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This may take a while.":[],"SEO data optimization complete":[],"Start SEO data optimization":[],"Check out %s!":[],"Would you like to be able to add these related keyphrases to the %s analysis so you can optimize your content even further?":[],"We've encountered a problem trying to get related keyphrases. Please try again later.":[],"You've reached the maximum amount of 4 related keyphrases. You can change or remove related keyphrases in the %s metabox or sidebar.":[],"Please wait while %1$s connects to %2$s to get related keyphrases...":[],"Upgrade your %s plan":[],"You've reached your request limit for today. Check back tomorrow or upgrade your plan over at %s.":[],"Last month":[],"Two months ago":[],"Three months ago":[],"Four months ago":[],"Five months ago":[],"Six months ago":[],"Seven months ago":[],"Eight months ago":[],"Nine months ago":[],"Ten months ago":[],"Eleven months ago":[],"Twelve months ago":[],"Get more insights at %s":[],"Keyphrase volume in the last 12 months on a scale from 0 to 100.":[],"Learn more about the related keyphrases trend":[],"Trend":[],"Learn more about the related keyphrases volume":[],"Volume":[],"Related keyphrase":[],"Select country":[],"Show results for:":[],"Please enter a focus keyphrase first to get related keyphrases":[],"Sorry, there's no data available for that keyphrase/country combination.":[],"Get related keyphrases":[],"Related keyphrases":[],"The number of headers and header labels don't match.":[],"Twitter preview":[],"Facebook preview":[],"Return to your %s":[],"Make sure to save your %s for changes to take effect":[],"Default for %1$s (%2$s)":["%1$s (%2$s) के लिए डिफ़ॉल्ट"],"This helps search engines understand your website and your content. 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You can change these settings for individual %1$s.":["चुनें कि आपकी साइट के schema.org मार्कअप में डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से आपके %1$s का वर्णन कैसे किया जाना चाहिए। आप इन सेटिंग्स को अलग-अलग %1$s के लिए बदल सकते हैं।"],"Learn more about the schema settings":[],"Schema settings":["स्कीमा सेटिंग्स"],"Structured Data":["संरचित डेटा"],"Yoast How-to":["योस्ट हाउ-टू"],"Yoast FAQ":["योस्ट अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न"],"Modify your %s description by editing it right here...":["यहीं संपादित करके अपने %s विवरण को संशोधित करें..."],"Modify your %s title by editing it right here...":["इसे संपादित करके अपने %s शीर्षक को संशोधित करें..."],"%s preview":["%s पूर्वावलोकन"],"Please upgrade your WordPress version or install the Gutenberg plugin to get this %1$s feature.":["कृपया अपना वर्डप्रेस संस्करण अपग्रेड करें या इस %1$s सुविधा को पाने के लिए गुटनबर्ग प्लगइन इंस्टॉल करें।"],"Marking links with nofollow/sponsored has been disabled for WordPress installs < 5.4.":["वर्डप्रेस इंस्टॉल के लिए नोफ़ॉलो/प्रायोजित के साथ अंकन लिंक को अक्षम कर दिया गया है < 5.4।"],"Open in new tab":["नये टैब में खोलें"],"This is a sponsored link or advert (mark as %1$ssponsored%2$s)%3$s":["यह एक प्रायोजित लिंक या विज्ञापन है (%1$sप्रायोजित%2$s के रूप में चिन्हित करें)%3$s"],"Search engines should ignore this link (mark as %1$snofollow%2$s)%3$s":["सर्च इंजन को इस लिंक को नजरअंदाज करना चाहिए (%1$sनोफ़ॉलो%2$s के रूप में चिन्हित करें)%3$s"],"Learn more about marking a link as nofollow or sponsored.":["लिंक को नोफ़ॉलो या प्रायोजित के रूप में चिह्नित करने के बारे में और जानें।"],"Link inserted.":["लिंक डाला गया।"],"Link edited.":["लिंक संपादित किया गया।"],"Warning: the link has been inserted but may have errors. Please test it.":["चेतावनी: लिंक डाला गया है, लेकिन इसमें त्रुटियाँ हो सकती हैं। कृपया इसका परीक्षण करें।"],"Unlink":["अनलिंक"],"Link removed.":["लिंक हटा दिया गया।"],"Link":["लिंक"],"We've analyzed your post. There is still room for improvement!":["हमने आपकी पोस्ट का विश्लेषण किया है। अभी भी सुधार की गुंजाइश है!"],"We've analyzed your post. Everything looks good. Well done!":["हमने आपकी पोस्ट का विश्लेषण किया है। सब कुछ अच्छा लग रहा है। बहुत बढ़िया!"],"No focus keyword was entered":["कोई फ़ोकस कीवर्ड दर्ज नहीं किया गया था"],"Share your post!":["अपनी पोस्ट शेयर करें!"],"Improve your post with Yoast SEO":["योस्ट एसईओ के साथ अपनी पोस्ट में सुधार करें"],"SEO analysis:":["एसईओ विश्लेषण:"],"Your keyphrase is too long. 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