from = $from; $this->to = $to; $this->recurse_objects = $recurse_objects; // Get the XDebug nesting level. Will be zero (no limit) if no value is set $this->max_recursion = intval( ini_get( 'xdebug.max_nesting_level' ) ); } /** * Take a serialised array and unserialise it replacing elements as needed and * unserialising any subordinate arrays and performing the replace on those too. * Ignores any serialized objects unless $recurse_objects is set to true. * * @param array|string $data The data to operate on. * @param bool $serialised Does the value of $data need to be unserialized? * * @return array The original array with all elements replaced as needed. */ public function run( $data, $serialised = false ) { return $this->run_recursively( $data, $serialised ); } /** * @param int $recursion_level Current recursion depth within the original data. * @param array $visited_data Data that has been seen in previous recursion iterations. */ private function run_recursively( $data, $serialised, $recursion_level = 0, $visited_data = array() ) { // some unseriliased data cannot be re-serialised eg. SimpleXMLElements try { if ( $this->recurse_objects ) { // If we've reached the maximum recursion level, short circuit if ( 0 !== $this->max_recursion && $recursion_level >= $this->max_recursion ) { return $data; } if ( is_array( $data ) || is_object( $data ) ) { // If we've seen this exact object or array before, short circuit if ( in_array( $data, $visited_data, true ) ) { return $data; // Avoid infinite loops when there's a cycle } // Add this data to the list of $visited_data[] = $data; } } // The error suppression operator is not enough in some cases, so we disable // reporting of notices and warnings as well. $error_reporting = error_reporting(); error_reporting( $error_reporting & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_WARNING ); $unserialized = is_string( $data ) ? @unserialize( $data ) : false; error_reporting( $error_reporting ); if ( false !== $unserialized ) { $data = $this->run_recursively( $unserialized, true, $recursion_level + 1 ); } elseif ( is_array( $data ) ) { $keys = array_keys( $data ); foreach ( $keys as $key ) { $data[ $key ] = $this->run_recursively( $data[ $key ], false, $recursion_level + 1, $visited_data ); } } elseif ( $this->recurse_objects && ( is_object( $data ) || $data instanceof \__PHP_Incomplete_Class ) ) { if ( ! ( $data instanceof \__PHP_Incomplete_Class ) ) { foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) { $data->$key = $this->run_recursively( $value, false, $recursion_level + 1, $visited_data ); } } } elseif ( is_string( $data ) ) { $data = str_replace( $this->from, $this->to, $data ); } if ( $serialised ) { return serialize( $data ); } } catch ( Exception $error ) { // phpcs:ignore Generic.CodeAnalysis.EmptyStatement.DetectedCatch -- Deliberally empty. } return $data; } public function php_handle_col( $col, $table, $old, $new ) { list( $primary_keys, $columns, $all_columns ) = Search_Replacer::get_columns( $table ); global $wpdb; $table_sql = self::esc_sql_ident( $table ); $col_sql = self::esc_sql_ident( $col ); $base_key_condition = "$col_sql" . $wpdb->prepare( ' LIKE BINARY %s', '%' . self::esc_like( $old ) . '%' ); $where_key = "WHERE $base_key_condition"; $escaped_primary_keys = self::esc_sql_ident( $primary_keys ); $primary_keys_sql = implode( ',', $escaped_primary_keys ); $order_by_keys = array_map( static function ( $key ) { return "{$key} ASC"; }, $escaped_primary_keys ); $order_by_sql = 'ORDER BY ' . implode( ',', $order_by_keys ); $limit = 1000; // 2 errors: // - WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared -- escaped through self::esc_sql_ident // - WordPress.CodeAnalysis.AssignmentInCondition -- no reason to do copy-paste for a single valid assignment in while // phpcs:ignore while ( $rows = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT {$primary_keys_sql} FROM {$table_sql} {$where_key} {$order_by_sql} LIMIT {$limit}" ) ) { foreach ( $rows as $keys ) { $where_sql = ''; foreach ( (array) $keys as $k => $v ) { if ( '' !== $where_sql ) { $where_sql .= ' AND '; } $where_sql .= self::esc_sql_ident( $k ) . ' = ' . self::esc_sql_value( $v ); } // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared -- escaped through self::esc_sql_ident $col_value = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT {$col_sql} FROM {$table_sql} WHERE {$where_sql}" ); if ( '' === $col_value ) { continue; } $value = $this->run( $col_value ); if ( $value === $col_value ) { continue; } $update_where = array(); foreach ( (array) $keys as $k => $v ) { $update_where[ $k ] = $v; } $wpdb->update( $table, array( $col => $value ), $update_where ); } // Because we are ordering by primary keys from least to greatest, // we can exclude previous chunks from consideration by adding greater-than conditions // to insist the next chunk's keys must be greater than the last of this chunk's keys. $last_row = end( $rows ); $next_key_conditions = array(); // NOTE: For a composite key (X, Y, Z), selecting the next rows requires the following conditions: // ( X = lastX AND Y = lastY AND Z > lastZ ) OR // ( X = lastX AND Y > lastY ) OR // ( X > lastX ) for ( $last_key_index = count( $primary_keys ) - 1; $last_key_index >= 0; $last_key_index-- ) { $next_key_subconditions = array(); for ( $i = 0; $i <= $last_key_index; $i++ ) { $k = $primary_keys[ $i ]; $v = $last_row->{ $k }; if ( $i < $last_key_index ) { $next_key_subconditions[] = self::esc_sql_ident( $k ) . ' = ' . self::esc_sql_value( $v ); } else { $next_key_subconditions[] = self::esc_sql_ident( $k ) . ' > ' . self::esc_sql_value( $v ); } } $next_key_conditions[] = '( ' . implode( ' AND ', $next_key_subconditions ) . ' )'; } $where_key_conditions = array(); if ( $base_key_condition ) { $where_key_conditions[] = $base_key_condition; } $where_key_conditions[] = '( ' . implode( ' OR ', $next_key_conditions ) . ' )'; $where_key = 'WHERE ' . implode( ' AND ', $where_key_conditions ); } } /** * Escapes (backticks) MySQL identifiers (aka schema object names) - i.e. column names, table names, and database/index/alias/view etc names. * See * * @param string|array $idents A single identifier or an array of identifiers. * @return string|array An escaped string if given a string, or an array of escaped strings if given an array of strings. */ private static function esc_sql_ident( $idents ) { $backtick = static function ( $v ) { // Escape any backticks in the identifier by doubling. return '`' . str_replace( '`', '``', $v ) . '`'; }; if ( is_string( $idents ) ) { return $backtick( $idents ); } return array_map( $backtick, $idents ); } /** * Puts MySQL string values in single quotes, to avoid them being interpreted as column names. * * @param string|array $values A single value or an array of values. * @return string|array A quoted string if given a string, or an array of quoted strings if given an array of strings. */ private static function esc_sql_value( $values ) { $quote = static function ( $v ) { // Don't quote integer values to avoid MySQL's implicit type conversion. if ( preg_match( '/^[+-]?[0-9]{1,20}$/', $v ) ) { // MySQL BIGINT UNSIGNED max 18446744073709551615 (20 digits). return esc_sql( $v ); } // Put any string values between single quotes. return "'" . esc_sql( $v ) . "'"; }; if ( is_array( $values ) ) { return array_map( $quote, $values ); } return $quote( $values ); } private static function get_columns( $table ) { global $wpdb; $table_sql = self::esc_sql_ident( $table ); $primary_keys = array(); $text_columns = array(); $all_columns = array(); $suppress_errors = $wpdb->suppress_errors(); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared -- escaped through self::esc_sql_ident $results = $wpdb->get_results( "DESCRIBE $table_sql" ); if ( ! empty( $results ) ) { foreach ( $results as $col ) { if ( 'PRI' === $col->Key ) { $primary_keys[] = $col->Field; } if ( self::is_text_col( $col->Type ) ) { $text_columns[] = $col->Field; } $all_columns[] = $col->Field; } } $wpdb->suppress_errors( $suppress_errors ); return array( $primary_keys, $text_columns, $all_columns ); } private static function is_text_col( $type ) { foreach ( array( 'text', 'varchar' ) as $token ) { if ( false !== stripos( $type, $token ) ) { return true; } } return false; } private static function esc_like( $old ) { global $wpdb; // Remove notices in 4.0 and support backwards compatibility if ( method_exists( $wpdb, 'esc_like' ) ) { // 4.0 $old = $wpdb->esc_like( $old ); } else { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.DeprecatedFunctions.like_escapeFound -- BC-layer for WP 3.9 or less. $old = like_escape( esc_sql( $old ) ); // Note: this double escaping is actually necessary, even though `esc_like()` will be used in a `prepare()`. } return $old; } }