client = $client; $this->config = $config; $this->log = $this->config->logger; $this->setSerializer(); $this->setCompression(); if (PhpRedisConnector::supports('backoff')) { $this->setBackoff(); } } /** * Set the connection's timeout. * * @param mixed $timeout * @return void */ protected function setTimeout($timeout) { $this->client->setOption($this->client::OPT_READ_TIMEOUT, (string) $timeout); } /** * Set the connection's retries and backoff algorithm. * * @see * @return void */ protected function setBackoff() { if ($this->config->retries) { $this->client->setOption($this->client::OPT_MAX_RETRIES, $this->config->retries); } if ($this->config->backoff === Configuration::BACKOFF_SMART) { $this->client->setOption($this->client::OPT_BACKOFF_ALGORITHM, $this->client::BACKOFF_ALGORITHM_DECORRELATED_JITTER); $this->client->setOption($this->client::OPT_BACKOFF_BASE, $this->config->retry_interval); $this->client->setOption($this->client::OPT_BACKOFF_CAP, \intval($this->config->read_timeout * 1000)); } } /** * Set the connection's serializer. * * @return void */ protected function setSerializer() { if ($this->config->serializer === Configuration::SERIALIZER_PHP) { $this->client->setOption($this->client::OPT_SERIALIZER, (string) $this->client::SERIALIZER_PHP); } if ($this->config->serializer === Configuration::SERIALIZER_IGBINARY) { $this->client->setOption($this->client::OPT_SERIALIZER, (string) $this->client::SERIALIZER_IGBINARY); } } /** * Unset the connection's serializer. * * @return void */ protected function unsetSerializer() { $this->client->setOption($this->client::OPT_SERIALIZER, (string) $this->client::SERIALIZER_NONE); } /** * Set the connection's compression algorithm. * * @return void */ protected function setCompression() { if ($this->config->compression === Configuration::COMPRESSION_NONE) { $this->client->setOption($this->client::OPT_COMPRESSION, (string) $this->client::COMPRESSION_NONE); } if ($this->config->compression === Configuration::COMPRESSION_LZF) { $this->client->setOption($this->client::OPT_COMPRESSION, (string) $this->client::COMPRESSION_LZF); } if ($this->config->compression === Configuration::COMPRESSION_ZSTD) { $this->client->setOption($this->client::OPT_COMPRESSION, (string) $this->client::COMPRESSION_ZSTD); $this->client->setOption($this->client::OPT_COMPRESSION_LEVEL, (string) -5); } if ($this->config->compression === Configuration::COMPRESSION_LZ4) { $this->client->setOption($this->client::OPT_COMPRESSION, (string) $this->client::COMPRESSION_LZ4); } } /** * Set the connection's compression algorithm. * * @return void */ protected function unsetCompression() { $this->client->setOption($this->client::OPT_COMPRESSION, (string) $this->client::COMPRESSION_NONE); } /** * Execute the callback without data mutations on the connection, * such as serialization and compression algorithms. * * @param callable $callback * @return mixed */ public function withoutMutations(callable $callback) { $this->unsetSerializer(); $this->unsetCompression(); try { return $callback($this); } catch (Throwable $exception) { throw $exception; } finally { $this->setSerializer(); $this->setCompression(); } } /** * Execute callback without read timeout. * * @param callable $callback * @return mixed */ public function withoutTimeout(callable $callback) { return $this->withTimeout($callback, -1); } /** * Execute callback with custom read timeout. * * @param callable $callback * @param mixed $timeout * @return mixed */ public function withTimeout(callable $callback, $timeout) { $this->setTimeout((string) $timeout); try { return $callback($this); } catch (Throwable $exception) { throw $exception; } finally { $this->setTimeout((string) $this->config->read_timeout); } } /** * Flush the selected Redis database. * * When asynchronous flushing is not used the connection’s read timeout (if present) * is disabled to avoid a timeout and restores the timeout afterwards, * even in the event of an exception. * * @param bool|null $async * @return bool */ public function flushdb($async = null) { if ($async ?? $this->config->async_flush) { $asyncValue = \version_compare((string) \phpversion('redis'), '6.0', '<') ? true // PhpRedis 4.x - 5.x : false; // PhpRedis 6.x return $this->command('flushdb', [$asyncValue]); } return $this->withoutTimeout(function () { return $this->command('flushdb'); }); } /** * Hijack `pipeline()` calls to allow command logging. * * @return \RedisCachePro\Connections\Transaction */ public function pipeline() { return Transaction::pipeline($this); } /** * Hijack `multi()` calls to allow command logging. * * @param ?int $type * @return \RedisCachePro\Connections\Transaction */ public function multi(?int $type = null) { return $type === $this->client::PIPELINE ? Transaction::multi($this) : Transaction::pipeline($this); } /** * Send `scan()` calls directly to the client to make passed-by-reference iterator work. * * @param mixed $iterator * @param mixed $match * @param int $count * @return array|false */ public function scan(&$iterator, $match = null, $count = 0) { return $this->client->scan($iterator, $match, $count); } /** * Send `hscan()` calls directly to the client to make passed-by-reference iterator work. * * @param mixed $key * @param mixed $iterator * @param mixed $match * @param int $count * @return array|false */ public function hscan($key, &$iterator, $match = null, int $count = 0) { return $this->client->hscan($key, $iterator, $match, $count); } /** * Send `sscan()` calls directly to the client to make passed-by-reference iterator work. * * @param mixed $key * @param mixed $iterator * @param mixed $match * @param int $count * @return array|false */ public function sscan($key, &$iterator, $match = null, int $count = 0) { return $this->client->sscan($key, $iterator, $match, $count); } /** * Send `zscan()` calls directly to the client to make passed-by-reference iterator work. * * @param mixed $key * @param mixed $iterator * @param mixed $match * @param int $count * @return array|false */ public function zscan($key, &$iterator, $match = null, int $count = 0) { return $this->client->zscan($key, $iterator, $match, $count); } /** * Yields all keys matching the given pattern. * * @param string|null $pattern * @return \Generator> */ public function listKeys(?string $pattern = null): Generator { $iterator = null; do { $keys = $this->client->scan($iterator, $pattern, 500); if (! empty($keys)) { yield $keys; } } while ($iterator > 0); } /** * Execute hijacked MULTI transaction/pipeline. * * This mimics `Connection::command()`. * * @param \RedisCachePro\Connections\Transaction $tx * @return array */ public function commands(Transaction $tx) { $this->lastCommand = null; $debug = $this->config->debug || $this->config->save_commands; $method = $tx->type; $context = [ 'command' => \strtoupper($method), 'parameters' => [], ]; if ($debug) { $context['backtrace'] = \debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS); } try { $start = microtime(true); $pipe = $this->client->{$method}(); foreach ($tx->commands as $command) { $pipe->{$command[0]}(...$command[1]); $context['parameters'][] = \array_merge([\strtoupper($command[0])], $command[1]); } $memory = memory_get_usage(); $results = $pipe->exec(); $memory = memory_get_usage() - $memory; $wait = (microtime(true) - $start) * 1000; } catch (Throwable $exception) { $this->log->error('Failed to execute transaction', $context + [ 'exception' => $exception, ]); throw ConnectionException::from($exception); } if (! is_array($results)) { $type = gettype($results); throw new ConnectionException("Transaction returned an unexpected type ({$type})"); } $resultsCount = count($results); $commandCount = count($tx->commands); if ($resultsCount !== $commandCount) { throw new ConnectionException("Transaction returned {$resultsCount} results but unexpected {$commandCount}"); } $this->lastCommand = [ 'wait' => $wait, 'memory' => $memory, ]; if ($debug) { $ms = \round($wait, 4); $this->log->info("Executed transaction in {$ms}ms", $context + [ 'time' => $wait, 'memory' => $memory, 'result' => $results, ]); } return $results; } }