pattern = sprintf( '~(?:(?:https?:)?//(?:%s))/(\S+?\.(?:%s))~i', implode( '|', array_map( $preg_quote_callback, array_unique( array_filter( $hosts ) ) ) ), implode( '|', array_map( $preg_quote_callback, self::get_file_ext() ) ) ); }, 0 ); add_action( 'template_redirect', [ $this, 'template_redirect' ] ); add_action( 'wp_head', [ $this, 'wp_head' ], 2 ); add_filter( 'script_loader_src', [ $this, 'replace_base_url' ] ); add_filter( 'style_loader_src', [ $this, 'replace_base_url' ] ); add_filter( 'wp_get_attachment_url', [ $this, 'replace_base_url' ] ); add_filter( 'theme_file_uri', [ $this, 'replace_base_url' ] ); add_filter( 'includes_url', [ $this, 'replace_base_url' ] ); } /** * @return void */ public static function full_page_cdn_notice() { if ( defined( 'GD_CDN_FULLPAGE' ) && true === GD_CDN_FULLPAGE ) { new Admin\Notice( self::get_notice_text(), array( 'notice-success' ), 'activate_plugins', true ); } } public static function get_cdn_base() { if ( false === self::get_dc_full_id() || ! defined( 'GD_TEMP_DOMAIN' ) ) { return; } $dc = strtolower( substr( self::get_dc_full_id(), 0, 2 ) ); $domain_suffix = ''; $temp_domain = explode( '.', GD_TEMP_DOMAIN ); $new_host = null; if ( 'myftpupload' === $temp_domain[2] ) { $new_host = sprintf( '%scdn1%s', $dc, $domain_suffix ); } if ( 'mwp' === $temp_domain[2] && 'accessdomain' === $temp_domain[3] ) { $new_host = sprintf( '%scdn2%s', $dc, $domain_suffix ); } if ( empty( $new_host ) ) { return; } return sprintf( 'https://%s%s.%s', $temp_domain[0], $temp_domain[1], $new_host ); } public static function set_cdn_base() { $cdn_base = self::get_cdn_base(); if ( ! empty( $cdn_base ) ) { self::$base_url = $cdn_base; } } /** * Return one of DC strings * * @return false|string */ public static function get_dc_full_id() { if ( defined('GD_DC_ID') ) { return GD_DC_ID; } if ( ! empty($_ENV['WPAAS_POD']) ) { return $_ENV['WPAAS_POD']; } if ( ! empty($_SERVER['WPAAS_POD']) ) { return $_SERVER['WPAAS_POD']; } return false; } public static function get_file_ext() { return (array) apply_filters( 'wpaas_cdn_file_ext', self::$file_ext ); } public static function get_base_url() { return apply_filters( 'wpaas_cdn_base_url', self::$base_url ); } public static function is_enabled( $skip_admin_check = false ) { global $pagenow; $vip = defined( 'GD_VIP' ) ? GD_VIP : null; $temp_domain = defined( 'GD_TEMP_DOMAIN' ) ? GD_TEMP_DOMAIN : null; $is_rest = defined( 'REST_REQUEST' ) ? REST_REQUEST : false; $is_nocache = (bool) filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'nocache' ); $is_gddebug = (bool) filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'gddebug' ); $is_bb = ! is_null( filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'fl_builder' ) ); // Beaver Builder. $cdn_enabled = (bool) apply_filters( 'wpaas_cdn_enabled', defined( 'GD_CDN_ENABLED' ) ? GD_CDN_ENABLED : false ); $is_admin = (bool) $skip_admin_check ? false : is_admin(); $is_login = ( ! empty( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) && wp_parse_url( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH ) === wp_parse_url( wp_login_url(), PHP_URL_PATH ) ); $is_debug = defined('GD_WP_DEBUG_CDN') ? GD_WP_DEBUG_CDN : WP_DEBUG; return ( $vip && $temp_domain && $cdn_enabled && self::get_file_ext() && ! $is_debug && ! $is_admin && ! $is_login && ! $is_rest && ! $is_nocache && ! $is_gddebug && ! $is_bb ); } public function template_redirect() { if ( ! self::is_enabled() || ! $this->pattern ) { return; } ob_start( function ( $content ) { $base_url = self::get_base_url(); return preg_replace( $this->pattern, "{$base_url}/$1", $content ); } ); } public function wp_head() { if ( ! self::is_enabled() ) { return; } $url = wp_parse_url( self::get_base_url() ); if ( ! empty( $url['scheme'] ) && ! empty( $url['host'] ) ) { printf( // xss ok. "\n", $url['scheme'], $url['host'] ); } } public function replace_base_url( $url ) { if ( ! self::is_enabled() || ! $this->pattern ) { return $url; } $base_url = self::get_base_url(); $url = preg_replace( $this->pattern, "{$base_url}/$1", $url, -1, $count ); $time = Plugin::last_cache_flush_date(); return ( $count && $time ) ? add_query_arg( 'time', $time, $url ) : $url; } /** * Check the customer type to provide the correct wording for the notice * * @return string */ public static function get_notice_text() { /** * For GoDaddy customer. */ if (Plugin::is_gd()) { $title = __('Your website just got a boost!'); $message = __('We\'ve updated your GoDaddy CDN with new features that make your site faster and safer.'); $message .= ' ' . __("Learn more") . ' '; } elseif (Plugin::is_reseller_brand()) { $title = __('Your website just got a boost!'); $message = __('We have updated your CDN with new features that make your site faster and safer.'); } else { $title = __('Your website just got a boost!'); $message = __('We have updated your CDN with new features that make your site faster and safer.'); } $format = '
' . $message . '
'; return $format; } }