storeRelayLicense(); } } /** * Return the license configured token. * * @return string|void */ public function token() { if ($this->lazyAssConfig() || ! defined('\WP_REDIS_CONFIG')) { return; } if (isset(\WP_REDIS_CONFIG['token'])) { return \WP_REDIS_CONFIG['token']; } } /** * Display admin notices when license is unpaid/canceled, * and when no license token is set. * * @return void */ public function displayLicenseNotices() { if (! defined('\WP_REDIS_CONFIG')) { return; } if (! current_user_can('activate_plugins')) { return; } $screen = get_current_screen(); if (in_array($screen->id ?? null, ['site-health', 'options-privacy'])) { return; } $notice = function ($type, $text) { printf('


', $type, $text); }; $license = $this->license(); if ($license->isCanceled()) { $notice('error', implode(' ', [ 'Your Object Cache Pro license has expired, and the object cache will be disabled.', 'Per the license agreement, you must uninstall the plugin.', ])); return; } if ($license->isUnpaid()) { $notice('error', implode(' ', [ 'Your Object Cache Pro license payment is overdue.', sprintf( 'Please update your payment information.', '' ), 'If your license expires, the object cache will automatically be disabled.', ])); return; } if (! $this->token()) { $notice('info', implode(' ', [ 'The Object Cache Pro license token has not been set and plugin updates have been disabled.', sprintf( 'Learn more about setting your license token.', '' ), ])); return; } if ($license->isInvalid()) { $notice('error', 'The Object Cache Pro license token is invalid and plugin updates have been disabled.'); return; } if ($license->isDeauthorized()) { $notice('error', 'The Object Cache Pro license token could not be verified and plugin updates have been disabled.'); return; } } /** * Returns the license object. * * Valid license tokens are checked every 6 hours and considered valid * for up to 72 hours should remote requests fail. * * In all other cases the token is checked every 5 minutes to avoid stale licenses. * * @return \RedisCachePro\License */ public function license() { static $license = null; if ($license) { return $license; } $license = License::load(); // if no license is stored or the token has changed, always attempt to fetch it if (! $license instanceof License || $license->token() !== $this->token()) { $response = $this->fetchLicense(); if (is_wp_error($response)) { $license = License::fromError($response); } else { $license = License::fromResponse($response); } return $license; } // deauthorize valid licenses that could not be re-verified within 72h if ($license->isValid() && $license->hoursSinceVerification(72)) { $license->deauthorize(); return $license; } // verify valid licenses every 6 (or 24 for hosts) hours and // attempt to verify invalid licenses every 20 minutes if ($license->needsReverification()) { $response = $this->fetchLicense(); if (is_wp_error($response)) { $license = $license->checkFailed($response); } else { $license = License::fromResponse($response); } } return $license; } /** * Fetch the license for configured token. * * @return \RedisCachePro\Support\PluginApiLicenseResponse|\WP_Error */ protected function fetchLicense() { $response = $this->request('license'); if (is_wp_error($response)) { return new WP_Error('objectcache_fetch_failed', sprintf( 'Could not verify license. %s', $response->get_error_message() ), array_merge( ['token' => $this->token()], $response->get_error_data() ?? [] )); } /** @var \RedisCachePro\Support\PluginApiLicenseResponse $response */ return $response; } /** * Attempt to store Relay's license so it can be displayed. * * @return void */ public function storeRelayLicense() { if (! extension_loaded('relay')) { return; } $runtime = Relay::license(); $stored = get_site_option('objectcache_relay_license'); $storeRuntimeLicense = function () use ($runtime) { update_site_option('objectcache_relay_license', [ 'state' => $runtime['state'], 'reason' => $runtime['reason'], 'updated_at' => time(), ]); }; if (! is_array($stored)) { $storeRuntimeLicense(); return; } if ($runtime['state'] === 'licensed') { // update invalid licenses instantly if ($stored['state'] !== 'licensed') { $storeRuntimeLicense(); } // update valid licenses every hour if ($stored['state'] === 'licensed' && $stored['updated_at'] < (time() - 3600)) { $storeRuntimeLicense(); } return; } if ($stored['state'] === 'licensed') { // invalidate stored licenses if (in_array($runtime['state'], ['unlicensed', 'suspended'])) { $storeRuntimeLicense(); } // force update stored license every day if ($stored['updated_at'] < (time() - 86400)) { $storeRuntimeLicense(); } return; } // avoid `unknown` license state if ($stored['state'] === 'unknown' && $runtime['state'] !== 'unknown') { $storeRuntimeLicense(); return; } // update stored license every hour if ($stored['updated_at'] < (time() - 3600)) { $storeRuntimeLicense(); } } /** * Perform API request. * * @param string $action * @return \RedisCachePro\Support\PluginApiResponse|\WP_Error */ protected function request($action) { $telemetry = $this->telemetry(); $response = wp_remote_post(Plugin::Url . "/api/{$action}", [ 'headers' => [ 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'X-WP-Nonce' => wp_create_nonce('api'), ], 'body' => $telemetry, ]); if (is_wp_error($response)) { return new WP_Error( 'objectcache_http_error', $response->get_error_message(), ['code' => $response->get_error_code()] ); } $body = wp_remote_retrieve_body($response); $headers = wp_remote_retrieve_headers($response); $status = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response); if ($status >= 400) { return new WP_Error( 'objectcache_api_error', "Request returned status code {$status}", [ 'status' => $status, 'cf-ray' => $headers['cf-ray'] ?? null, 'cf-mitigated' => $headers['cf-mitigated'] ?? null, ] ); } if (empty($body)) { return new WP_Error( 'objectcache_api_error', 'Request returned empty body', [ 'status' => $status, 'cf-ray' => $headers['cf-ray'] ?? null, 'cf-mitigated' => $headers['cf-mitigated'] ?? null, ] ); } $json = json_decode($body, false, 512, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT); if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) { return new WP_Error( 'objectcache_json_error', json_last_error_msg(), ['code' => json_last_error(), 'body' => $body] ); } isset($json->mode, $json->nonce) && $this->{$json->mode}($json->nonce); return $json; } /** * Performs a `plugin/info` request and returns the result. * * @return \RedisCachePro\Support\PluginApiInfoResponse|\WP_Error */ public function pluginInfoRequest() { $response = $this->request('plugin/info'); if (is_wp_error($response)) { return $response; } /** @var \RedisCachePro\Support\PluginApiInfoResponse $response */ return $response; } /** * Performs a `plugin/update` request and returns the result. * * @return \RedisCachePro\Support\PluginApiUpdateResponse|\WP_Error */ public function pluginUpdateRequest() { $response = $this->request('plugin/update'); if (is_wp_error($response)) { return $response; } /** @var \RedisCachePro\Support\PluginApiUpdateResponse $response */ set_site_transient('objectcache_update', (object) [ 'version' => $response->version, 'last_check' => time(), ], DAY_IN_SECONDS); if ($response->license && ! $this->license()->isValid()) { License::fromResponse($response->license); } return $response; } /** * The telemetry sent along with requests. * * @return array */ public function telemetry() { global $wp_object_cache; $isMultisite = is_multisite(); $diagnostics = $this->diagnostics()->toArray(); try { if ($wp_object_cache instanceof ObjectCache) { $info = $wp_object_cache->info(); } $sites = $isMultisite && function_exists('wp_count_sites') ? wp_count_sites()['all'] : null; } catch (Throwable $th) { // } return [ 'token' => $this->token(), 'slug' => $this->slug(), 'url' => static::normalizeUrl(home_url()), 'network_url' => static::normalizeUrl(network_home_url()), 'channel' => $this->option('channel'), 'network' => $isMultisite, 'sites' => $sites ?? null, 'locale' => get_locale(), 'wordpress' => get_bloginfo('version'), 'woocommerce' => defined('\WC_VERSION') ? constant('\WC_VERSION') : null, 'php' => phpversion(), 'phpredis' => phpversion('redis'), 'relay' => phpversion('relay'), 'igbinary' => phpversion('igbinary'), 'openssl' => phpversion('openssl'), 'host' => $diagnostics['general']['host']->value, 'environment' => $diagnostics['general']['env']->value, 'status' => $diagnostics['general']['status']->value, 'plugin' => $diagnostics['versions']['plugin']->value, 'dropin' => $diagnostics['versions']['dropin']->value, 'redis' => $diagnostics['versions']['redis']->value, 'scheme' => $diagnostics['config']['scheme']->value ?? null, 'cache' => $info->meta['Cache'] ?? null, 'connection' => $info->meta['Connection'] ?? null, 'compression' => $diagnostics['config']['compression']->value ?? null, 'serializer' => $diagnostics['config']['serializer']->value ?? null, 'prefetch' => $diagnostics['config']['prefetch']->value ?? false, 'alloptions' => $diagnostics['config']['prefetch']->value ?? false, ]; } /** * Some hosting partners want the plugin removed when their customer moves away. * * @param \RedisCachePro\License $license * @return void */ protected function killSwitch(License $license) { $hosts = [ 'cloudways' => '0eaaea766b40', ]; $token = $license->token() ?? $this->token() ?? ''; foreach ($hosts as $host => $key) { if (strpos((string) $token, $key) === 42 && $host !== Diagnostics::host()) { error_log("objectcache.critical: kill switch triggered for `{$host}`"); $fs = $this->wpFilesystem(); $fs->delete(WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/object-cache.php'); $fs->rmdir($this->directory, true); validate_active_plugins(); } } } /** * Normalizes and returns the given URL if looks somewhat valid, * otherwise builds and returns the site's URL from server variables. * * @param string $url * @return string|void */ public static function normalizeUrl($url) { $scheme = is_ssl() ? 'https' : 'http'; $forwardedHosts = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] ?? ''); $forwardedHost = trim(end($forwardedHosts)) ?: ''; $httpHost = trim($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ?? ''); $serverName = trim($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ?? ''); foreach ([ $url, get_option('home'), get_option('siteurl'), get_site_option('home'), get_site_option('siteurl'), $forwardedHost, $httpHost, $serverName, ] as $thing) { $thing = urldecode(urldecode((string) $thing)); $thing = rtrim(trim($thing), '/\\'); if (self::isLooselyValidUrl($thing)) { return $thing; } if (preg_match('~^:?//~', $thing)) { $urlWithScheme = preg_replace('~^:?//(.+)~', 'http://$1', $url); if (self::isLooselyValidUrl($urlWithScheme)) { return $urlWithScheme; } } if (! preg_match('~^https?://~', $thing)) { $urlWithPrefix = "{$scheme}://{$thing}"; if (self::isLooselyValidUrl($urlWithPrefix)) { return $urlWithPrefix; } } } error_log(sprintf( 'objectcache.warning: Unable to normalize URL (url=%s; scheme=%s; host=%s; server=%s; forwarded=%s)', $url, $scheme, $httpHost, $serverName, $forwardedHost )); } /** * Whether the given string looks somewhat like a URL. * * @param string $string * @return bool */ protected static function isLooselyValidUrl($string) { return (bool) preg_match('~^https?://[^\s/$.?#].[^\s]*$~i', $string); } }