=== Regions for WP Job Manager === Author URI: http://astoundify.com Plugin URI: https://astoundify.com/products/wp-job-manager-regions/ Donate link: https://www.paypal.me/astoundify Contributors: Astoundify Tags: job, job listing, job region Requires at least: 4.7.0 Tested up to: 5.5.1 Stable Tag: 1.17.7 License: GPLv3 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Add predefined regions to WP Job Manager submission form. == Description == Adds a "Job Region" taxonomy so the site administrator can control a set of predefined regions listings can be assigned to. **Note:** Listings are not filtered by regions. They are simply used as an organization tool. = Where can I use this? = Astoundify has released two themes that are fully integrated with the WP Job Manager plugin. Check out ["Jobify"](http://themeforest.net/item/jobify-job-board-wordpress-theme/5247604?ref=Astoundify) and our WordPress Directory theme ["Listify"](http://themeforest.net/item/listify-wordpress-directory-theme/9602611?ref=Astoundify) == Installation == 1. Install and Activate 2. Go to "Job Listings > Job Regions" and add regions. == Frequently Asked Questions == == Changelog == = 1.17.7: Nov 25, 2020 = * Fix: Minify JS file. * New: Regions settings implementation for resumes. * Update: Compatibility check with latest WordPress v5.5.3. * Update: Compatibility check with Latest WP Job Manager v1.34.3. * Update: Compatibility check with the latest PHP v7.4.10. = 1.17.4: February 14, 2019 = * Fix: Improve type checks for the Select2 library. * Fix: Make the taxonomy available to REST Api, and now it's available in the new editor. = 1.17.3: January 30, 2019 = * Fix: Output region instead of candidate location if setting is enabled. * Fix: Further WP Job Manager compatibility. = 1.17.1/2: January 26, 2019 = * Fix: Ensure select2 arguments are always defined. = 1.17.0: January 24, 2019 = * New: WP Job Manager 1.32.0 support. = 1.16.0: January 14, 2019 = * New: WP Job Manager 1.32.0 support. = 1.15.1: May 16, 2018 = * Fix: Revert use `job_manager_dropdown_categories()` function instead of `wp_dropdown_categories()`. = 1.15.0: May 12, 2018 = * New: Use `job_manager_dropdown_categories()` function instead of `wp_dropdown_categories()`. * New: Add `job_manager_locations_get_terms` and `job_manager_locations_get_term_list_separator` filters for modifying output. = 1.14.0: July 11, 2017 = * New: Listify 2.0+ support. = 1.13.0: April 12, 2017 = * New: Update README. * Fix: Update plugin strings. = 1.12.1: February 1, 2017 = * Fix: Tested up to: WordPress 4.7.2 * Fix: Move .pot translation file to /languages directory = 1.12.0: January 10, 2017 = * New: Tested up to: WordPress 4.7 * Fix: String updates. * Fix: Only adjust placeholder on our current field. = 1.11.0: September 1, 2016 = * New: Tested up to: WordPress 4.6 * New: add in option to disable filtering location * New: add in new taxonomy for resumes * Fix: Remove trailing slash and account for https * Fix: Update settings strings = 1.10.0: February 5, 2016 = * New: Use `search_contains` to search less strictly. = 1.9.1: October 30, 2015 = * Fix: Verify the region exists for alerts. = 1.9.0: September 1, 2015 = * Fix: WP Job Manager - Alerts support * Fix: Reset * Fix: uninstall.php * Fix: RSS Feeds = 1.8.1: August 31, 2015 = * Fix: Taxonomy registration priority to be used with widgets. = 1.8.0: August 12, 2015 = * Fix: Listify 1.0.6 compatibility. = 1.7.3: April 1, 2015 = * Fix: Make sure the regions dropdown can always replace the location input. * Fix: Compatibility with WP Job Manager - Alerts. = 1.7.2: March 17, 2015 = * Fix: Properly place the standard