criticalcss = autoptimize()->criticalcss(); $this->run(); } public function run() { $css_defer = $this->criticalcss->get_option( 'css_defer' ); $deferjquery = $this->criticalcss->get_option( 'deferjquery' ); $unloadccss = $this->criticalcss->get_option( 'unloadccss' ); if ( ! $css_defer ) { return; } // add all filters to do CCSS // Set AO behavior: disable minification to avoid double minifying and caching. add_filter( 'autoptimize_filter_css_critcss_minify', '__return_false' ); add_filter( 'autoptimize_filter_css_defer_inline', array( $this, 'ao_ccss_frontend' ), 10, 1 ); // Add the action to enqueue jobs for CriticalCSS cron. if ( $this->criticalcss->is_api_active() ) { add_action( 'autoptimize_action_css_hash', array( $this->criticalcss, 'enqueue' ), 10, 1 ); } // conditionally add the filter to defer jquery and others but only if not done so in autoptimizeScripts. $_native_defer = false; if ( 'on' === autoptimizeOptionWrapper::get_option( 'autoptimize_js_defer_not_aggregate' ) && 'on' === autoptimizeOptionWrapper::get_option( 'autoptimize_js_defer_inline' ) ) { $_native_defer = true; } if ( $deferjquery && ! $_native_defer ) { add_filter( 'autoptimize_html_after_minify', array( $this, 'ao_ccss_defer_jquery' ), 11, 1 ); } // conditionally add filter to unload the CCSS. if ( $unloadccss ) { add_filter( 'autoptimize_html_after_minify', array( $this, 'ao_ccss_unloadccss' ), 12, 1 ); } // Order paths by length, as longest ones have greater priority in the rules. $rules = $this->criticalcss->get_option( 'rules' ); if ( ! empty( $rules['paths'] ) ) { $keys = array_map( 'strlen', array_keys( $rules['paths'] ) ); array_multisort( $keys, SORT_DESC, $rules['paths'] ); // TODO: Not sure what we're doing here. Sorted the $keys, // but they don't seem to be used anywhere. } // Add an array with default WordPress's conditional tags // NOTE: these tags are sorted. $this->_types = $this->get_ao_ccss_core_types(); // Extend conditional tags on plugin initalization. add_action( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_ccss_extend_types_hook', 'init' ), array( $this, 'ao_ccss_extend_types' ) ); // When autoptimize cache is cleared, also clear transient cache for page templates. add_action( 'autoptimize_action_cachepurged', array( $this, 'ao_ccss_clear_page_tpl_cache' ), 10, 0 ); } public function ao_ccss_frontend( $inlined ) { // Apply CriticalCSS to frontend pages // Attach types and settings arrays. $rules = $this->criticalcss->get_option( 'rules' ); $additional = $this->criticalcss->get_option( 'additional' ); $loggedin = $this->criticalcss->get_option( 'loggedin' ); $debug = $this->criticalcss->get_option( 'debug' ); $no_ccss = ''; $additional = autoptimizeStyles::sanitize_css( $additional ); // Only if keystatus is OK and option to add CCSS for logged on users is on or user is not logged in. if ( $loggedin || ! is_user_logged_in() ) { // Check for a valid CriticalCSS based on path to return its contents. $req_path = strtok( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?' ); if ( ! empty( $rules['paths'] ) ) { foreach ( $rules['paths'] as $path => $rule ) { // explicit match OR partial match if MANUAL rule. if ( ( $this->criticalcss->is_api_active() || $this->criticalcss->is_rule_manual( $rule ) ) && ( $req_path == $path || urldecode( $req_path ) == $path || ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_ccss_core_path_partial_match', true ) && false == $rule['hash'] && false != $rule['file'] && strpos( $req_path, str_replace( site_url(), '', $path ) ) !== false ) ) ) { if ( file_exists( AO_CCSS_DIR . $rule['file'] ) ) { $_ccss_contents = file_get_contents( AO_CCSS_DIR . $rule['file'] ); if ( 'none' != $_ccss_contents ) { if ( $debug ) { $_ccss_contents = '/* PATH: ' . $path . ' hash: ' . $rule['hash'] . ' file: ' . $rule['file'] . ' */ ' . $_ccss_contents; } return apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_ccss_core_ccss', $_ccss_contents . $additional ); } else { if ( $debug ) { $this->criticalcss->log( 'Path based rule with value "none" found.', 3 ); } $no_ccss = 'none'; } } } } } // Check for a valid CriticalCSS based on conditional tags to return its contents. if ( ! empty( $rules['types'] ) && 'none' !== $no_ccss ) { // order types-rules by the order of the original $ao_ccss_types array so as not to depend on the order in which rules were added. $rules['types'] = array_replace( array_intersect_key( array_flip( $this->_types ), $rules['types'] ), $rules['types'] ); $is_front_page = is_front_page(); foreach ( $rules['types'] as $type => $rule ) { if ( ( $this->criticalcss->is_api_active() || $this->criticalcss->is_rule_manual( $rule ) ) && in_array( $type, $this->_types ) && file_exists( AO_CCSS_DIR . $rule['file'] ) ) { $_ccss_contents = file_get_contents( AO_CCSS_DIR . $rule['file'] ); if ( $is_front_page && 'is_front_page' == $type ) { if ( 'none' != $_ccss_contents ) { if ( $debug ) { $_ccss_contents = '/* TYPES: ' . $type . ' hash: ' . $rule['hash'] . ' file: ' . $rule['file'] . ' */ ' . $_ccss_contents; } return apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_ccss_core_ccss', $_ccss_contents . $additional ); } else { if ( $debug ) { $this->criticalcss->log( 'Conditional rule for is_front_page with value "none" found.', 3 ); } $no_ccss = 'none'; } } elseif ( ( $this->criticalcss->is_api_active() || $this->criticalcss->is_rule_manual( $rule ) ) && strpos( $type, 'custom_post_' ) === 0 && ! $is_front_page ) { if ( get_post_type( get_the_ID() ) === substr( $type, 12 ) ) { if ( 'none' != $_ccss_contents ) { if ( $debug ) { $_ccss_contents = '/* TYPES: ' . $type . ' hash: ' . $rule['hash'] . ' file: ' . $rule['file'] . ' */ ' . $_ccss_contents; } return apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_ccss_core_ccss', $_ccss_contents . $additional ); } else { if ( $debug ) { $this->criticalcss->log( 'Conditional rule custom_post with value "none" found.', 3 ); } $no_ccss = 'none'; } } } elseif ( ( $this->criticalcss->is_api_active() || $this->criticalcss->is_rule_manual( $rule ) ) && 0 === strpos( $type, 'template_' ) && ! $is_front_page ) { if ( is_page_template( substr( $type, 9 ) ) ) { if ( 'none' != $_ccss_contents ) { if ( $debug ) { $_ccss_contents = '/* TYPES: ' . $type . ' hash: ' . $rule['hash'] . ' file: ' . $rule['file'] . ' */ ' . $_ccss_contents; } return apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_ccss_core_ccss', $_ccss_contents . $additional ); } else { if ( $debug ) { $this->criticalcss->log( 'Conditional rule for template with value "none" found.', 3 ); } $no_ccss = 'none'; } } } elseif ( ( $this->criticalcss->is_api_active() || $this->criticalcss->is_rule_manual( $rule ) ) && ! $is_front_page ) { // all "normal" conditional tags, core + woo + buddypress + edd + bbpress // but we have to remove the prefix for the non-core ones for them to function. $type = str_replace( array( 'woo_', 'bp_', 'bbp_', 'edd_' ), '', $type ); if ( function_exists( $type ) && call_user_func( $type ) ) { if ( 'none' != $_ccss_contents ) { if ( $debug ) { $_ccss_contents = '/* TYPES: ' . $type . ' hash: ' . $rule['hash'] . ' file: ' . $rule['file'] . ' */ ' . $_ccss_contents; } return apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_ccss_core_ccss', $_ccss_contents . $additional ); } else { if ( $debug ) { $this->criticalcss->log( 'Conditional rule for ' . $type . ' with value "none" found.', 3 ); } $no_ccss = 'none'; } } } } } } } // Finally, inline the default CriticalCSS if any or else the entire CSS for the page // This also applies to logged in users if the option to add CCSS for logged in users has been disabled. if ( ! empty( $inlined ) && 'none' !== $no_ccss ) { if ( $debug ) { $this->criticalcss->log( 'Using default "above the fold" CSS.', 3 ); } return apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_ccss_core_ccss', $inlined . $additional ); } else { if ( $debug ) { $this->criticalcss->log( 'No matching CCSS found, switching to inlining full CSS.', 3 ); } add_filter( 'autoptimize_filter_css_inline', '__return_true' ); return; } } public function ao_ccss_defer_jquery( $in ) { $loggedin = $this->criticalcss->get_option( 'loggedin' ); // defer all linked and inline JS. if ( ( ! is_user_logged_in() || $loggedin ) && preg_match_all( '#(.*)#Usmi', $in, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER ) ) { foreach ( $matches as $match ) { if ( str_replace( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_ccss_core_defer_exclude', array( 'data-noptimize="1"', 'data-cfasync="false"', 'data-pagespeed-no-defer' ) ), '', $match[0] ) !== $match[0] ) { // do not touch JS with noptimize/ cfasync/ pagespeed-no-defer flags. continue; } elseif ( '' !== $match[1] && ( ! preg_match( '//', $match[0] ) || preg_match( '/type\s*=\s*[\'"]?(?:text|application)\/(?:javascript|ecmascript)[\'"]?/i', $match[0] ) ) ) { // base64-encode and defer all inline JS. $base64_js = ''; $in = str_replace( $match[0], $base64_js, $in ); } elseif ( str_replace( array( ' defer', ' async' ), '', $match[0] ) === $match[0] ) { // and defer linked JS unless already deferred or asynced. $new_match = str_replace( '' ); if ( false !== strpos( $html_in, $_unloadccss_js . '' ) ) { return $html_in; } return str_replace( '', $_unloadccss_js . '', $html_in ); } /** * Get the types array. * * @return array|null */ public function get_types() { return $this->_types; } public function ao_ccss_extend_types() { // Extend contidional tags // Attach the conditional tags array. // in some cases $ao_ccss_types is empty and/or not an array, this should work around that problem. if ( empty( $this->_types ) || ! is_array( $this->_types ) ) { $this->_types = $this->get_ao_ccss_core_types(); $this->ao_ccss_log( 'Empty types array in extend, refetching array with core conditionals.', 3 ); } // Custom Post Types. $cpts = get_post_types( array( 'public' => true, '_builtin' => false, ), 'names', 'and' ); foreach ( $cpts as $cpt ) { array_unshift( $this->_types, 'custom_post_' . $cpt ); } // Templates. // Transient cache to avoid frequent disk reads. $templates = get_transient( 'autoptimize_ccss_page_templates' ); if ( ! $templates ) { $templates = wp_get_theme()->get_page_templates(); set_transient( 'autoptimize_ccss_page_templates', $templates, HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); } foreach ( $templates as $tplfile => $tplname ) { array_unshift( $this->_types, 'template_' . $tplfile ); } // bbPress tags. if ( function_exists( 'is_bbpress' ) ) { $this->_types = array_merge( array( 'bbp_is_bbpress', 'bbp_is_favorites', 'bbp_is_forum_archive', 'bbp_is_replies_created', 'bbp_is_reply_edit', 'bbp_is_reply_move', 'bbp_is_search', 'bbp_is_search_results', 'bbp_is_single_forum', 'bbp_is_single_reply', 'bbp_is_single_topic', 'bbp_is_single_user', 'bbp_is_single_user_edit', 'bbp_is_single_view', 'bbp_is_subscriptions', 'bbp_is_topic_archive', 'bbp_is_topic_edit', 'bbp_is_topic_merge', 'bbp_is_topic_split', 'bbp_is_topic_tag', 'bbp_is_topic_tag_edit', 'bbp_is_topics_created', 'bbp_is_user_home', 'bbp_is_user_home_edit', ), $this->_types ); } // BuddyPress tags. if ( function_exists( 'is_buddypress' ) ) { $this->_types = array_merge( array( 'bp_is_activation_page', 'bp_is_activity', 'bp_is_blogs', 'bp_is_buddypress', 'bp_is_change_avatar', 'bp_is_create_blog', 'bp_is_friend_requests', 'bp_is_friends', 'bp_is_friends_activity', 'bp_is_friends_screen', 'bp_is_group_admin_page', 'bp_is_group_create', 'bp_is_group_forum', 'bp_is_group_forum_topic', 'bp_is_group_home', 'bp_is_group_invites', 'bp_is_group_leave', 'bp_is_group_members', 'bp_is_group_single', 'bp_is_groups', 'bp_is_messages', 'bp_is_messages_compose_screen', 'bp_is_messages_conversation', 'bp_is_messages_inbox', 'bp_is_messages_sentbox', 'bp_is_my_activity', 'bp_is_my_blogs', 'bp_is_notices', 'bp_is_profile_edit', 'bp_is_register_page', 'bp_is_settings_component', 'bp_is_user', 'bp_is_user_profile', 'bp_is_wire', ), $this->_types ); } // Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) tags. if ( function_exists( 'edd_is_checkout' ) ) { $this->_types = array_merge( array( 'edd_is_checkout', 'edd_is_failed_transaction_page', 'edd_is_purchase_history_page', 'edd_is_success_page', ), $this->_types ); } // WooCommerce tags. if ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) ) { $this->_types = array_merge( array( 'woo_is_account_page', 'woo_is_cart', 'woo_is_checkout', 'woo_is_product', 'woo_is_product_category', 'woo_is_product_tag', 'woo_is_shop', 'woo_is_wc_endpoint_url', 'woo_is_woocommerce', ), $this->_types ); } } public function get_ao_ccss_core_types() { return array( 'is_404', 'is_front_page', 'is_home', 'is_page', 'is_single', 'is_category', 'is_author', 'is_archive', 'is_search', 'is_attachment', 'is_sticky', 'is_paged', ); } public function ao_ccss_key_status( $render ) { // Provide key status // Get key and key status. $key = $this->criticalcss->get_option( 'key' ); $key_status = $this->criticalcss->get_option( 'keyst' ); // Prepare returned variables. $key_return = array(); $status = false; if ( $key && 2 == $key_status ) { // Key exists and its status is valid. // Set valid key status. $status = 'valid'; $status_msg = esc_html__( 'Valid' ); $color = '#46b450'; // Green. $message = null; } elseif ( $key && 1 == $key_status ) { // Key exists but its validation has failed. // Set invalid key status. $status = 'invalid'; $status_msg = esc_html__( 'Invalid' ); $color = '#dc3232'; // Red. // Translators: link to page. $message = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Your API key is invalid. Please enter a valid %1$$s key.', 'autoptimize' ), '', '' ); } elseif ( $key && ! $key_status ) { // Key exists but it has no valid status yet // Perform key validation. $key_check = $this->ao_ccss_key_validation( $key ); // Key is valid, set valid status. if ( $key_check ) { $status = 'valid'; $status_msg = esc_html__( 'Valid' ); $color = '#46b450'; // Green. $message = null; } else { // Key is invalid, set invalid status. $status = 'invalid'; $status_msg = esc_html__( 'Invalid' ); $color = '#dc3232'; // Red. if ( get_option( 'autoptimize_ccss_keyst' ) == 1 ) { // Translators: link to page. $message = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Your API key is invalid. Please enter a valid %1$$s key.', 'autoptimize' ), '', '' ); } else { $message = esc_html__( 'Something went wrong when checking your API key, make sure you server can communicate with and/ or try again later.', 'autoptimize' ); } } } else { // No key nor status // Set no key status. $status = 'nokey'; $status_msg = esc_html__( 'None' ); $color = '#ffb900'; // Yellow. // Translators: link to page. $message = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Please enter a valid %1$$s API key to start.', 'autoptimize' ), '', '' ); } // Fill returned values. $key_return['status'] = $status; // Provide rendering information if required. if ( $render ) { $key_return['stmsg'] = $status_msg; $key_return['color'] = $color; $key_return['msg'] = $message; } // Return key status. return $key_return; } public function ao_ccss_key_validation( $key ) { $noptimize = $this->criticalcss->get_option( 'noptimize' ); // POST a dummy job to to check for key validation // Prepare home URL for the request. $src_url = get_home_url(); // Avoid AO optimizations if required by config or avoid lazyload if lazyload is active in AO. if ( ! empty( $noptimize ) ) { $src_url .= '/?ao_noptirocket=1'; } elseif ( class_exists( 'autoptimizeImages', false ) && autoptimizeImages::should_lazyload_wrapper() ) { $src_url .= '/?ao_nolazy=1'; } $src_url = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_ccss_cron_srcurl', $src_url ); if ( true !== autoptimizeUtils::is_local_server( parse_url( $src_url, PHP_URL_HOST ) ) ) { // Prepare the request. $url = esc_url_raw( AO_CCSS_API . 'generate' ); $args = array( 'headers' => apply_filters( 'autoptimize_ccss_cron_api_generate_headers', array( 'User-Agent' => 'Autoptimize v' . AO_CCSS_VER, 'Content-type' => 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 'Authorization' => 'JWT ' . $key, 'Connection' => 'close', ) ), // Body must be JSON. 'body' => json_encode( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_ccss_cron_api_generate_body', array( 'url' => $src_url, 'aff' => 1, 'aocssv' => AO_CCSS_VER, ) ), JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES ), ); // Dispatch the request and store its response code. $req = wp_safe_remote_post( $url, $args ); $code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $req ); $body = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $req ), true ); if ( 200 == $code ) { // Response is OK. // Set key status as valid and log key check. update_option( 'autoptimize_ccss_keyst', 2 ); $this->ao_ccss_log( ' API key is valid, updating key status', 3 ); // extract job-id from $body and put it in the queue as a P job // but only if no jobs and no rules! $queue = $this->criticalcss->get_option( 'queue' ); $rules = $this->criticalcss->get_option( 'rules' ); if ( 0 == count( $queue ) && 0 == count( $rules['types'] ) && 0 == count( $rules['paths'] ) ) { if ( 'JOB_QUEUED' == $body['job']['status'] || 'JOB_ONGOING' == $body['job']['status'] ) { $jprops['ljid'] = 'firstrun'; $jprops['rtarget'] = 'types|is_front_page'; $jprops['ptype'] = 'is_front_page'; $jprops['hashes'][] = 'dummyhash'; $jprops['hash'] = 'dummyhash'; $jprops['file'] = null; $jprops['jid'] = $body['job']['id']; $jprops['jqstat'] = $body['job']['status']; $jprops['jrstat'] = null; $jprops['jvstat'] = null; $jprops['jctime'] = microtime( true ); $jprops['jftime'] = null; $queue['/'] = $jprops; $queue_raw = json_encode( $queue ); update_option( 'autoptimize_ccss_queue', $queue_raw, false ); $this->ao_ccss_log( 'Created P job for is_front_page based on API key check response.', 3 ); } } return true; } elseif ( 401 == $code ) { // Response is unauthorized // Set key status as invalid and log key check. update_option( 'autoptimize_ccss_keyst', 1 ); $this->ao_ccss_log( ' API key is invalid, updating key status', 3 ); return false; } else { // Response unkown // Log key check attempt. $this->ao_ccss_log( ' could not check API key status, this is a service error, body follows if any...', 2 ); if ( ! empty( $body ) ) { $this->ao_ccss_log( print_r( $body, true ), 2 ); } if ( is_wp_error( $req ) ) { $this->ao_ccss_log( $req->get_error_message(), 2 ); } return false; } } else { // localhost/ private network server, no API check possible. return false; } } public function ao_ccss_viewport() { // Get viewport size // Attach viewport option. $viewport = $this->criticalcss->get_option( 'viewport' ); return array( 'w' => ! empty( $viewport['w'] ) ? $viewport['w'] : '', 'h' => ! empty( $viewport['h'] ) ? $viewport['h'] : '', ); } public function ao_ccss_check_contents( $ccss ) { // Perform basic exploit avoidance and CSS validation. if ( ! empty( $ccss ) ) { // Try to avoid code injection. $blocklist = array( '#!/', 'function(', 'ao_ccss_log( 'Critical CSS received did not seem to contain real CSS.', 2 ); return false; } } } // Return true if file critical CSS is sane. return true; } public function ao_ccss_log( $msg, $lvl ) { // Commom logging facility // Attach debug option. $debug = $this->criticalcss->get_option( 'debug' ); // Prepare log levels, where accepted $lvl are: // 1: II (for info) // 2: EE (for error) // 3: DD (for debug) // Default: UU (for unkown). $level = false; if ( $debug ) { switch ( $lvl ) { case 1: $level = 'II'; break; case 2: $level = 'EE'; break; case 3: $level = 'DD'; break; default: $level = 'UU'; } } // Prepare and write a log message if there's a valid level. if ( $level ) { // Prepare message. $message = date( 'c' ) . ' - [' . $level . '] ' . htmlentities( $msg ) . '
'; // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine // Write message to log file. error_log( $message, 3, AO_CCSS_LOG ); } } public function ao_ccss_clear_page_tpl_cache() { // Clears transient cache for page templates. delete_transient( 'autoptimize_ccss_page_templates' ); } }