{"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"es_PE"},"Unfortunately we cannot save changes to your SEO settings while you are working on a draft of an already-published %1$s. If you want to save your SEO changes, make sure to click 'Update', or wait to make your SEO changes until you are ready to update the %1$s.":[],"Get started with Yoast SEO's content analysis for Elementor!":[],"Got it":[],"New: Yoast SEO for Elementor":[],"SEO data optimization is disabled for non-production environments.":[],"This feature includes and replaces the Text Link Counter and Internal Linking Analysis":[],"Stop SEO data optimization":[],"Oops, something has gone wrong and we couldn't complete the optimization of your SEO data. Please click the button again to re-start the process.":[],"Optimizing SEO data... This may take a while.":[],"SEO data optimization complete":[],"Start SEO data optimization":[],"Check out %s!":[],"Would you like to be able to add these related keyphrases to the %s analysis so you can optimize your content even further?":[],"We've encountered a problem trying to get related keyphrases. Please try again later.":[],"You've reached the maximum amount of 4 related keyphrases. You can change or remove related keyphrases in the %s metabox or sidebar.":[],"Please wait while %1$s connects to %2$s to get related keyphrases...":[],"Upgrade your %s plan":[],"You've reached your request limit for today. Check back tomorrow or upgrade your plan over at %s.":[],"Last month":[],"Two months ago":[],"Three months ago":[],"Four months ago":[],"Five months ago":[],"Six months ago":[],"Seven months ago":[],"Eight months ago":[],"Nine months ago":[],"Ten months ago":[],"Eleven months ago":[],"Twelve months ago":[],"Get more insights at %s":[],"Keyphrase volume in the last 12 months on a scale from 0 to 100.":[],"Learn more about the related keyphrases trend":[],"Trend":[],"Learn more about the related keyphrases volume":[],"Volume":[],"Related keyphrase":[],"Select country":[],"Show results for:":[],"Please enter a focus keyphrase first to get related keyphrases":[],"Sorry, there's no data available for that keyphrase/country combination.":[],"Get related keyphrases":[],"Related keyphrases":[],"The number of headers and header labels don't match.":[],"Twitter preview":[],"Facebook preview":[],"Return to your %s":[],"Make sure to save your %s for changes to take effect":[],"Default for %1$s (%2$s)":[],"This helps search engines understand your website and your content. You can change some of your settings for this page below.":[],"Yoast SEO automatically describes your pages using schema.org":[],"default":[],"Article type":[],"Page type":[],"Learn more about page or content types":[],"What type of page or content is this?":[],"Learn more about structured data with Schema.org":[],"You can change the default type for %1$s in your %2$sSearch Appearance Settings%3$s.":[],"Default Article type":[],"Default Page type":[],"Upon saving, this setting will apply to all of your %1$s. %1$s that are manually configured will be left untouched.":[],"Choose how your %1$s should be described by default in your site's schema.org markup. You can change these settings for individual %1$s.":[],"Learn more about the schema settings":[],"Schema settings":[],"Structured Data":[],"Yoast How-to":[],"Yoast FAQ":[],"Modify your %s description by editing it right here...":[],"Modify your %s title by editing it right here...":[],"%s preview":[],"Please upgrade your WordPress version or install the Gutenberg plugin to get this %1$s feature.":[],"Marking links with nofollow/sponsored has been disabled for WordPress installs < 5.4.":[],"Open in new tab":[],"This is a sponsored link or advert (mark as %1$ssponsored%2$s)%3$s":[],"Search engines should ignore this link (mark as %1$snofollow%2$s)%3$s":[],"Learn more about marking a link as nofollow or sponsored.":[],"Link inserted.":[],"Link edited.":[],"Warning: the link has been inserted but may have errors. Please test it.":[],"Unlink":[],"Link removed.":[],"Link":[],"We've analyzed your post. There is still room for improvement!":[],"We've analyzed your post. Everything looks good. Well done!":[],"No focus keyword was entered":[],"Share your post!":[],"Improve your post with Yoast SEO":[],"SEO analysis:":[],"Your keyphrase is too long. It can be a maximum of 191 characters.":["Tu frase clave es demasiado larga. Puede tener un máximo de 191 caracteres."],"Learn more about the no-index setting on our help page.":["Aprende más sobre el ajuste de noindex en nuestra página de ayuda."],"Even though you can set the meta robots setting here, the entire site is set to noindex in the sitewide privacy settings, so these settings won't have an effect.":["Aunque puedes configurar aquí los ajustes de meta robots, el sitio completo está configurado como noindex en los ajustes de privacidad globales, así que estos ajustes no tendrían efecto."],"Learn more about canonical URLs on our help page.":["Aprende más sobre las URLs canonical en nuestra página de ayuda."],"Learn more about the breadcrumbs title setting on our help page.":["Aprende más sobre el ajuste del título de las migas de pan en nuestra página de ayuda."],"Learn more about advanced meta robots settings on our help page.":["Aprende más sobre los ajustes avanzados de meta robots en nuestra página de ayuda."],"Learn more about the no-follow setting on our help page.":["Aprende más sobre el ajuste nofollow en nuestra página de ayuda."],"Should search engines follow links on this %s":["Deberían los motores de búsqueda seguir los enlaces en este %s"],"Google preview":["Vista previa de Google"],"When you click OK we will open our HelpScout beacon where you can find answers to your questions. This beacon will load our support data and also potentially set cookies.":["Cuando hagas clic en «Aceptar», abriremos nuestra baliza de HelpScout donde podrás encontrar respuestas a tus preguntas. Esta baliza cargará nuestros datos de soporte y, potencialmente, también podrá establecer cookies."],"Schema":["Schema"],"Get the %s plugin now":["Consigue el plugin %s ahora"],"Truly optimize your site for a local audience with our %s plugin! 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Su información de perfil de usuario se utilizará ahora en los resultados de búsqueda. %2$sActualiza su perfil para asegurarte de que la información sea correcta%3$s."],"Please select a user below to make your site's meta data complete.":[],"Select a user...":["Selecciona un usuario…"],"New step added":["Nuevo paso añadido"],"New question added":["Nueva pregunta añadida"],"Did you know %s also analyzes the different word forms of your keyphrase, like plurals and past tenses?":["¿Sabías que %s también analiza las distintas variaciones de tu frase clave, como plurales y tiempos verbales?"],"Help on choosing the perfect focus keyphrase":["Ayuda para elegir la frase clave objetivo perfecta"],"Would you like to add a related keyphrase?":["¿Te gustaría añadir una frase clave relacionada?"],"Go %s!":["¡Ir a %s!"],"Rank better with synonyms & related keyphrases":["Posiciona mejor con sinónimos y frases clave relacionadas"],"Add related keyphrase":["Añadir frase clave relacionada"],"Get %s":["Consigue %s"],"Focus keyphrase":["Frase clave objetivo"],"Optional. 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You can only use one How-to block per post.":["Crea una guía práctica en un modo amigable para el SEO. Solo puedes usar un bloque de guía práctica en cada entrada."],"List your Frequently Asked Questions in an SEO-friendly way. You can only use one FAQ block per post.":["Haz una lista de tus preguntas más frecuentes en un modo amigable para el SEO. Solo puedes usar un bloque de FAQ en cada entrada."],"Copy error":["Error en el texto"],"An error occurred loading the %s primary taxonomy picker.":["Ocurrió un error al cargar el selector %s de la taxonomía principal."],"Time needed:":["Tiempo necesario:"],"Move question down":["Bajar pregunta"],"Move question up":["Subir pregunta"],"Insert question":["Insertar pregunta"],"Delete question":["Borrar pregunta"],"Enter the answer to the question":["Escribe la respuesta a la pregunta"],"Enter a question":["Introduce una pregunta"],"Add question":["Añadir pregunta"],"Frequently Asked Questions":["Preguntas frecuentes"],"Great news: you can, with %s!":["Buenas noticias: ¡puedes, con %s!"],"(Opens in a new browser window)":[],"Select the primary %s":["Elige el %s principal"],"Are you trying to use multiple keyphrases? You should add them separately below.":["¿Estás tratando de utilizar varias frases clave? Debes añadirlas por separado a continuación."],"Mark as cornerstone content":["Marcar como contenido esencial"],"Move step down":["Mover paso hacia abajo"],"Move step up":["Mover paso hacia arriba"],"Insert step":["Insertar paso"],"Delete step":["Eliminar paso"],"Add image":["Añadir imagen"],"Enter a step description":["Introduce una descripción del paso"],"Enter a description":["Introduce una descripción"],"Unordered list":["Lista desordenada"],"Showing step items as an ordered list.":["Mostrando los elementos de los pasos como una lista ordenada."],"Showing step items as an unordered list":["Mostrando los elementos de los pasos como una lista desordenada."],"Add step":["Añadir paso"],"Delete total time":["Eliminar tiempo total"],"Add total time":["Añadir tiempo total"],"How to":["Cómo hacer"],"How-to":["Guía práctica"],"Analysis results":["Resultados del análisis"],"Enter a focus keyphrase to calculate the SEO score":["Introduce una frase clave objetivo para calcular la puntuación SEO"],"Learn more about Cornerstone Content.":["Aprende más sobre el contenido esencial."],"Cornerstone content should be the most important and extensive articles on your site.":["El contenido esencial deben ser los artículos más importantes y extensos de tu sitio."],"Add synonyms":["Añade sinónimos"],"Would you like to add keyphrase synonyms?":["¿Te gustaría añadir sinónimos de la frase clave? "],"Current year":["Año actual"],"Page":["Página"],"Tagline":["Descripción corta"],"Modify your meta description by editing it right here":["Modifica tu meta description editándola aquí mismo"],"ID":["ID"],"Separator":["Separador"],"Search phrase":["Frase de búsqueda"],"Term description":["Descripción del término"],"Tag description":["Descripción de la etiqueta"],"Category description":["Descripción de la categoría"],"Primary category":["Categoría principal"],"Category":["Categoría"],"Excerpt only":["Solo el extracto"],"Excerpt":["Extracto"],"Site title":["Título del sitio"],"Parent title":["Título superior"],"Date":["Fecha"],"24/7 email support":["Soporte por correo electrónico 24/7"],"%s (current default for %s)":["%s (actualmente por defecto para %s)"],"Allow search engines to show this %s in search results?":["¿Permitir a los motores de búsqueda mostrar esta %s en los resultados?"],"SEO analysis":["Análisis SEO"],"Find out why you should upgrade to %s":["Descubre por qué deberías actualizar a %s"],"Do you want to preview what it will look like if people share this post on %s? You can, with %s.":[],"Other benefits of %s for you:":["Otros beneficios de %s para ti:"],"Cornerstone content":["Contenido esencial"],"Superfast internal linking suggestions":["Sugerencias super rápidas sobre enlaces internos"],"Great news: you can, with %1$s!":["¡Buenas noticias: puedes hacerlo, con %1$s!"],"1 year free support and updates included!":["¡1 año de soporte y actualizaciones gratuitas incluido!"],"%1$sSocial media preview%2$s: Facebook & Twitter":["%1$sVista previa en redes sociales%2$s: Facebook y Twitter"],"%1$sNo more dead links%2$s: easy redirect manager":["%1$sNo más enlaces muertos%2$s: sencillo gestor de redirecciones"],"No ads!":["¡Sin anuncios!"],"Good SEO score":["Puntuación SEO buena"],"OK SEO score":["Puntuación SEO aceptable"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"Name":["Nombre"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Por favor introduce una meta description editando el snippet de abajo."],"The name of the person":["El nombre de la persona"],"No":["No"],"Yes":["Sí"],"Readability analysis":["Análisis de legibilidad"],"Needs improvement":["Necesita mejorar"],"Open":["Abrir"],"Yoast SEO":["Yoast SEO"],"Good":["Bien"],"Title":["Título"],"Close":["Cerrar"],"OK":["Aceptable"],"Canonical URL":["URL canónica"],"Breadcrumbs Title":["Título de las migas de pan"],"No Snippet":["Sin snippet"],"No Archive":["Aplicar atributo «No Archive»"],"No Image Index":["Ningun Indice de imagen"],"Meta robots advanced":["Meta robots avanzado"],"FAQ":["FAQ"],"Settings":["Ajustes"],"Advanced":["Avanzado"],"SEO":["SEO"]}}}