVANUATUVATICAN CITYVENEZUELAVIETNAMVIRGIN ISLANDS, BRITISHVIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.Valid InputValid Key : Your licence key has been successfully validated.Validate FormulaValidate KeysValidation ErrorValidation MessageValueVanuatuVatican CityVenezuelaVermontVery ImportantVery SatisfiedVery UnsatisfiedVietnamVietnameseViewView All EntriesView All FormsView entries generated by this formView results generated by this formView this entryView user profileView version %s DetailsView version %s detailsViewsViews for %s form have been reset.Views for %s forms have been reset.Virgin Islands, BritishVirgin Islands, U.S.VirginiaVisibilityVisibleVisible (%s)WARNING! This operation cannot be undone. Empty trash? 'Ok' to empty trash. 'Cancel' to abort.WARNING! This operation cannot be undone. Permanently delete all spam? 'Ok' to delete. 'Cancel' to abort.WARNING: You are about to delete ALL entries associated with the selected forms. WARNING: You are about to delete these forms and ALL entries associated with them. WARNING: You are about to delete this confirmation.WARNING: You are about to delete this form and ALL entries associated with it. WARNING: You are about to delete this item.WARNING: You are about to delete this notification.WarningWarning! ALL %s settings will be deleted. This cannot be undone. 'OK' to delete, 'Cancel' to stopWarning! ALL Gravity Forms data, including form entries will be deleted. This cannot be undone. 'OK' to delete, 'Cancel' to stopWarning! Deleting this field will also delete all entry data associated with it. 'Cancel' to stop. 'OK' to deleteWarning! This subscription will be cancelled. This cannot be undone. 'OK' to cancel subscription, 'Cancel' to stopWashingtonWe would love to hear from you! Please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you shortly.Web APIWebsiteWednesdayWeekWeeklyWelcome to Gravity FormsWest VirginiaWhat would you like to do next?When conditions are enabled, form submissions will only be sent to the payment gateway when the conditions are met. When disabled, all form submissions will be sent to the payment gateway.When enabled, auto-formatting will insert paragraph breaks automatically. Disable auto-formatting when using HTML to create email notification content.When enabled, auto-formatting will insert paragraph breaks automatically. Disable auto-formatting when using HTML to create the confirmation content.When enabled, margins are added to properly align the HTML content with other form fields.When this setting is activated two confirmations and one notification are automatically generated and can be modified in their respective editors. When this setting is deactivated the confirmations and the notification will be deleted automatically and any modifications will be lost.Whether or not to display the form description.Whether or not to display the form title.WidowedWisconsinWordPressWordPress VersionWould YouWould you like to delete this file? 'Cancel' to stop. 'OK' to deleteWyomingYEMENYYYYYearYemenYesYesterdayYou are about to delete this entry. 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete.You can update to the latest version automatically or download the update and install it manually. %sUpdate Automatically%s %sDownload Update%sYou cannot resend notifications for these entries because this form does not currently have any notifications configured.You cannot resend notifications for this entry because this form does not currently have any notifications configured.You don't have adequate permission to create forms.You don't have adequate permission to delete entries.You don't have adequate permission to delete forms.You don't have adequate permission to delete notes.You don't have adequate permission to edit entries.You don't have adequate permission to edit settings.You don't have adequate permission to preview forms.You don't have adequate permission to uninstall Gravity Forms.You don't have adequate permission to view entries.You don't have adequate permission to view this pageYou don't have adequate permissions to delete forms.You don't have any active forms. Let's go %screate one%sYou don't have any feeds configured. Let's go %screate one%s!You don't have any forms. Let's go %s create one %s!You don't have any forms. Let's go %screate one%s!You don't have permissions to view this pageYou don't have sufficient permissions to update the form settings.You don't have sufficient permissions to update the settings.You have successfully saved your form!You may override the default notification settings by entering a comma delimited list of emails to which the selected notifications should be sent.You must add a Credit Card field to your form before creating a feed. Let's go %sadd one%s!You must add a product field to the form firstYou must select a Confirmation Page.You must select at least one type of notification to resend.You must specify a Confirmation Name.You must specify a valid Redirect URL.You now have controlYou're done. That's it.Your Gravity Forms support licence key is used to verify your support package, enable automatic updates and receive support.Your confirmation message appears to contain a merge tag as the value for an HTML attribute. Depending on the attribute and field type, this might be a security risk. %sFurther details%sYour emails do not match.Your form could not be foundYour form currently has a product field with a blank label. Please enter a label for all product fields.Your form currently has an option field without a product field. You must add a product field to your form.Your form currently has one or more pages without any fields in it. Blank pages are a result of Page Breaks that are positioned as the first or last field in the form or right after each other. Please adjust your Page Breaks and try again.Your form does not have an email field. Add an email field to your form and try again.Your password does not meet the required strength. %sHint: To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols like ! " ? $ %% ^ & ).Your passwords do not match.Your request has been sent to %s.Your request was rejectedYour version of %s is up to date.Your version of Gravity Forms is up to date.YukonZAMBIAZIMBABWEZIP / Postal CodeZIP/ Postal CodeZambiaZimbabweZip/ PostcodeZip/ Postal CodeZip/ Postcode w/ Optional Plus Four\'Cancel\' to stop, \'OK\' to delete.added onbegin formclick to delete this fieldclick to duplicate this fieldclick to edit page optionsclick to expand and edit the options for this fieldclick to select columns to displayclose windowcontainsday(s)deletedismissdisplay gridend of formend of last pageend of pageends withenter nameentriesentryfeedfeedsformformsgform_field_css_classgform_noconflict_stylesgreater thanhttp://www.gravityforms.comhttp://www.rocketgenius.comifin progressinclude notesinfiniteisis notis not supported. Please enter one of the supported credit cards.less thanmax charactersFiltermonth(s)ofof the following match:options: orders%1$s of %2$sper dayper monthper weekper yearreCAPTCHA LanguagereCAPTCHA Secret KeyreCAPTCHA SettingsreCAPTCHA Site KeyreCAPTCHA Themerocketgeniussalesalesshow empty fieldsshow structureshow valuesstarts withsubscriptionsthis field ifthis form button ifthis pagethis section ifSalestop of new pagetop of the first pagetotal entriesweek(s)year(s)yyyy-mm-dd