pagenow = $GLOBALS['pagenow']; $this->asset_manager = new WPSEO_Admin_Asset_Manager(); add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'enqueue_dismissible' ] ); add_action( 'admin_init', [ $this, 'yoast_plugin_suggestions_notification' ], 15 ); add_action( 'admin_init', [ $this, 'yoast_plugin_update_notification' ] ); add_action( 'admin_init', [ $this, 'unsupported_php_notice' ], 15 ); add_action( 'admin_init', [ $this->asset_manager, 'register_assets' ] ); add_action( 'admin_init', [ $this, 'show_hook_deprecation_warnings' ] ); add_action( 'admin_init', [ 'WPSEO_Plugin_Conflict', 'hook_check_for_plugin_conflicts' ] ); add_action( 'admin_notices', [ $this, 'permalink_settings_notice' ] ); add_action( 'post_submitbox_misc_actions', [ $this, 'add_publish_box_section' ] ); /* * The `admin_notices` hook fires on single site admin pages vs. * `network_admin_notices` which fires on multisite admin pages and * `user_admin_notices` which fires on multisite user admin pagss. */ add_action( 'admin_notices', [ $this, 'search_engines_discouraged_notice' ] ); $health_checks = [ new WPSEO_Health_Check_Page_Comments(), new WPSEO_Health_Check_Ryte(), new WPSEO_Health_Check_Default_Tagline(), new WPSEO_Health_Check_Postname_Permalink(), new WPSEO_Health_Check_Curl_Version(), new WPSEO_Health_Check_Link_Table_Not_Accessible(), ]; foreach ( $health_checks as $health_check ) { $health_check->register_test(); } $this->load_meta_boxes(); $this->load_taxonomy_class(); $this->load_admin_page_class(); $this->load_admin_user_class(); $this->load_xml_sitemaps_admin(); $this->load_plugin_suggestions(); } /** * Enqueue our styling for dismissible yoast notifications. */ public function enqueue_dismissible() { $this->asset_manager->enqueue_style( 'dismissible' ); } /** * Determines whether a suggested plugins notification needs to be displayed. * * @return void */ public function yoast_plugin_suggestions_notification() { $checker = new WPSEO_Plugin_Availability(); $notification_center = Yoast_Notification_Center::get(); // Get all Yoast plugins that have dependencies. $plugins = $checker->get_plugins_with_dependencies(); foreach ( $plugins as $plugin_name => $plugin ) { $dependency_names = $checker->get_dependency_names( $plugin ); $notification = $this->get_yoast_seo_suggested_plugins_notification( $plugin_name, $plugin, $dependency_names[0] ); if ( $checker->dependencies_are_satisfied( $plugin ) && ! $checker->is_installed( $plugin ) ) { $notification_center->add_notification( $notification ); continue; } $notification_center->remove_notification( $notification ); } } /** * Build Yoast SEO suggested plugins notification. * * @param string $name The plugin name to use for the unique ID. * @param array $plugin The plugin to retrieve the data from. * @param string $dependency_name The name of the dependency. * * @return Yoast_Notification The notification containing the suggested plugin. */ private function get_yoast_seo_suggested_plugins_notification( $name, $plugin, $dependency_name ) { $info_message = sprintf( /* translators: %1$s expands to Yoast SEO, %2$s expands to the plugin version, %3$s expands to the plugin name */ __( '%1$s and %2$s can work together a lot better by adding a helper plugin. Please install %3$s to make your life better.', 'wordpress-seo' ), 'Yoast SEO', $dependency_name, sprintf( '%s', $plugin['url'], $plugin['title'] ) ); return new Yoast_Notification( $info_message, [ 'id' => 'wpseo-suggested-plugin-' . $name, 'type' => Yoast_Notification::WARNING, ] ); } /** * Determines whether a update notification needs to be displayed. * * @return void */ public function yoast_plugin_update_notification() { $notification_center = Yoast_Notification_Center::get(); $current_minor_version = $this->get_major_minor_version( WPSEO_Options::get( 'version', WPSEO_VERSION ) ); $file = plugin_dir_path( WPSEO_FILE ) . 'release-info.json'; // Remove if file is not present. if ( ! file_exists( $file ) ) { $notification_center->remove_notification_by_id( 'wpseo-plugin-updated' ); return; } // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions.file_get_contents_file_get_contents -- Retrieving a local file. $release_json = file_get_contents( $file ); /** * Filter: 'wpseo_update_notice_content' - Allow filtering of the content * of the update notice read from the release-info.json file. * * @api object The object from the release-info.json file. */ $release_info = apply_filters( 'wpseo_update_notice_content', json_decode( $release_json ) ); // Remove if file is malformed or for a different version. if ( is_null( $release_info ) || empty( $release_info->version ) || version_compare( $this->get_major_minor_version( $release_info->version ), $current_minor_version, '!=' ) || empty( $release_info->release_description ) ) { $notification_center->remove_notification_by_id( 'wpseo-plugin-updated' ); return; } $notification = $this->get_yoast_seo_update_notification( $release_info ); // Restore notification if it was dismissed in a previous minor version. $last_dismissed_version = get_user_option( $notification->get_dismissal_key() ); if ( ! $last_dismissed_version || version_compare( $this->get_major_minor_version( $last_dismissed_version ), $current_minor_version, '<' ) ) { Yoast_Notification_Center::restore_notification( $notification ); } $notification_center->add_notification( $notification ); } /** * Helper to truncate the version string up to the minor number * * @param string $version The version string to extract the major.minor number from. * @return string The version string up to the minor number. */ private function get_major_minor_version( $version ) { $version_parts = preg_split( '/[^0-9]+/', $version, 3 ); return join( '.', array_slice( $version_parts, 0, 2 ) ); } /** * Builds Yoast SEO update notification. * * @param object $release_info The release information. * * @return Yoast_Notification The notification for the present version */ private function get_yoast_seo_update_notification( $release_info ) { $info_message = ''; $info_message .= sprintf( /* translators: %1$s expands to Yoast SEO, %2$s expands to the plugin version. */ __( 'New in %1$s %2$s: ', 'wordpress-seo' ), 'Yoast SEO', $release_info->version ); $info_message .= ''; $info_message .= $release_info->release_description; if ( ! empty( $release_info->shortlink ) ) { $link = esc_url( WPSEO_Shortlinker::get( $release_info->shortlink ) ); $info_message .= ' '; $info_message .= sprintf( /* translators: %s expands to the plugin version. */ __( 'Read all about version %s here', 'wordpress-seo' ), $release_info->version ); $info_message .= ''; } return new Yoast_Notification( $info_message, [ 'id' => 'wpseo-plugin-updated', 'type' => Yoast_Notification::UPDATED, 'data_json' => [ 'dismiss_value' => WPSEO_Options::get( 'version', WPSEO_VERSION ) ], 'dismissal_key' => 'wpseo-plugin-updated', ] ); } /** * Creates an unsupported PHP version notification in the notification center. * * @return void */ public function unsupported_php_notice() { $notification_center = Yoast_Notification_Center::get(); $notification_center->remove_notification_by_id( 'wpseo-dismiss-unsupported-php' ); } /** * Gets the latest released major WordPress version from the WordPress stable-check api. * * @return float The latest released major WordPress version. 0 The stable-check api doesn't respond. */ private function get_latest_major_wordpress_version() { $core_updates = get_core_updates( [ 'dismissed' => true ] ); if ( $core_updates === false ) { return 0; } $wp_version_latest = get_bloginfo( 'version' ); foreach ( $core_updates as $update ) { if ( $update->response === 'upgrade' && version_compare( $update->version, $wp_version_latest, '>' ) ) { $wp_version_latest = $update->version; } } // Strip the patch version and convert to a float. return (float) $wp_version_latest; } /** * Helper to verify if the user is currently visiting one of our admin pages. * * @return bool */ private function on_wpseo_admin_page() { return $this->pagenow === 'admin.php' && strpos( filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'page' ), 'wpseo' ) === 0; } /** * Determine whether we should load the meta box class and if so, load it. */ private function load_meta_boxes() { $is_editor = WPSEO_Metabox::is_post_overview( $this->pagenow ) || WPSEO_Metabox::is_post_edit( $this->pagenow ); $is_inline_save = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'action' ) === 'inline-save'; /** * Filter: 'wpseo_always_register_metaboxes_on_admin' - Allow developers to change whether * the WPSEO metaboxes are only registered on the typical pages (lean loading) or always * registered when in admin. * * @api bool Whether to always register the metaboxes or not. Defaults to false. */ if ( $is_editor || $is_inline_save || apply_filters( 'wpseo_always_register_metaboxes_on_admin', false ) ) { $GLOBALS['wpseo_metabox'] = new WPSEO_Metabox(); $GLOBALS['wpseo_meta_columns'] = new WPSEO_Meta_Columns(); } } /** * Determine if we should load our taxonomy edit class and if so, load it. */ private function load_taxonomy_class() { if ( WPSEO_Taxonomy::is_term_edit( $this->pagenow ) || WPSEO_Taxonomy::is_term_overview( $this->pagenow ) ) { new WPSEO_Taxonomy(); } } /** * Determine if we should load our admin pages class and if so, load it. * * Loads admin page class for all admin pages starting with `wpseo_`. */ private function load_admin_user_class() { if ( in_array( $this->pagenow, [ 'user-edit.php', 'profile.php' ], true ) && current_user_can( 'edit_users' ) ) { new WPSEO_Admin_User_Profile(); } } /** * Determine if we should load our admin pages class and if so, load it. * * Loads admin page class for all admin pages starting with `wpseo_`. */ private function load_admin_page_class() { if ( $this->on_wpseo_admin_page() ) { // For backwards compatabilty, this still needs a global, for now... $GLOBALS['wpseo_admin_pages'] = new WPSEO_Admin_Pages(); // Only register the yoast i18n when the page is a Yoast SEO page. if ( WPSEO_Utils::is_yoast_seo_free_page( filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'page' ) ) ) { $this->register_i18n_promo_class(); $this->register_premium_upsell_admin_block(); } } } /** * Loads the plugin suggestions. */ private function load_plugin_suggestions() { $suggestions = new WPSEO_Suggested_Plugins( new WPSEO_Plugin_Availability(), Yoast_Notification_Center::get() ); $suggestions->register_hooks(); } /** * Registers the Premium Upsell Admin Block. * * @return void */ private function register_premium_upsell_admin_block() { if ( ! WPSEO_Utils::is_yoast_seo_premium() ) { $upsell_block = new WPSEO_Premium_Upsell_Admin_Block( 'wpseo_admin_promo_footer' ); $upsell_block->register_hooks(); } } /** * Registers the promotion class for our GlotPress instance, then creates a notification with the i18n promo. * * @link */ private function register_i18n_promo_class() { // BC, because an older version of the i18n-module didn't have this class. $i18n_module = new Yoast_I18n_WordPressOrg_v3( [ 'textdomain' => 'wordpress-seo', 'plugin_name' => 'Yoast SEO', 'hook' => 'wpseo_admin_promo_footer', ], false ); $message = $i18n_module->get_promo_message(); if ( $message !== '' ) { $message .= $i18n_module->get_dismiss_i18n_message_button(); } $notification_center = Yoast_Notification_Center::get(); $notification = new Yoast_Notification( $message, [ 'type' => Yoast_Notification::WARNING, 'id' => 'i18nModuleTranslationAssistance', ] ); if ( $message ) { $notification_center->add_notification( $notification ); return; } $notification_center->remove_notification( $notification ); } /** * See if we should start our XML Sitemaps Admin class. */ private function load_xml_sitemaps_admin() { if ( WPSEO_Options::get( 'enable_xml_sitemap', false ) ) { new WPSEO_Sitemaps_Admin(); } } /** * Checks whether search engines are discouraged from indexing the site. * * @return bool Whether search engines are discouraged from indexing the site. */ private function are_search_engines_discouraged() { return (string) get_option( 'blog_public' ) === '0'; } /** * Shows deprecation warnings to the user if a plugin has registered a filter we have deprecated. */ public function show_hook_deprecation_warnings() { global $wp_filter; if ( wp_doing_ajax() ) { return; } // WordPress hooks that have been deprecated since a Yoast SEO version. $deprecated_filters = [ 'wpseo_genesis_force_adjacent_rel_home' => [ 'version' => '9.4', 'alternative' => null, ], 'wpseo_opengraph' => [ 'version' => '14.0', 'alternative' => null, ], 'wpseo_twitter' => [ 'version' => '14.0', 'alternative' => null, ], 'wpseo_twitter_taxonomy_image' => [ 'version' => '14.0', 'alternative' => null, ], 'wpseo_twitter_metatag_key' => [ 'version' => '14.0', 'alternative' => null, ], 'wp_seo_get_bc_ancestors' => [ 'version' => '14.0', 'alternative' => 'wpseo_breadcrumb_links', ], 'validate_facebook_app_id_api_response_code' => [ 'version' => '15.5', 'alternative' => null, ], 'validate_facebook_app_id_api_response_body' => [ 'version' => '15.5', 'alternative' => null, ], ]; // Determine which filters have been registered. $deprecated_notices = array_intersect( array_keys( $deprecated_filters ), array_keys( $wp_filter ) ); // Show notice for each deprecated filter or action that has been registered. foreach ( $deprecated_notices as $deprecated_filter ) { $deprecation_info = $deprecated_filters[ $deprecated_filter ]; // phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped -- Only uses the hardcoded values from above. _deprecated_hook( $deprecated_filter, 'WPSEO ' . $deprecation_info['version'], $deprecation_info['alternative'] ); // phpcs:enable } } /** * Check if the permalink uses %postname%. * * @return bool */ private function has_postname_in_permalink() { return ( strpos( get_option( 'permalink_structure' ), '%postname%' ) !== false ); } /** * Shows a notice on the permalink settings page. */ public function permalink_settings_notice() { global $pagenow; if ( $pagenow === 'options-permalink.php' ) { printf( '


', esc_html__( 'WARNING:', 'wordpress-seo' ), sprintf( /* translators: %1$s and %2$s expand to items to emphasize the word in the middle. */ esc_html__( 'Changing your permalinks settings can seriously impact your search engine visibility. It should almost %1$s never %2$s be done on a live website.', 'wordpress-seo' ), '', '' ), esc_url( WPSEO_Shortlinker::get( '' ) ), // The link's content. esc_html__( 'Learn about why permalinks are important for SEO.', 'wordpress-seo' ) ); } } /** * Determines whether and where the "search engines discouraged" admin notice should be displayed. * * @return bool Whether the "search engines discouraged" admin notice should be displayed. */ private function should_display_search_engines_discouraged_notice() { $discouraged_pages = [ 'index.php', 'plugins.php', 'update-core.php', ]; return ( $this->are_search_engines_discouraged() && WPSEO_Capability_Utils::current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) && WPSEO_Options::get( 'ignore_search_engines_discouraged_notice', false ) === false && ( $this->on_wpseo_admin_page() || in_array( $this->pagenow, $discouraged_pages, true ) ) ); } /** * Displays an admin notice when WordPress is set to discourage search engines from indexing the site. * * @return void */ public function search_engines_discouraged_notice() { if ( ! $this->should_display_search_engines_discouraged_notice() ) { return; } printf( '

%1$s %2$s

', esc_html__( 'Huge SEO Issue: You\'re blocking access to robots.', 'wordpress-seo' ), sprintf( /* translators: 1: Link start tag to the WordPress Reading Settings page, 2: Link closing tag. */ esc_html__( 'If you want search engines to show this site in their results, you must %1$sgo to your Reading Settings%2$s and uncheck the box for Search Engine Visibility.', 'wordpress-seo' ), '', '' ), esc_js( wp_create_nonce( 'wpseo-ignore' ) ), esc_html__( 'I don\'t want this site to show in the search results.', 'wordpress-seo' ) ); } /** * Adds a custom Yoast section within the Classic Editor publish box. * * @param \WP_Post $post The current post object. * * @return void */ public function add_publish_box_section( $post ) { if ( in_array( $this->pagenow, [ 'post.php', 'post-new.php' ], true ) ) { ?>