{"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;","lang":"zh_CN"},"Unfortunately we cannot save changes to your SEO settings while you are working on a draft of an already-published %1$s. If you want to save your SEO changes, make sure to click 'Update', or wait to make your SEO changes until you are ready to update the %1$s.":[],"Get started with Yoast SEO's content analysis for Elementor!":[],"Got it":[],"New: Yoast SEO for Elementor":[],"SEO data optimization is disabled for non-production environments.":["非生产环境下禁用SEO数据优化。"],"This feature includes and replaces the Text Link Counter and Internal Linking Analysis":["该功能包括并取代了文本链接计数器和内部链接分析"],"Stop SEO data optimization":["停止SEO数据优化"],"Oops, something has gone wrong and we couldn't complete the optimization of your SEO data. Please click the button again to re-start the process.":["哎呀,出了点问题,我们无法完成对您的SEO数据的优化。请再次点击按钮,重新开始这个过程。"],"Optimizing SEO data... This may take a while.":["优化SEO数据...这可能需要一段时间。"],"SEO data optimization complete":["SEO数据优化完成"],"Start SEO data optimization":["开始SEO数据优化"],"Check out %s!":["查看%s!!"],"Would you like to be able to add these related keyphrases to the %s analysis so you can optimize your content even further?":["您是否希望能够将这些相关的关键词添加到%s分析中,以便您能够进一步优化您的内容?"],"We've encountered a problem trying to get related keyphrases. Please try again later.":["我们在获取相关关键词时遇到了问题。请稍后再试。"],"You've reached the maximum amount of 4 related keyphrases. You can change or remove related keyphrases in the %s metabox or sidebar.":["您已经达到了4个相关关键词的最大数量。您可以在%s元框或侧栏中更改或删除相关的关键词。"],"Please wait while %1$s connects to %2$s to get related keyphrases...":["请等待,%1$s连接到%2$s获取相关关键词..."],"Upgrade your %s plan":["升级您的%s计划"],"You've reached your request limit for today. 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Please test it.":["警告:此链接已被插入但可能含有错误,请测试。"],"Unlink":["取消链接"],"Link removed.":["已移除链接。"],"Link":["链接"],"We've analyzed your post. There is still room for improvement!":["我们已经分析了您的文章。 仍有改进的空间!"],"We've analyzed your post. Everything looks good. Well done!":["我们已经分析了您的文章。 一切看起来都很好。 做得好!"],"No focus keyword was entered":["没有输入焦点关关键词"],"Share your post!":["分享您的文章!"],"Improve your post with Yoast SEO":["使用Yoast SEO改善您的文章"],"SEO analysis:":["SEO分析:"],"Your keyphrase is too long. 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