api = $api; add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'init' ] ); /** * Check that the constants are defined. * * @filter wpaas_woo_extension_management * * @return bool True when both constants are defined, else false. */ add_filter( 'wpaas_woo_extension_management', function() { return defined( 'GD_ACCOUNT_UID' ) && defined( 'GD_SITE_TOKEN' ); } ); } /** * Initialize the script. * * @action init */ public function init() { if ( ! Plugin::has_plan( 'eCommerce Managed WordPress' ) || ! is_plugin_active( 'woocommerce/woocommerce.php' ) || ! class_exists( 'WC_Helper_Updater' ) || ! apply_filters( 'wpaas_woo_extension_management', true ) ) { return; } $this->woo_extensions = $this->api->get_woocommerce_products( 'extensions' ); if ( empty( $this->woo_extensions ) ) { return; } // Trim verbose "WooCommerce" prefix from all extensions. foreach ( $this->woo_extensions as &$extension ) { $extension['name'] = trim( preg_replace( '/^WooCommerce/', '', $extension['name'] ) ); } // Sort by name ASC. array_multisort( wp_list_pluck( $this->woo_extensions, 'name' ), SORT_ASC, $this->woo_extensions ); $this->featured_extensions = $this->get_featured_woo_extensions(); add_action( 'admin_init', [ $this, 'redirect' ], 0 ); add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'enqueue_scripts' ] ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_show_addons_page', '__return_false' ); add_action( 'admin_menu', [ $this, 'woo_extensions_menu_page' ], PHP_INT_MAX ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_install_woocommerce_extension', [ $this, 'install_woocommerce_extension' ] ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_activate_woocommerce_extension', [ $this, 'activate_woocommerce_extension' ] ); } /** * Redirect the default page to our tab. */ public function redirect() { global $pagenow; $page = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'page', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ); $tab = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'tab', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ); $section = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'section', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ); $helper_connect = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'wc-helper-connect', FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ); if ( 'admin.php' === $pagenow && 'wc-addons' === $page && ! $helper_connect && ! $section && ! $tab ) { wp_safe_redirect( add_query_arg( [ 'page' => 'wc-addons', 'tab' => self::SLUG ], admin_url( 'admin.php' ) ) ); exit; } } /** * Get the featured WooCommerce extension data * * @return array Featured WooCommerce extensions data */ private function get_featured_woo_extensions() { $featured_extensions_cache = get_transient( 'wpaas_woocommerce_featured_extensions' ); if ( false !== $featured_extensions_cache ) { return $featured_extensions_cache; } // Filter out extensions not in the featured extensions list. $featured_extensions = array_filter( $this->api->get_woocommerce_products( 'extensions' ), function( $extension ) { return in_array( $extension['slug'], self::FEATURED_EXTENSIONS, true ); } ); set_transient( 'wpaas_woocommerce_featured_extensions', $featured_extensions, 8 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); return $featured_extensions; } /** * Register the custom WooCommerce extensions management page * * @action admin_menu * * @return null */ public function woo_extensions_menu_page() { $count_html = WC_Helper_Updater::get_updates_count_html(); add_submenu_page( 'woocommerce', __( 'WooCommerce extensions', 'woocommerce' ), sprintf( /* translators: %s: extensions count */ __( 'Extensions %s', 'woocommerce' ), $count_html ), 'manage_woocommerce', 'wc-addons', [ $this, 'extension_management' ] ); } /** * Markup for the WooCommerce extension management page * * @return mixed Markup for the extensions managemenet page */ public function extension_management() { $tabs = [ [ 'slug' => self::SLUG, 'label' => __( 'Available Extensions', 'gd-system-plugin' ), ], [ 'slug' => 'browse_extensions', 'label' => __( 'Browse Extensions', 'woocommerce' ), ], [ 'slug' => 'subscriptions', 'label' => sprintf( /* translators: %s: WooCommerce.com Subscriptions tab count HTML. */ __( 'WooCommerce.com Subscriptions %s', 'woocommerce' ), WC_Helper_Updater::get_updates_count_html() ), ], ]; $current_tab = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'tab', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ); $current_tab = ! $current_tab ? $tabs[0]['slug'] : $current_tab; // Fix Browse Extensions tab search and extension categories if ( ! is_null( filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'section', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ) ) ) { $current_tab = 'browse_extensions'; } ?>


%2$s %3$s

', sprintf( /* translators: Integer. WooCommerce extension count. */ esc_html__( 'Available Extensions (%s)', 'gd-system-plugin' ), absint( count( $this->woo_extensions ) ) ), esc_html__( 'Below is a list of premium extensions included as part of your Managed WordPress Ecommerce plan.', 'gd-system-plugin' ), Plugin::is_reseller() ? '' : sprintf( '%s ', esc_html__( 'Learn more', 'gd-system-plugin' ) ) ); } if ( is_callable( [ $this, "do_section_{$current_tab}" ] ) ) { call_user_func( [ $this, "do_section_{$current_tab}" ] ); } ?>
render_featured_woocommerce_extensions(); $this->render_woocommerce_extensions(); } /** * Render the featured extensions section * * @return Mixed Markup for the featured extensions. */ private function render_featured_woocommerce_extensions() { if ( empty( $this->featured_extensions ) ) { return; } ?>

featured_extensions as $extension ) : ?>

render_extension_actions( $extension['name'], $extension['slug'], $extension['version'], $extension['download_link'] ); ?>

woo_extensions as $extension ) : ?>

render_extension_actions( $extension['name'], $extension['slug'], $extension['version'], $extension['download_link'] ); ?>
%5$s', esc_url( $download_link ), esc_attr( $extension_slug ), esc_attr( $extension_name ), wp_create_nonce( 'updates' ), esc_html__( 'Install Now', 'gd-system-plugin' ) ); return; } if ( $is_installed && ! $is_active ) { printf( '%2$s', esc_attr( $extension_slug ), esc_html__( 'Activate' ) ); return; } if ( $is_installed && $is_active ) { $plugin_info = get_plugin_data( $plugin_path ); $installed_version = empty( $plugin_info ) ? null : $plugin_info['Version']; if ( version_compare( $installed_version, $extension_version, '<' ) ) { printf( '
%1$s  |  %2$s
', esc_html__( 'Update Available', 'gd-system-plugin' ), sprintf( '%2$s', esc_url( admin_url( 'update-core.php' ) ), esc_html__( 'View Updates', 'gd-system-plugin' ) ) ); return; } } echo wp_kses_post( $this->active_plugin_actions() ); } /** * Render the browse extensions section. * * @return mixed Browse extensions markup. */ public function do_section_browse_extensions() { WC_Admin_Addons::output(); } /** * Render the subscriptions section. * * @return mixed Subscriptions markup. */ public function do_section_subscriptions() { WC_Helper::render_helper_output(); } /** * Enqueue the WooCommerce extensions scripts. * * @action admin_enqueue_scripts * * @return null */ public function enqueue_scripts() { $page = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'page', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ); if ( ! $page || 'wc-addons' !== $page ) { return; } $rtl = is_rtl() ? '-rtl' : ''; $suffix = SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min'; wp_enqueue_style( 'woo-extensions-management', Plugin::assets_url( "css/woo-extensions-management{$rtl}{$suffix}.css" ), [], Plugin::version() ); wp_enqueue_style( 'woocommerce-helper', WC()->plugin_url() . '/assets/css/helper.css', [], WC_VERSION ); wp_enqueue_script( 'wpaas-woocommerce-extensions', Plugin::assets_url( "js/wpaas-woocommerce-extension{$suffix}.js" ), [ 'jquery' ], Plugin::version(), true ); wp_localize_script( 'wpaas-woocommerce-extensions', 'wpaasWooCommerceExtensions', [ 'installingMarkup' => sprintf( /* translators: %s is the dashicons-update HTML markup */ __( '%s Installing', 'gd-system-plugin' ), '' ), 'activatingText' => __( 'Activating...', 'gd-system-plugin' ), ] ); } /** * Install WooCommerce extension. * * @action wp_ajax_install_woocommerce_extension * * @return bool JSON Error response on error, else JSON success response. */ public function install_woocommerce_extension() { $extension_slug = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'extensionSlug', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ); $extension_name = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'extensionName', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ); $download_link = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'downloadLink', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ); if ( ! $download_link || ! $extension_name || ! $extension_slug ) { wp_send_json_error( [ 'errorMessage' => __( 'Missing WooCommerce extension data.', 'gd-system-plugin' ) ] ); } $download = $this->download_extension( $download_link, $extension_slug ); if ( is_wp_error( $download ) ) { wp_send_json_error( [ 'slug' => $extension_slug, 'errorMessage' => $download->get_error_message(), ] ); } wp_send_json_success( [ 'slug' => $extension_slug, 'actionLinks' => sprintf( '%2$s', esc_attr( $extension_slug ), esc_html__( 'Activate' ) ), ] ); } /** * Download an extension. * * @param string $download_link URL where the extension can be downloaded from. * @param string $extension_slug Slug of the extension being installed. * * @return bool|WP_Error True when the extension is installed, else WP_Error. */ private function download_extension( $download_link, $extension_slug ) { $download = download_url( $download_link ); if ( is_wp_error( $download ) ) { return $download; } WP_Filesystem(); unzip_file( $download, WP_PLUGIN_DIR ); @unlink( $download ); $plugin_basename = Plugin::get_woo_extension_basename( $extension_slug ); return is_readable( trailingslashit( WP_PLUGIN_DIR ) . $plugin_basename ); } /** * Activate a plugin. * * @action wp_ajax_activate_woocommerce_extension * * @return bool JSON Error response on failed activation, else JSON success response. */ public function activate_woocommerce_extension() { $extension_slug = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'extensionSlug', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ); if ( ! $extension_slug ) { wp_send_json_error( [ 'errorMessage' => __( 'Missing the WooCommerce extension slug.', 'gd-system-plugin' ) ] ); } $plugin_basename = Plugin::get_woo_extension_basename( $extension_slug ); $plugin_header = get_plugin_data( trailingslashit( WP_PLUGIN_DIR ) . $plugin_basename ); $cache_plugins = wp_cache_get( 'plugins', 'plugins' ); if ( ! empty( $cache_plugins ) && ! empty( $plugin_header ) ) { $cache_plugins[''][ $plugin_basename ] = $plugin_header; wp_cache_set( 'plugins', $cache_plugins, 'plugins' ); } $activated = activate_plugin( $plugin_basename ); if ( is_wp_error( $activated ) ) { return wp_send_json_error( [ 'errorMessage' => sprintf( __( 'An error occurred during plugin activation: %s', 'gd-system-plugin' ), $activated->get_error_message() ) ] ); } return wp_send_json_success( [ 'activeMarkup' => $this->active_plugin_actions() ] ); } /** * The active plugin action links * * @return mixed Markup for the active plugin action links. */ private function active_plugin_actions() { return sprintf( '
%1$s  |  %3$s
', wp_kses_post( sprintf( /* translators: %s is the checkmark HTML markup. */ __( '%s Active' ), '' ) ), esc_url( admin_url( 'plugins.php' ) ), esc_html__( 'Manage', 'gd-system-plugin' ) ); } }